
My soul is a ransom for a mole under his eye

روحي الفداء لخال تحت مقلته

1. My soul is a ransom for a mole under his eye
When its hump shades without revealing

١. روحي الفِداءُ لِخالٍ تَحتَ مُقلَتِهِ
مِن هُدبِها حينَ تُغفِي غيرَ مُنكَشِفِ

2. From the sun on his forehead, which he feared would burn him
So he took shade near the eyelid with charm

٢. مِن شَمسِ جَبهَتِهِ إِذ خافَ تَحرِقُهُ
قَدِ اِستَظَلَّ قريب الجَفنِ بِالوطفِ