
No branch may seem to your stature resembling,

لا غصن قد يبدو لقدك مشبها

1. No branch may seem to your stature resembling,
And over your perfect form your beauty's sun is rising.

١. لا غُصنَ قَد يَبدو لِقَدِّكَ مُشبِهاً
وَعَلى قَوامِكَ شَمسُ حُسنِكَ تُشرقُ

2. The doves were attached to the branches,
So to your stature how many souls are attaching.

٢. لينُ الحَمائِمِ بِالغُصونِ تَعَلَّقت
فَبِقدِّك الأَرواح كَم تَتَعلَّقُ