1. O breeze passing by, carrying the violet,
When the rose of his cheeks bloomed and exuded fragrance,
١. يا آس عارِضِهِ حَمَلت بَنَفسجا
إِذ فاحَ وَردُ خُدودِهِ وَتَأرَّجا
2. And the sun at the time of morning glow was eclipsed,
When the radiant garden of his cheek sparkled at dawn,
٢. وَالشّمسُ في وَقتِ الضّحى مَكسوفَةٌ
إِذ صُبحُ وَجنَتِهِ المُنير تَبلَّجا
3. With charm his glance protected you,
And charm plays with minds and with imaginations,
٣. بِالرّوحِ طَرْفٌ قَد حَماكَ بِسحرِهِ
وَالسّحرُ يَلعَبُ بِالعُقولِ وَبالحِجى
4. Why is your pouring as a youth to youthfulness?
The time of old age, and it knows not a path,
٤. ما بالُ صبِّكَ لِلصّبابَةِ صابئاً
زَمنَ المَشيبِ وَلَيسَ يَدري مَنهَجا
5. It wandered confused in the ways of love,
Plunging into a valley, then climbing up a tower,
٥. قَد هامَ في طُرُقِ المَحبَّةِ ذاهِلاً
يَهوي بِوادٍ ثمَّ يَصعَدُ أَبرُجا
6. Sweet to him that he was lost in the maze of passion,
Whoever is lost in the maze of love, has succeeded,
٦. يَحلو لَهُ أَن ضاعَ في تيهِ الهَوى
مَن ضَاعَ في تيهِ الغَرامِ فَقَد نَجا
7. No sincere lover despaired in his maze,
Nor sought from it an exit,
٧. ما إِنْ أَلَمَّ بمخلصٍ في تيههِ
كلّا وَلا قَد رامَ مِنهُ مَخرجا
8. He melted from the fire of disdain, and he has not,
Towards relief from its heat, a recourse,
٨. قَد ذابَ مِن نارِ الجَفاءِ وَما لَهُ
مِن حَرِّها نَحوَ الإِغاثَةِ ملتَجا
9. He inhales news from the scent of the morning breeze,
About the vicinity of purposes and hopes,
٩. يَستَنشِقُ الأَخبارَ مِن ريحِ الصَّبا
عَن جِلَّقٍ بابِ المَقاصِدِ والرّجا
10. His heart has settled in it, and his beloved,
Would that in it his body had settled!
١٠. قدْ حلَّ فيها قلبُه وحبيبُه
يا لَيتَ فيها جِسمُهُ قد عَرَّجا
11. Would that he were of those who stayed in its land,
And journeyed to it heads bowed low,
١١. يا لَيتَهُ مِمّن أَقامَ بِأَرضِها
وَسَرى إِلَيها بِالرّؤوسِ وَأَدلَجا
12. And saw the station of his beloved from its cave,
When Ismael in it was the desired,
١٢. وَرَأى مقامَ خليلِه مِن كَهفِها
إِذ كانَ إِسماعيلُ فيها المُرتجى
13. The perfect, the elegant, the brilliant Al-Lam'i,
Who with knowledge and perfection is crowned,
١٣. الكَامِلُ النَّدْبُ الأَديبُ الأَلمعي
مَن بِالمَعارِفِ وَالكَمالِ تَتوّجا
14. The smiling, bright-faced, joyful Basim,
Who was a dawn for beauty, radiant,
١٤. الباسِمُ الثّغرِ الصّبوح بَشاشَةً
مَن كانَ صبحاً لِلمَحاسِنِ أَبلَجا
15. The expert, the perceptive, the intelligent Al-Lawdhi'i,
Master of rhetoric, eloquence and imagination,
١٥. الحاذقُ الفَطِنُ اللبيبُ اللوذَعي
ربُّ البلاغَةِ وَالفَصاحَةِ والحِجى
16. A man mature in thought from the light of wisdom,
Inclining to rightness even if he walked crooked,
١٦. رَجلٌ نَضيجُ الرّأي مِن نورِ الذّكا
يَنحو الصّوابَ وَلَو تَمشّى أَعوَجا
17. In the forbearance of Ahnaf he impersonated a tolerant man,
In the beauty of Joseph he moved down a slope,
١٧. في حلمِ أَحنفَ قَد تَقمّصَ رافِلاً
في حُسنِ يوسُفَ قَد تَردَّى مَدرجا
18. What good fortune did the son of Maqla attain,
In the beauty of a handwriting that glistened with splendor,
١٨. ما لِاِبنِ مقلةَ سعدُ حظٍّ نالَهُ
في حسنِ خَطٍّ بالنُّضارِ تَضرَّجا
19. It appears on paper such that even its blankness,
Is musk on cheeks exuding fragrance,
١٩. يَبدو عَلى الأوراقِ حتّى خِلتُهُ
مسكَ العِذارَ على الخُدودِ تَأرَّجا
20. Rather, every letter you see of his letters,
Is a glance you see it crooked and twisted,
٢٠. بَل كُلُّ حَرفٍ رأيتَ حروفَهُ
طَرْفٌ لَديكَ تَراه أَحوَرَ أَدعَجا
21. The fine poetry of Saheban you see it not,
Of its system except the crude and nonsensical,
٢١. ما نَظم سَحبانَ البليغ تَراهُ عِن
دَ نِظامِه إِيلا الرّكيكَ البهرَجا
22. He gifted me a poem from his composition,
A flirtatious one in which he excellently created,
٢٢. أَهدى إِليَّ قَصيدَةً مِن نَظمِهِ
غَرّاءَ فيها قَد أَجادَ وَأَبهَجا
23. A beautiful girl of a unique pearl her origin,
She tells of beauty, adorned and bejeweled,
٢٣. حَسناء مِن درٍّ يَتيمٍ أَصلُها
تَحكي الحسانَ تَزيُّناً وَتَبرُّجا
24. Her sea of pearls is endless,
And the like of it from another will not come out,
٢٤. لا زالَ بَحراً درُّه لا يَنقَضي
وَنَظيرُه مِن غَيرِهِ لَن يَخرُجا
25. No meadow has flourished with splendor,
And with the essence of flowers topped.
٢٥. ما مادَ رَوضٌ بِالنّضارَةِ وَاِزدَهى
وَبِجَوهَرِ الأَزهارِ رأساً تُوِّجا