
Youth passed, and it was pleasurable and fine

مر الشباب وهو عذب وحال

1. Youth passed, and it was pleasurable and fine
After it, pleasure is impossible to find

١. مَرَّ الشّبابُ وَهوَ عَذبٌ وَحال
فَبَعدهُ اللّذّةُ أَمرٌ مُحال

2. And gray hair calls a man to journey on
Gray hair descended upon my head and said

٢. وَالشّيبُ يَدعو المرءَ لِلاِرتِحال
قَد نَزَلَ الشّيبُ بِرَأسي وَقالْ

3. Rise, prepare provisions and saddle the stead
For when gray hair descends upon a man

٣. قُم هَيِّئِ الزّاد وَشدَّ الرِّحال
وَالشّيبُ في المَرءِ إِذا ما نَزَل

4. It's a sign indicating the nearing end
And a warner to one whose time's at hand

٤. عَلامَةٌ دَلَّت لِقُربِ الأَجل
وَهَو نَذيرٌ لِاِمرئٍ فيهِ حَل

5. Gray hair's a sun now set and sunk from sight
After sunrise comes naught but decline and night

٥. وَالشّيبُ شَمسٌ قَد تَبَدَّت وَهَل
بَعدَ طُلوعِ الشّمسِ إِلّا الزّوال