
His intoxication has clearly appeared, his joy has declined

لقد بدا ثملا مالته نشوته

1. His intoxication has clearly appeared, his joy has declined
And his eyelids fluttered from his drunkenness

١. لَقَد بَدا ثَمِلاً مالَتهُ نَشوَتُهُ
وَعَربدَت عندَ سُكرٍ مِنهُ مُقلتُهُ

2. His lips are the goblet and his saliva is his drink
He pours and drinks without being distracted by his drunkenness

٢. فَثَغرُهُ الكاسُ وَالصَّهباءُ ريقتُهُ
يَسقي وَيَشربُ لا تُلهيه سَكرتُهُ

3. From the wine, nor does he get distracted from the goblet
A crescent of beauty, in it a full moon of the sky seduced

٣. عَنِ المُدامِ ولا يَلهو عَنِ الكاسِ
هِلالُ حُسنٍ بِهِ بَدرُ السّماءِ فُتِنْ

4. And every slow wit became sharp in his love
When he sobered up and the effect of wine was still in him like someone who

٤. وَصارَ كُلُّ بَليدٍ في هَواهُ فَطِنْ
لَمّا تَصاحى وَفِعلُ الخَمرِ فيهِ كَمَنْ

5. His drunkenness obeyed him until it overpowered
The actions of sobriety, thus he is the master of people

٥. أَطاعَهُ سُكرُهُ حتّى تَمَكّنَ مِنْ
فِعلِ الصُحاةِ فَهذا سَيِّدُ النّاسِ