1. Good tidings heralding prosperity accompany well-being,
Spirits have rejoiced from every companion,
١. بِشارةُ خَيرٍ بِالسّعودِ مُصاحبٍ
لَقَد سرَّتِ الأَرواح مِن كلِّ صاحِبِ
2. The universes have been clothed in a garment of delight,
Swaying proudly like the gait of a graceful gazelle.
٢. وَأُلبِسَتِ الأَكوان ثَوبَ مَسرَّةٍ
فَماسَت بِها تَختالُ مَيْسَ الكَواعِبِ
3. It has spread lights of joy over the horizons,
Illuminating the horizons from every side.
٣. وَمَدَّت عَلى الآفاقِ أَنوارَ بَهجَةٍ
فَضاءَت بِها الآفاقُ مِن كلِّ جانِبِ
4. It has set the universes, earth, and sky dancing,
With no dance appearing like the dance of the stars.
٤. وَأَرقَصَتِ الأَكوانَ وَالأَرضَ وَالسّما
وَلا رَقصَ يَبدو مِثل رَقصِ الكَواكِبِ
5. It proclaims the time has become serene,
And misfortune has been eliminated by a firm eliminator.
٥. تُخَبِّرُ أَنَّ الوقتَ قَد صارَ صافِياً
وَسَلَّ عَلى الأَكدارِ أَقطع قاضِبِ
6. It says, restore the water of joy as a fountain,
For this is now the choicest of drinks.
٦. تَقولُ رِدوا ماءَ المَسَرَّةِ مَنهلا
فَقَد طابَ هَذا الآن صفو المَشارِبِ
7. It says, behold the sun of glory, it has appeared
Radiating a light that has prevailed over all creeds.
٧. تَقولُ اِنظُروا شَمسَ المَعالي لَقَد بَدَت
تَشَعشَعُ نوراً سادَ كلَّ المَذاهِبِ
8. With the rising of glory in the highest eminence,
From the highest nobility, in the loftiest positions.
٨. بِمَطلَعِ مَجدٍ في ذُرى العِزِّ وَالعُلى
مِنَ الشّرفِ الأَعلى بِأَسمى المَراتِبِ
9. With a state of glory in the prides of prosperity,
In a procession of bliss, the grandest of processions.
٩. بِدَولَةِ عِزٍّ في مَفاخِرِ سُؤدَدٍ
بِمَوكِبِ سَعدٍ مِن أَجلِّ المَواكِبِ
10. With lofty esteem in the heights of virtues,
With an exalted office, of the noblest offices.
١٠. بِرفعَةِ قَدرٍ في مَعالي مَكارِمٍ
بِمَنصِبِ جاهٍ مِن شَريفِ المَناصِبِ
11. Its throne adorned with the jewels of glory,
So aspiring ambitions are confounded in their attempts.
١١. وَخُصَّت ثريَّا المَجدِ فيها تحلّها
فَيا عَجزَ أَطماعِ اِزدِحامِ المَناكِبِ
12. You have felicity and radiance everywhere,
In every direction of the horizon, even to the far West.
١٢. هَناءٌ لَكُم فيها وُجوداً وَمَشرِقاً
بِكلِّ جِهاتِ الأُفقِ حتّى المَغارِبِ
13. That sun is none other than our Prince -
Hizbar the destroyer of evil, vanquisher of battalions.
١٣. وَلَم تَكُ تِلكَ الشّمسُ إِلّا أَميرنا
هِزَبر الشّرى الضّرغام مُردي الكتائِبِ
14. The Prince of glories, with nobility and dew,
And piercing insights, cutting through obscurities.
١٤. أَمير المَعالي بِالعَوالي وَبِالنّدى
وَبِالمُرهفاتِ المصلتاتِ العَواضبِ
15. If he attacks, he is a lion in the thick of battle,
With sword and spears, his claws most powerful.
١٥. إِذا صالَ فَهوَ اللَّيثُ في حَومَةِ الوَغى
لَهُ السّيفُ وَالأَرماحُ أَقوى مَخالِبِ
16. If he surges forth in the fray, he surges like a torrent,
And unleashes terrors, all wonders.
١٦. فَإِنْ يَسطُ في الهَيجاءِ يَسطُ كَضَيغَمٍ
وَيُبدِ مِنَ الأَهوالِ كُلَّ العَجائِبِ
17. He plunges into the depths with a brave heart,
Entering its currents without fear.
١٧. يَخوضُ قَوِيَّ القلبِ بَحرَ مَعامِعٍ
وَيَدخُلُ في تَيّارِهِ غَيرَ هائِبِ
18. He races on the edge of a noble and majestic steed,
Faster than lightning, not one to waver.
١٨. وَيَعدو عَلى طِرْفٍ كَريمٍ مُحجَّلٍ
أَغرَّ ذَريعٍ سَلهبٍ غير شازِبِ
19. He outstrips the running wind and lightning in his onslaught,
His daring nearing the orbit of the fixed stars.
١٩. يُسابِقُ مُرَّ الرّيحِ وَالبرقِ إِن عَدا
وَجَبهَتُه قُرب النّجومِ الثّواقِبِ
20. If he roared at the enemy with the cry of a raging lion,
You would see them between dead and fleeing.
٢٠. فَلَو صاحَ بِالأَعداءِ صَيحَةَ ضَيثَمٍ
رَأَيتهُمُ ما بَينَ مَيْتٍ وَهارِبِ
21. And from the terrors, their youths would depart by morning,
While their veterans' hair turned white like the aged.
٢١. وَشِمتَ مِنَ الأَهوالِ شبّانَهم غَدَوا
وَلِمَّتُهم شابَت ضِعافَ الأَشايِبِ
22. When he pounces like an eagle in its swooping,
The enemies' hearts pound with terror faster than gazelles.
٢٢. إِذا اِنقَضَّ كَالعقبانِ حينَ اِنقِضاضِها
فَقَلبُ العِدى بِالرّعبِ أَسرَعُ ذائِبِ
23. A Prince of high station, the glory of the exalted house,
And their aid when adversities strike.
٢٣. أَميرٌ رَفيعُ القدرِ عِزُّ بَني العُلى
وَنَجدَتُهم في حين وَقعِ الشّصائِبِ
24. Muhammad the praiseworthy in deed, temperament,
Character and morals, aloof from blemishes.
٢٤. مُحمّدٌ المَحمودُ فِعلاً وَشيمةً
وَخَلقاً وَأَخلاقاً عَلَت عَن شَوائِبِ
25. A sea of judiciousness and generosity, whoever extends his palm,
He guarantees in warding off and carrying the burdens.
٢٥. أَبو الحلمِ بَحر الجودِ مَنْ بَذلُ كَفِّهِ
تَكَفَّلَ في إِزراءِ وَبْلِ السّحائِبِ
26. God of the Throne has granted him a rank,
That has transcended the high heavens above the stars.
٢٦. حَباهُ إِلَهُ العَرشِ مِنهُ بِرُتبَةٍ
تَسامَت ذُرى العَلياء فَوقَ المَناكِبِ
27. It has become a mystery whose doors are called
The Perfect Pearl, at the pinnacle of ranks.
٢٧. غَدَت سِرّ بوابينَ تُدعى وَإِنّها
هِيَ الغرّةُ البيضا بِوَجهِ المَراتِبِ
28. Upon him through it the virtues of a state have poured forth,
It is the beautiful state, of glorious achievements.
٢٨. عَلَيهِ بِها جادَت مَكارِمُ دَولَةٍ
هِيَ الدّولَةُ الحَسناءُ ذاتُ المَناقِبِ
29. It is the lofty state, few are its equals,
Has any ascended except the scarce elevated?
٢٩. هِيَ الدّولَةُ العَلياءُ قَد قَلَّ مثلُها
وَهَل قَد سَما إِلّا قَليلُ الضّرائِبِ
30. It carried the son of Uthman the King, who indeed
Inherited it from his ancestors, father to father.
٣٠. سَمت بِاِبنِ عُثمان المليك الّذي لَقَد
تَوَرّثَها جَدّاً لِجَدٍّ إِلى أَبِ
31. It came to him through the Vizier Abu'l-Ala,
Samie son of Dawood the Praiseworthy, of noble acquisitions.
٣١. أَتَتهُ عَلى أَيدي الوزيرِ أَبي العلا
سَمِيِّ اِبنِ داود الحميدِ المَكاسِبِ
32. Through his lofty resolve and determination,
Which is a sword, or rather, sharper than piercing blades.
٣٢. بِهِمّتِهِ العليا وَفي عَزمِهِ الَّذي
هُوَ السّيفُ بَل أَمضى مَواضي القواضِبِ
33. If he unsheathes it for what he wants and intends,
You will see him with it, undoubtedly, fastest to strike.
٣٣. إِذا اِستَلَّهُ فيما أَرادَ وَرامَهُ
تَراهُ بِهِ لا شَكّ أَسرعَ ضارِبِ
34. So that Vizier does not cease to ascend,
Ranks of glory, in which his office is honored.
٣٤. فَلا زالَ يولى ذا الوزيرُ مِنَ العلى
مَراتِبَ مَجدٍ فيهِ عزّ المَناصبِ
35. O eminent Prince who has openly climbed,
The pinnacle of glory without a guard.
٣٥. فَيا أَيّها الفَخمُ الأَميرُ الَّذي اِرتَقى
جَهاراً سَنامَ المَجدِ مِن غَيرِ حاجِبِ
36. And who is he among the people of rank and eminence,
If he appears like the sun amidst the stars?
٣٦. وَمَن هُوَ في أَهلِ المَراتِبِ وَالعُلى
إِذا ما بَدا كَالشّمسِ بَينَ الكَواكِبِ
37. To you, O brother of benevolence, generosity, and dew,
A poem crafted from thought, guarded from defects.
٣٧. إِلَيكَ أَخا الإِحسانِ وَالجودِ وَالنّدى
وَليدةَ فِكرٍ صُنتَها عَن مَثالِبِ
38. I have clothed it in the brocade of eloquence,
And adorned it with the finest fabrics.
٣٨. وَإِنّي بِإِبريزِ البَلاغَةِ صُغتها
وَأَلبَستها مِنها ثَمينَ الجَلابِبِ
39. I have embellished its neck with the pearls of your praise,
And praising with poetry is the adornment of the talented.
٣٩. وَزيَّنْتُ مِن دُرِّ اِمتِداحكَ جيدَها
وَيَزهو بِدرِّ المَدحِ تَزيينُ كاعِبِ
40. I have sent it from me to congratulate on my behalf,
And in that, it is my finest substitute.
٤٠. وَأَرسَلتُها عَنّي تُهَنّي نِيابَةً
وَفي ذاكَ عَنّي تِلكَ أَحسَنُ نائِبِ
41. It would have been its duty to strive for that,
But I fulfill through it some of what is obligatory.
٤١. وَكانَ بِها يَسعى لِذلكَ واجِباً
وَلَكِنّني أَقضي بِها بَعضَ واجِبِ
42. So welcome it with eagerness and pleasure,
For pleasure from you, no doubt, is the finest gift.
٤٢. فَهَبها بِإِقبالٍ قَبولاً مَعَ الرّضا
فَمِنكَ الرِّضا لا شَكّ أَسنى المَواهِبِ
43. Stay in God's protection, in power and eminence,
Living contentedly with pure drink.
٤٣. وَدُم في ضَمانِ اللَّهِ بِالعزِّ وَالعُلى
مُهنّاً رَغيدَ العَيشِ صافي المَشارِبِ
44. With a serene heart, body, and mind,
Free of worries, sorrows, and troubles.
٤٤. بِراحَةِ قَلبٍ ثمّ جِسمٍ وَفِكرَةٍ
مِنَ الغمِّ ثمّ الهمّ ثمَّ المَتاعِبِ
45. Healthy and long of life, protected from harm,
Vanquishing enemies, victorious.
٤٥. صَحيحاً طَويلَ العمرِ تحمى مِنَ الأَذى
وَتَبدو عَلى الأعداءِ أَظفر غالِبِ
46. For as long as the epochs turn, like stars that rise and set,
And by the light of the moon, obscurities are erased.
٤٦. مَدَى الدّهرِ ما قَد لاحَ أَو غابَ كَوكَبٌ
وَكانَ بِنورِ البدرِ مَحو الغَياهِبِ
47. A gentle breeze blew, and doves cooed,
Revealing through their coos all wonders.
٤٧. وَهَبَّت نَسيمٌ وَالحَمائِمُ غَرَّدَت
فَأَبدَت مِنَ التغريدِ كلَّ الغرائبِ
48. And it did not come with joys and delights altogether,
Except good tidings heralding prosperity, that accompany well-being.
٤٨. وَما جاءَ بِالأَفراحِ كلّاً وَبِالهَنا
بِشارةُ خَيرٍ بِالسّعودِ مصاحِبِ