
Behold the purple iris when it appeared

انظر إلى الزنبق القزي حين بدا

1. Behold the purple iris when it appeared
And smell its healing scent, free from turmoil

١. اُنظُرْ إِلى الزّنبَقِ القزّيِّ حينَ بَدا
وَشُمَّ مِن نَفحَهِ الشّافي من الوصَبِ

2. For its fragrance has invaded the stench of decay
So it fled defeated in trembling distress

٢. فَقَد غَزا ريحُه في ريحِ ذي نتَنٍ
فَفَرَّ مُنهَزِماً في خَوفِ مضطربِ

3. Had it not been an invader, it would not have turned
To the lord of flowers in feathers of gold

٣. لَو لَم يَكُن غازِياً ما كان تَوَّجَهُ
والي الزّهورِ بِريشاتٍ مِنَ الذَّهبِ