1. The good tidings of joy have appeared, bringing guidance,
They have gladdened the heart that was grieving,
١. بَشائِرُ السّعدِ لاحَت تُوجِبُ الرّشَدا
فَفرَّحَتْ طَرفَ قَلبٍ لازَمَ السّهدا
2. And the heart is now tranquil, free from distress,
Not paying attention to those who are envious.
٢. وَالقَلبُ في راحَةٍ بِالصَّفوِ مِن كدَرٍ
فَلا اِلتِفاتٌ لِمَن عانَى وَمَن حَسَدا
3. Say to those who make denial their way,
“You have chosen a path that will lead to regret.”
٣. فَقُلْ لِمن جعَلَ الإنكارَ سُنّتَه
أَتَيتَ أَمراً غَدا يَستَعقِبُ النّكدا
4. So witness a noble youth who left the gathering and went away,
Leave the blame, for this is not the place for contention.
٤. فَاِشهَدْ فَتىً بمُقامِ الجَمعِ غابَ ودَعْ
دعِ المَلامةَ ما هذا المقامُ سُدى
5. And leave those whose good upbringing has accustomed them
To follow their God, so they are guides for the seekers.
٥. ودَعْ أُناساً جميلَ الصّنعِ عوّدَهم
إلهُهُم فغَدوا للسّالكينَ هُدى
6. He has granted them wisdom and surrounded them
With kindness in all that they hope for, forever.
٦. وَقَد حَباهُم بِعِرفانٍ وَحَفَّهموا
بِاللُّطفِ في كلِّ ما يَرجونَهُ أبَدا