
O you of beautiful essence, of a praised name,

أيا حسن الذات باسم حميد

1. O you of beautiful essence, of a praised name,
Be congratulated, for in you happiness is made new.

١. أَيا حَسَن الذّات باسم حميد
تَهَنّأ فَفيكَ السّرور تجدّد

2. A fortunate, rightly-guided boy has come to you,
Through him this age is praised and lauded.

٢. أَتاكَ غُلامٌ سَعيدٌ رَشيد
عَلَيكَ بِهِ الدّهر يُثنى وَيحمد

3. The praiseworthy lives a long life,
Of pleasant, carefree and enduring bliss,

٣. يَعيشُ الحَميدُ بِعُمرٍ مَديد
بِعَيشٍ رَغيدٍ وَسَعدٍ مؤبّد

4. With the joy of joys and auspicious times,
And I date the prime of Muhammad's appearance.

٤. بِسَعدِ السّعودِ وَوَقت سَعيد
وَأَرّخت جلَّ ظهور مُحمّد