1. She freed a hand though it was stained with henna
And wished to part from her lover in youthful separation
١. لَقَد أَطْلَقَتْ كَفّاً وَقَد خَضَّبَت كَفّا
وَرامَت بِهَجرِ الصّبِّ عَن وَصْلِها كَفّا
2. An orphan of beauty, yet full-grown in it
To the utmost extent of the most perfect and purest maturity
٢. يَتيمَةُ حُسنٍ وَهيَ بالِغةٌ بهِ
إِلى الغايَةِ القُصوى منَ الأَكمَلِ الأصفى
3. Whoever's eye alights on any part of her
Will speak of naught else that he has seen after averting his gaze
٣. فَمَن شامَ مِنها أَيَّ عُضوٍ بِطَرفِهِ
فَما هوَ عَمّا قَد رَأى ينقلُ الطّرفا
4. And the soft radiance of the loveliest wine was her complexion
And the water of life itself, were it tasted, would perish
٤. وَلَمياءُ أَحلى الخمرِ كانَ رضابُها
وَماء حَياةِ النّفسِ لَو ذاقَتِ الحتفا
5. When she smiles, lightning seems to flash
And I wish she would grant me a draught from amidst the lightning
٥. إِذا اِبتَسَمَت فَالبرقُ يَبدو وَلَيتَها
غَدَت مِن خِلالِ البرقِ تَمنَحُني رَشفا
6. She sways with a slender shape, bare of adornment
How many branches has it shamed with its bending
٦. تَميسُ بِقدٍّ خلتُهُ خيزرانةً
وَكَم أَخجَلَ الأَغصانَ مِن هَزِّهِ عِطفا
7. A gazelle of the herd, unmatched in beauty
And it is impossible to encompass that in description
٧. غَزالَةُ سِربٍ لا تُضاهى بِحُسنِها
وَذاكَ مُحالٌ أَن يُحاطَ بِهِ وَصفا
8. If she revealed to people the essence of her beauty
They would point to her and say, "Forbear from revealing!"
٨. فَلَو كَشَفَت لِلنّاسِ عَن كُنهِ حسنِها
أَشاروا إِلَيها أَنْ دَعي الكشفا
9. Do you not see the people are distraught without her?
She has snatched away their minds with sudden plunder
٩. أَلَستِ تَرينَ النّاسَ جُنّوا بِدونِهِ
وَقَد خطفَت مِنهُم عُقولُهُم خَطفا
10. And I, for that beauty among them, am the most crazed
For that beauty, the most foolish among them
١٠. وَإِنّي وَذاكَ الحسنِ فيهِم أَشَدُّهم
جُنوناً بِذاكَ الحُسنِ أَكثَرُهُم سُخفا
11. It is no wonder that she appears like the sun
For they are two sisters, and the difference cannot be hidden
١١. وَلا بِدعَ أَنّ الشّمسَ تَبدو مِثالَها
فَإِنّهُما أُختان وَالفرقُ لا يَخفى
12. They have seized the full moon of the sky along with the sky
And its stars, each owning half
١٢. تَمَلّكَتا بَدرَ السّماءِ مَعَ السّما
وَأَنجمَها وَالأرضَ كِلتاهُما نِصفا
13. They divided all that I have mentioned before
Dealing justly, shunning injustice
١٣. تَقاسَمتا ما قَد تَقَدَّم ذِكرُهُ
فَصاحَبَتا عَدْلاً وَجانَبَتا الجُنفا
14. Making each of the earth and sky
A share that I think cannot be matched in equivalence
١٤. وَصَيَّرتا كلّاً مِنَ الأَرضِ وَالسّما
نَصيباً أَرى التّعديلَ في مِثلِهِ يُلفى
15. And they stipulated for the earth that her lover
Should appear by day, then by night without concealment
١٥. وَقَد ضَمّتا لِلأّرضِ أَنّ مريدَها
يبينُ نَهاراً ثمَّ لَيلاً بِلا إِخفا
16. And they allotted to the full moon of the sky and the stars
That were beautifully arranged in order
١٦. وَقَد ضَمّتا بَدرَ السّماءِ إِلى السّما
وَأَنجمَها اللّاتي لَقَد حَسُنَت رَصفا
17. On condition that her lover be veiled by night
And appear by day deserving full revelation
١٧. عَلى شَرطِ أَن يَخفى بِليلٍ مُريدُها
وَيَبدو نَهاراً يَستَحِقُّ بِهِ الكشفا
18. While overtaking him is an eclipse that mars his beauty
And the full moon of the sky is clothed in darkness
١٨. وَيُدرِكُهُ كَسفٌ يعيبُ جَمالَه
وَأَن يَكتَسي لِلنّقصِ بَدرَ السّما خَسفا
19. And that gazelle agreed and chose
The earth, preferring to appear and not be hidden
١٩. وَقَد أَخَذَت تِلكَ الغَزالة وَاِرتَضت
بِالأَرضِ اِختِياراً أَن تَبينَ وَلا تَخفى
20. A slender, languid, gentle-paced gazelle
Filled with charm as she is filled with grace
٢٠. فَتاةٌ رَداحٌ غادَةٌ خُوطُ بانةٍ
قَدِ اِمتَلأت لُطفاً كَما اِمتَلأت ظُرفا
21. I pine for her with passion and long for her in ardour
I stay awake all night, knowing no sleep
٢١. أَهيمُ بِها وَجْداً وَأَصبو بِها جَوى
وَأَسهرُ كلَّ اللّيلِ لا أَعرِفُ الإِغفا
22. A fire in my entrails lights up the night’s darkness
By it I illuminate the night, kindled, not quenched
٢٢. تُضيءُ ظَلامَ اللّيلِ نارٌ بِمُهجَتي
بِها أَستَضيءُ اللّيلَ تَذكو وَلا تَطفا
23. I have no sane mind, no mind that reasons
No sound adviser to say, "Enough!"
٢٣. فَلا لُبَّ لي ناهٍ وَلا عَقلَ عاقِل
وَلا خِلّ نصّاح يَقول أَلا كُفّا
24. Nor was I, through the sanity of reason, deterred
Nor was I, by such advice, made to refrain
٢٤. وَلَستُ بِنَهيِ اللبِّ كُنتُ بِمُنتَهٍ
وَلَم أَكُ مَنصوحاً بِذا النُّصحِ مُنكفّا
25. How could I be, when my passion became a part of my innards?
And if that part were erased, I would perish
٢٥. وَكَيفَ وَوَجدي صارَ جُزءاً مِنَ الحَشا
وَإِنْ زالَ ذاكَ الجزءُ متُّ وَلَم أُشفَ
26. But still I want advice, so that it may rouse me
To increase, in my passion, my fervent love
٢٦. وَلَكِن أُريدُ النُّصحَ حتَّى يَهيجني
لِأَزدادَ مِن وَجدي عَلى صَبوتي أَلفا
27. And praising the Most High, of Mighty Name, is my way
To Him I devoted my heart, lovingly inclined
٢٧. وَمَدحُ عَلِيِّ القدرِ وَالاِسمِ مَذهَبي
عَلَيهِ عَكَفتُ القلبَ في حُبِّهِ عَكفا
28. The brother of glory and nobility, the lion cub of the generous
He who has adopted munificence, generosity, and graciousness
٢٨. أَخو المَجدِ وَالعَلياءِ شِبلُ أَكارمٍ
ومَنْ قَد تَبَنَّى الجودَ وَالبذلَ وَالعَرفا
29. He is the fierce, terrible lion, the warrior
Who has clad warriors in his awe-inspiring battles
٢٩. هُوَ الأَسدُ الرّئبالُ وَالضّيغَمُ الّذي
لَقَد أَلبَسَ الآسادَ في حَربِهِ الرَّجفا
30. He could overcome each lion, if it faced him alone
When the warriors rise up in battle array before him
٣٠. يُكافِئُ كُلَّ الأسدِ لو صَفَّ وَحدَهُ
إِذا قامَتِ الآسادُ في حَربِهِ صَفّا
31. How many horsemen charge on the back of a led steed
Then fall from fear, unable to advance
٣١. فَكَم فارِسٍ يَعدو عَلى ظَهرِ مُلجَمٍ
لَقَد خَرَّ مِن خَوفٍ فَلَم يَستَطِع زَحفا
32. How many fierce lions with bared fangs
He has cloven in half, leaving each half
٣٢. وَكَم قَطَّ مِن لَيثٍ بِأَبيَضَ قاضِبٍ
أَطارَ لَهُ نِصفاً وَأَبقى لَهُ نِصفا
33. Yet his right hand does not fail, his might does not decline
Nor has the Compassionate ever frowned at him
٣٣. فَيُمناهُ لا شُلَّت ولَا كَلَّ زندُه
وَلا شنّجَ الرّحمَنُ يَوماً لهُ كفّا
34. A distinguished, eminent, perfect amir of prestige
Handsome, sound in nature, steadfast, already healed
٣٤. أَميرٌ وَجيهٌ كامِلٌ ذو وَسامةٍ
جَميلٌ سَليمُ الطّبعِ رَقَّ وَقد شفّا
35. The water of gentleness flows copiously through him
And gather in his company the wise and gentle
٣٥. يَسيلُ بِهِ ماءُ اللّطافَةِ كَيِّساً
وَأَجْلِلْ بِهِ في جَمعِهِ الكيس وَاللّطفا
36. Forbearing, venerable, dignified and revered
Wise, governing affairs, not resorting to violence
٣٦. حَليمٌ جَليلٌ ذو وَقارٍ وهَيبةٍ
حَكيمٌ يَسوسُ الأمرَ لا يَصحَبُ العُنفا
37. So honour through him a noble spirit
And praise through him repute and extol him in verse
٣٧. فَأَكرِمْ بِهِ ذاتاً وَنَفساً كَريمةً
وَأَحمِدْ بِهِ صيتاً وَأَحسِنْ بِهِ وَصفا
38. O valiant one, peerless in might!
To you the virgins sing amorously and languish
٣٨. فَيا أَيّها الشّهمُ الّذي عَزَّ مِثلُه
إِلَيكَ مِنَ الأَبكارِ غانيةً وَطفَى
39. As a bride she came to you, her thoughts adorned
With the beautiful rhymes of verse, led to you in procession
٣٩. عَروساً إِلَيك الفكر حَيثُ تَوشّحَت
بَديعَ قَوافي النَّظم قَد زَفَّها زَفّا
40. She tilted her neck, praising you,
And leaned toward you, coquettishly inclined
٤٠. فَماسَت وَقَد حَلَّت بِمَدحِكَ جيدَها
فَتاهَت بِهِ فَخراً وَمالَت بِهِ عِطفا
41. She did not perfect during her term the full period of her pregnancy
So inevitably the deficiency in her must be overlooked
٤١. وَما اِستَكمَلَت في الفِكرِ مدّةَ حَملِها
فَلا بِدْعَ أَنّ النّقصَ فيها لَقَد يلفى
42. Look on her with favour, accepting her
And overlook any faults for which she might be blamed
٤٢. فَأَقْبِلْ عَلَيها مُحسِناً بِقَبولِها
وَأَسبِل عَلى عَيبٍ تُعابُ بِهِ سُجفا
43. Live in God's protection, guarded by His care
And may God fortify you with His shelter
٤٣. وَدُم في ضَمانِ اللَّهِ مَرعِيَّ حِفظِهِ
وَشادَ عَلَيكَ اللَّه مِن حِفظِهِ كَهفا
44. For as long as the zephyrs blow from the morning breeze
And sway the branches, bending them flexibly
٤٤. مَدى الدّهرِ ما هَبَّت نَسيمٌ مِنَ الصَّبا
فَمَيّلتِ الأَغصان تَعطِفُها عَطفا
45. For as long as the lovesick roam, swearing,
"She freed a hand though it was stained with henna"
٤٥. وَما هامَ ذو وَجْدٍ وَأَقسَمَ قائِلاً
لَقَد أَطلَقَت كفّاً وَقَد خَضّبَت كفّا