
My soul is ransom for his supple cheek

روحي الفداء لخده القاني الذي

1. My soul is ransom for his supple cheek
Which gained its perfume from the scent of musk

١. روحي الفِداءُ لِخَدِّهِ القاني الَّذي
بِالعِطرِ مِن مِسكِ العِذارِ تَضمَّخا

2. I wished to date the musk, and I was told:
Is dating needed for the one who dates?

٢. فَأَردتُ تاريخَ العِذارِ فقيلَ لي
هَل يَنبَغي تاريخُه وَتَأرّخا