
My body melted away in passionate love and disappeared

تناحل جسمي بالهوى وقد اختفى

1. My body melted away in passionate love and disappeared
It became light and turned into a bird in the air

١. تَناحَلَ جِسمي بِالهَوى وَقَدِ اِختَفى
وَخَفّ فَأَضحى طائِراً في الهَواءِ

2. No one sees me except an attentive glance
Like iron glistening in the sun among the dust

٢. وَلَيسَ يَراني غير طرفٍ مُحدّق
حَديد بِضَوءِ الشّمسِ بَينَ الهباءِ