
Greetings sent from a lover melted with passion

سلام من مشوق ذاب وجدا

1. Greetings sent from a lover melted with passion
Imitating the essence of glorification like a necklace

١. سلامٌ من مَشوقٍ ذاب وَجداً
يقلِّد جوهرَ التعظيم عِقدا

2. Surpassing the sun in beauty and splendor
And rising above its full moon in light and flame

٢. يَفوقُ الشّمسَ في حسنٍ وضوءٍ
ويعلو بدرَها نوراً ووَقْدا

3. Speaking of musk in its scent, excelling
In the garden of bliss like a flower and rose

٣. وَيَحكي المِسكَ في نَفحٍ ويُزهى
عَلى رَوضِ الرّبى زَهراً وَوَردا

4. Repeated by the lover at every moment
Making it for himself a party and litany

٤. يُكَرِّرُه المحبُّ بكلِّ وَقتٍ
وَيَجعلُه له حِزباً ووِرْدا

5. And yearnings a longing lover withstands
His love kept him restless and sleepless

٥. وَأَشواقٌ يُكابدُها مَشوقٌ
حَبَتهُ عَنِ الكرى قلقاً وسُهدا

6. They weakened his shoulders and tired them
So he stoops his back, firm and erect

٦. وَقَد أَوهَت وَأَعيَت مَنكِبَيهِ
فَأَضحى يَنحَني ظَهراً وَقدّا

7. And settled in his heart so it became her brother
Her life in him extends and increases

٧. وَحَلَّت قَلبَهُ فَغَدا أَخاها
تَطولُ حَياتُها فيهِ وَتَزدا

8. And a long life has made him inherit
The garb of his leanness, obligatory and habitual

٨. وَقَد طالَت حَياةٌ أَورَثَتهُ
رِداءَ نُحولِهِ فَرضاً وِردا

9. And a couplet shot with excellent praise
With which he diversifies his thanks and praise

٩. وَأثنِيَةٍ سَمَت بِبَديعِ مَدحٍ
يُنوِّعُه بِها شُكراً وَحَمدا

10. And prayers recited behind the unseen
Hoping their sincerity will not be rejected

١٠. وَأَدعِيَةٍ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ تُتْلى
رَجا إِخلاصُها أَن لا تُرَدّا

11. To the One with glory and highest high, Ali
And the one who attained the highest glory and renown

١١. إِلى ذي الجاهِ وَالعليا عليٍّ
وَمَن أَولى العُلى عِزّاً وَمَجدا

12. The suckling of glory in the cradle of sublime traits
The brother of noble honor, a father and grandfather

١٢. رَضيع المَجدِ في مَهدِ المَعالي
أَخي الشَّرفِ الكريمِ أباً وجدّا

13. The brother of generosity and kindness overflowing
The father of good deeds and valor answering readily

١٣. أَخي الإِكرامِ وَالإِحسانِ فَضلاً
أَبي المَعروفِ وَالإِقدامِ فَردا

14. With cheeks that redden in valor with white swords
So how many a hero did he strike down and fell

١٤. خَدين الفَتكِ بِالبيضِ المَواضي
فَكَم قَدْ قدَّ مِن بَطَلٍ وَأَردى

15. And how many honorable men were ennobled by his virtues
As he endowed them with good and gave generously

١٥. وَكَم والَت مَكارِمُه كِراماً
وَأَولاهُم بِمَعروفٍ وَأَسدى

16. And his arrow rendered the daring lions blind
And his spear dug into the earth like lions

١٦. وَأَصمى سَهمُه قرْماً جَسوراً
وَجَندَلَ رمحُه في الأَرضِ أُسْدا

17. He stepped forward to people with a vast chest
Thus is the one with a vast chest when he steps forward

١٧. تَصدَّرَ لِلوَرى بِرَحيبِ صَدرٍ
كَذا الصّدرُ الرّحيبُ إِذا تَصدّى

18. With his shade a loving soul lived close
And because of him his enemy died blocking

١٨. فَعاشَ بِظلِّهِ قرباً محبٌّ
وَمِنهُ عَدوُّه قَد ماتَ صَدّا

19. Furthermore, my thoughts and noble mind
Were asked intentionally about their purpose

١٩. وَبَعدُ فَعن خطوري في ضَميرٍ
وَخاطِره الشّريف سُئلتُ قَصدا

20. And I profess to present an apology
For falling short, since shortcoming appeared from me

٢٠. وَأعربُ أَنّني أُبدي اِعتِذاراً
عَنِ التّقصيرِ إِذ منّي تَبدَّى

21. And I hope for forgiveness for it and my inadequacy
And I rejoice that I will not be rejected

٢١. وَأَرجو العَفوَ عَنهُ وَعَن قُصوري
وَأَسعِدْ بِالرّجا أَن لا يصدّا

22. Indeed, forgiveness is the way of the sublime
And without forgiveness, no one would transcend

٢٢. وَإِنّ العَفو مِن شَأنِ المَعالي
وَلَولا العَفوُ ما أَحَدٌ تَعدّى

23. And I hope from his sublime traits my arrival
With a letter that continually comes to me

٢٣. وَأَرجو مِن مَكارِمِهِ وِصالي
بِتَحريرٍ يُديمُ إِليَّ وَفدا

24. At which my eyes rejoice when it comes
And it revives my heart, then my liver

٢٤. تقَرُّ بِهِ عُيوني حينَ يَأتي
وَيُنعِشُني فُؤاداً ثمّ كبدا

25. And whatever purpose he shows, I will exert
With God's help every effort for it

٢٥. وَمَهما يُبدِ مِن غَرضٍ فَإِنّي
بِعَونِ اللَّه أَبذل فيهِ جَهدا

26. And I hope he will be granted a long
Life with good fortune, extended and lasting

٢٦. وَأَرجو أَنَّه يُحبى بعُمْرٍ
طَويلٍ بِالسّعودِ يُمَدُّ مدّا

27. And success, aid, support and might
A fortune supreme, original and renewed

٢٧. وَتَوفيقٍ وَإِسعافٍ وَعَونٍ
وَعِزّ يعتلي حظّاً وجدّا

28. And well being lasting ages
Not ceasing for a period or moment

٢٨. وعافيةٍ تدوم دوام دهرٍ
وليست تنتهي أمداً وحدّا

29. And my letter concludes with greetings
Surpassing musk and ambergris in fragrance

٢٩. وَتَحريري السّلامُ لَهُ خِتامٌ
يَفوقُ بِعَرْفِهِ مِسكاً وندّا