
The excuse has become apparent, and indeed beauty encompasses it

بدا العذار وإن الحسن يشمله

1. The excuse has become apparent, and indeed beauty encompasses it
With my cheeks that I have tended, along with their glow

١. بَدا العِذارُ وَإِنّ الحسنَ يَشملهُ
بِوَجنَتي مُصطفاه مَع جَلالتهِ

2. So the barrier of roses is musk on all its sides
Or the barrier of roses is myrrh in its freshness

٢. فَسيّج الوردَ مِسكٌ مِن جَوانِبِهِ
أَو سيّج الوَردَ آس في نَضارتهِ

3. The excuse has adorned its informer and perfected him
And he has increased in perfection beyond his limit

٣. حَلّى العِذارُ مُحيّاهُ وَكَمّلهُ
وَاِزدادَ فيهِ كَمالاً فَوقَ غايتهِ

4. And wherever its date palms swayed, it polished and perfected him
So the full moon is most perfect in beauty at its crescent

٤. وَحَيثُ أَرّخه جَلّاه وَكمّله
فَالبدرُ أَكملُ حُسناً عندَ هالتهِ