1. Crowd with your shoulder the Pleiades and strive,
And run with your foot in the heaven of Alfarqad,
١. زاحِم بِمَنكِبكَ الثّريّا واِجهَدِ
وَاِركُض بِرِجلِكَ في سماءِ الفَرقَدِ
2. Step on the fish, for you have reached the highest,
And attained from it the purpose and goal.
٢. وَطِئِ السّماكَ فَقَد وَصَلت إِلى العُلى
وَظَفِرتَ مِنها بِالمُنى وَالمَقصَدِ
3. Urge the son of Fathallah in the garden of splendor,
The singing of songbirds with the resident and the settler,
٣. وَاِشدُ ابنَ فَتحِ اللَّهِ في رَوضِ البَها
شَدوَ البَلابِلِ بِالمقيمِ المُقعِدِ
4. Drag the tails of delusion, dance its heap,
And so wear the garments of glory and be guided.
٤. وَاِجرُرْ ذُيولَ التّيهِ يَرقُصُ كمُّهُ
وَاِلبَسْ إِذَن حُللَ المَكارِمِ وَاِرشدِ
5. You were crowned with studded glory in the world,
And clothed with precious, singular honor.
٥. تُوِّجتَ بِالمجدِ المُؤثَّلِ في الوَرى
وَكُسيتَ بِالشَّرفِ العَزيزِ المفرَدِ
6. The side of your neck adorned itself while the knot
In every necklace with jewels became knotted.
٦. وَاِزدانَ جيدُكَ غِبَّ أَصبحَ عاطلاً
في كلِّ عقدٍ بِالمَعالِ مُنضَّدِ
7. Of everything the orphaned pearl its beauty
Captivates minds and its path is of 'asajad.
٧. مِن كلِّ ما الدّرُّ اليتيمُ جُمانُهُ
يَسْبي العقولَ وَسِلكُه مِن عَسجَدِ
8. That is the intended, and it is authorization
Elated, containing supported from supporter.
٨. ذاكَ المُرادُ وَإِنّه لَإِجازَةٌ
غَرّاءُ تَحوي مُسنداً عَن مُسنَدِ
9. Like the sky adorned with stars,
Each star in it, the like of me is guided.
٩. مِثلُ السّماءِ تَزيَّنت بِكَواكِبٍ
مِن كلِّ نَجمٍ فيهِ مِثلي يَهتَدي
10. Of every ink in the people, my brother pious,
Of every most devout in sins and ascetic.
١٠. مِن كلِّ حَبرٍ في الأنامِ أَخي تُقىً
مِن كلِّ أَورعَ في الأَثامِ وَأَزهَدِ
11. Of every good in the land righteous,
Of every pole in existence a guide.
١١. مِن كلِّ برٍّ في البريَّةِ صالِحٍ
مِن كلِّ قُطبٍ في الخليقَةِ مرشِدِ
12. Of every diligent imam, knower,
In him the imams and the virtuous are followed.
١٢. مِن كلّ مُجتَهِدٍ إِمامٍ عارِفٍ
فيهِ الأَئِمّةُ وَالأَفاضِلُ تَقتَدي
13. Of every justice, disciplined, trusted, O my brother,
Memorization and steadfast, his superiority uncontested.
١٣. مِن كلِّ عَدلٍ ضابِطٍ ثِقةٍ أَخي
حِفظٍ وَثَبتٍ فَضلُهُ لَم يجحَدِ
14. Good tidings in which I was endowed generously
From accomplished singular imam unique.
١٤. بُشرايَ فيها قَد حُبيتُ تَكرُّماً
مِن مُتقِنٍ فَردٍ إِمامٍ أَوحَدِ
15. From a memorizing, eminent, noble skillful one,
From an expert, pure, insightful critic.
١٥. مِن حافِظٍ فَذٍّ نَبيلٍ بارِعٍ
مِن حاذِقٍ توٍّ بَصيرٍ منقدِ
16. Firm, Bukhari of the time in his era,
Who compiled the authentic and was not an imitator.
١٦. ثَبتٌ بُخاريُّ الزّمانِ بِعصرِهِ
جَمَعَ الصّحيحَ وَلَم يَكُن بِمقلِّدِ
17. And Shafi`i and the one who became a leader for me, Malik,
Whose company in this time is as Ahmad.
١٧. الشّافعيُّ وَمَن غَدا لي مالَكاً
مَنْ خِلتُهُ في ذا الزّمانِ كَأَحمَدِ
18. The master, the Mahdi of the time, Muhammad,
The sun of sciences and knowledge, Muhammad.
١٨. السّيِّد المَهديّ قُطب زَمانِهِ
شَمس المَعارِفِ وَالعلومِ مُحمّدِ
19. The one in whom its flowers bloomed, appearing
Smiling, gentle, his face shining with dew.
١٩. مَنْ فيه أزهَرُهُ تبدّى مزهراً
متبسّماً طَلْقاً محيّاهُ النّدي
20. The sea in all sciences, none is his peer,
And every ink compared to him is a beginner.
٢٠. البحر في كلّ العلومِ ولا نَظي
رَ وكلُّ حَبْرٍ عِندَهُ كالمُبتَدي
21. Who claims the like of him - woe to him!
Was there other than disproved and refuted?
٢١. مَنْ يَدَّعي مَثلاً لَهُ يا وَيلَه
هَل كانَ غَيرَ مُكذَّبٍ وَمُفنَّدِ
22. So the sun is singular in the sky, the like of it
Is possible, but in the world was not found.
٢٢. فَالشّمسُ فَردٌ في السّماءِ فَمثلُها
قَد جازَ لَكِن في الدُّنى لَم يُوجَدِ
23. O you the aspirer, the resolute, the Luza'i,
Who in this era is best of the renewers!
٢٣. يا أَيُّها المَولَى الهُمامُ اللوذَعي
مَنْ كان في ذا العصر خيرَ مجدَّدِ
24. You crowned my neck with a favor you blessed,
Lofty and high above what was my purpose.
٢٤. طوَّقتَ جيدي مِنّةً أنعِمْ بها
تَربو وَتَعلو فَوقَ ما في مَقصِدي
25. You endowed me with the sea of dew in what it contained,
Affirming the authority of the singular imam.
٢٥. آجزتَني بحرَ النّدى فيما حَوى
ثبتَ البَديرِيّ الإِمامِ المُفردِ
26. So I became well-known while I was unknown,
And for me the fingers have surely pointed with the hand.
٢٦. فَغَدوتُ مَعروفاً وكنتُ منكَّراً
وَلِيَ الأصابعُ قَد أَشارَت بِاليدِ
27. O how excellent that authorization is! It
Is the nobility of authorization in this time and in tomorrow.
٢٧. يا حَبَّذا تِلكَ الإِجازةُ إِنّها
شَرَفُ المَجازِ في ذا الزَّمانِ وَفي غَدِ
28. It conferred upon me a favor in lineage
Lofty above lineages like Alfarqad.
٢٨. قَد أَلحَقَتني مِنّة في نِسبَةٍ
تَعلو عَلى الأَنسابِ مِثلَ الفَرقَدِ
29. Exalted above the lineage of fatherhood in the world,
Even if it were the best adorned and affirmed.
٢٩. تَسمو على نَسَبِ الأُبوّةِ في الوَرى
لَو كانَ خَيرَ مُؤثّلٍ وَمؤطّدِ
30. I began as I concluded, my brother, with Muhammad,
And Muhammad is the best of people, the master.
٣٠. بَدأت كَما خَتَمت أَخي بِمُحمَّدٍ
وَمُحمَّدٌ خَيرُ الأنامِ السيِّدِ
31. I began with the Mahdi of the time, Muhammad,
I concluded with the best of prophets, Muhammad.
٣١. بَدَأت بِمَهديّ الزّمانِ محمَّدٍ
خَتَمت بِخَيرِ الأَنبياءِ مُحمَّدِ
32. May Allah send prayers upon him
For the duration of time in continuous eternity,
٣٢. صَلّى عَليهِ وَسلَّم اللَّه الرّحي
مُ مَدى الزَّمانِ عَلى التّوالي السّرمَدِ
33. And on his family, then his followers, and his companions,
And whoever follows them and whoever will follow.
٣٣. وَالآل ثمّ التابعين وَصَحبِهِ
وَمِنِ اِقتَدى بِهمْ ومَنْ قَد يَقتَدي
34. For as long as dawn gleams or a planet appears,
Or the gloom of darkness disperses,
٣٤. ما لاحَ فَجرٌ أَو تَبدّى كَوكَبٌ
أَو ما اِنجلى جُنحُ الظَّلامِ الأَسودِ
35. Or the son of Fathallah is told "vie
With your shoulder the Pleiades and strive!"
٣٥. أَو ما اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّهِ قيلَ لَهُ اِبتَدِر
زاحِمْ بِمَنكِبكَ الثريّا وَاِجهدِ