
With reproach he struck his cheek though it resembled beauty

بعذاره خداه للحسن أشبها

1. With reproach he struck his cheek though it resembled beauty
Complaining of his darling though relating trifles

١. بِعِذارِهِ خدّاهُ لِلحُسنِ أَشبها
مُقَلَ الحَبيبِ وَقَد حَكيْنَ قَواضِبا

2. So as brows appeared above the eyes
Reproach made on the cheeks like brows

٢. فَكَما غَدا فَوقَ العُيونِ حَواجب
جَعَلَ العِذار على الخُدودِ حَواجِبا