1. O Lahad, in it is the light of the Most High's pleasure
My Lord the Merciful and my Master the Generous have consented
١. يا لَحدَ شَمسِ العُلى فيها بِنورِ رِضا
رَبّي الرّحيمُ وَمَولاي الكَريم أَضا
2. You became the wealth for the full moon of glory
So it rose when the command of God had stood up
٢. صِرتَ الثريّا لِبدرِ المَجدِ مَنزلةً
فَحَلَّها إِذ لأمرِ اللَّهِ قَد نَهَضا
3. The full moon of ministry, whose inner self was good
With the beauty of his past conduct that has passed and gone
٣. بَدر الوِزارَةِ مَن طابَت سَريرتهُ
مَع حُسنِ سيرَتِهِ فيما اِنقَضى وَمَضى
4. And the judgment is for our Lord and Creator
He decreed that Suleiman of the time has passed away
٤. وَالحُكمُ للَّهِ مَولانا وَخالِقنا
قَضى بِأَنّ سُليمان الزّمان قَضى
5. His Master called him to Paradise to dwell in it
So he was happy with it instead of his house
٥. دَعاهُ مَولاهُ لِلفِردَوسِ يَسكُنُها
فَراحَ يَرضى بها عَن دارِه عِوَضا
6. And since He called him to it out of His bounty
They recorded him in it, it has covered him and pleased him
٦. وَمُذ دَعاهُ لَها فَضلاً بِرَحمَتِهِ
وَأرّخوه بِها قَد عمّه وَرضا
7. Upon him is His good pleasure, it does not cease to incline toward him
And to consent, O Lahad, has always been its aim
٧. عَليهِ رِضوانه لا زالَ منهَمِلاً
وَلَم تَزل لِلرِّضا يا لَحدَه غَرضا