
With my spirit the mole on his cheek of ruby and garden

بروحي الخال في ياقوت وجنته

1. With my spirit the mole on his cheek of ruby and garden
I inherited from him sorrow as my destined share

١. بِروحيَ الخالُ في ياقوتِ وَجنَتِهِ
وَرِثتُ مِنهُ الضّنا فَرضاً بِلا عَبَثِ

2. And after my death with it I bequeath him my eternity
While the mole, by religious law, inherits not, nor is inherited

٢. وَبَعدَ مَوتي بِهِ أَورَثتُهُ خلدي
وَالخالُ في الشّرعِ لَم يورَث وَلَم يَرِثِ