
To reach the garden, hasten, you will be granted honor

للروض بادر تمنح التكريما

1. To reach the garden, hasten, you will be granted honor
With flowers of beautiful oleander in arrangement

١. لِلرّوضِ بادِر تُمنح التّكريما
مِن زَهرهِ مزري الجُمانِ نَظيما

2. With lilies, emeralds and primroses
Watered with clear wine as the breeze relates

٢. مِن عَسجَدٍ وَزُمرّدٍ وَعَقائق
تُسقى لُجَيناً قَد حَكى التّسنيما

3. In it revolves a wine of joy
Whose clarity of purity appears as a boon companion

٣. فيهِ تَدورُ مِنَ المَسرَّةِ خَمرة
يَبدو لَها حُسنُ الصّفاءِ نَديما

4. It is sipped by the eye into hearts intoxicating them
Healing a heart burdened with worries, sick

٤. بِالعَينِ تشرَبُ في القُلوبِ خِمارها
تَشفي فُؤاداً بِالهُمومِ سَقيما

5. So enter into it that you may behold its beauty
And witness it, you will witness a paradise and bliss

٥. فَاِدخُل إِلَيهِ كَي تُشاهِدَ حُسنَهُ
وَاِشهدهُ تَشهد جنَّةً وَنَعيما

6. Clear water flows in it like pearls
Its pebbles are pearls and the blowing of a gentle breeze

٦. قَد راقَ ماءٌ كَاللُّجينِ زُلالهُ
حَصباؤُهُ درٌّ ورقَّ نَسيما

7. Inhale its fragrance and pluck its breaths
For its flowers scent the air with sweet aroma

٧. فَاِنشق شَذاهُ وَاِقتَطِف نَفَحاتِه
فَزُهورهُ تزري العَبيرَ شَميما

8. And the roses in it, from beauty it surpasses them
Above the branches like planets and stars

٨. وَالوردُ فيهِ مِنَ الجَمالِ تَخالُهُ
فَوقَ الغُصونِ كَواكِباً وَنُجوما

9. The green narcissus, so delicate
Its stem is emerald expelling gloom

٩. وَالنَّرْجِسُ الغضُّ النّضير فَسوقُه
قُضبُ الزّمرُّدِ تَشرحُ المَغموما

10. Of every narcissus has become a sun upon
A full moon illuminating perfectly complete

١٠. مِن كلِّ نَرجِسَةٍ غَدَت شَمساً على
بَدرٍ يُضيءُ متمَّماً تتميما

11. And listen in it above the branches birds
Who have sung well in their chanting

١١. وَاِسمَع بِهِ فَوقَ الغُصونِ طيورهُ
قَد أَحسَنَت في شَدوِها التّرنيما

12. Every trill in a refreshing tune
Like the flute, a voice in hearing pleasant

١٢. مِن كُلِّ غِرّيدٍ بِلَحنٍ مُنعشٍ
كَالنّاي صَوتاً في السّماعِ رَخيما

13. And pass in it the cup of discourse as a drinking companion
And choose for it, O wise one of intellect, a wise one

١٣. وَأَدِرْ بِهِ كَأسَ الحَديثِ مُسامراً
وَاِختَر لَهُ يا ذا الذّكاءِ حَكيما

14. And recall in it mention of the generous and their munificence
Perhaps by their mention you may become noble

١٤. وَاِسرُد بِهِ ذِكرَ الكرامِ وَجودِهم
فَعَسى بِذِكراهُم تَصيرُ كَريما

15. And mention in it the glory of the most gloriole in the world
For by their glory they have attained veneration

١٥. وَاِذكُر بِهِ مَجدَ الأَماجِدِ في الورى
فَبِمَجدِهم قَد أَدرَكوا التّفخيما

16. They rode by it the nobility of highness above the stellar
And ascended by it the back of space lofty

١٦. رَكِبوا بِهِ شَرَفَ العُلى فَوقَ السُّهى
وَعَلوا بِهِ ظَهر الفَخارِ شَكيما

17. And if you wanted the most majestic glory that has reached
Between the generous, then the glory of Abraham

١٧. وَإِذا أَردتَ أَجلَّ مَجدٍ قَد سَما
بَينَ الكِرامِ فَمَجدُ إِبراهِيما

18. The perfect, valiant, prominent one who contained
A beautiful face with perfection and handsomeness

١٨. الكامِل الشّهم الوَجيه وَمَن حَوى
وَجهاً بَهيّاً بِالكَمالِ وسيما

19. Free in his smile, radiant to us
And to him awe with amiability a special trait

١٩. طَلق المُحيّا بِشره بادٍ لَنا
وَلَه المَهابَة بِالبَشاشةِ سيما

20. Of excellent traits the lauded became in nature
Having attained a disposition among people integral

٢٠. حَسن الصّفاتِ غَدا الحَميد خَلائِقاً
قَد حازَ طَبعاً في الأَنامِ سَليما

21. The unique gem that cannot be matched
By the precious pearl though it be well-strung

٢١. الجَوهَر الفَرد الّذي لَم يحكِهِ
الدُّرُّ الثّمين وَلَو يَكون نَظيما

22. If you wanted its parallel and its peer
You will only find for it the parallel absent

٢٢. ما إِن أَرَدت مِثالَهُ وَنَظيرَهُ
إِلّا وَجدتَ لَه المِثالَ عَديما

23. The intrepid lion in battle
The head of knights who has attained precedence

٢٣. الضّيغَمُ القرمُ الغَضنفَرُ في الوَغى
رَأس الفَوارِسِ مَن حَوى التّقديما

24. The lion of the lair, for him lions are steeds
With them he feeds the beasts of the wilderness meat

٢٤. لَيث العَرينِ لَهُ الأُسودُ فَرائِس
يُقري بِها وَحشَ الفَلاةِ لُحوما

25. Lord of the white sword, when he drew it
He only quenched with it the enemies' poisons

٢٥. رَبّ الصّفاحِ البيضِ ما إِنْ سَلَّها
إِلّا سَقى مِنها العداةَ سُموما

26. Lord of high places, no horseman saw them
Except he fell from its terror annihilated

٢٦. رَبّ العَوالي ما رَآها فارِسٌ
إِلّا هَوى مِن رُعبِهِ مَعدوما

27. Cub of the sublime, in the glorious front he appeared
A moon manifest with good fortune grand

٢٧. شِبل العُلى في جَبهَةِ العليا بدا
بَدراً تَجلّى بِالسّعودِ عَظيما

28. Star of the heights, planet of honor who
Has shone glory among the generous towering

٢٨. نَجم المَعالي كَوكب الشّرف الّذي
قَد ضاءَ مَجداً في الكِرامِ فَخيما

29. And has gained glory from the glory of the sublime
Crown of glories, the one who contained veneration

٢٩. وَقَدِ اِستَفادَ المَجد مِن مَجدِ العُلى
تاج الأَماجِدِ مَن حَوى التّعظيما

30. The magnificent Abdullah, most gloriole of lords
Who built the sublime, founded and erected

٣٠. الفَخم عَبد اللَّهِ أَمجد سَيّدٍ
شادَ العُلى مبتنىً وَرُسوما

31. Sun of ministry, pride of ministers, the one
Through whom the ministry attained veneration

٣١. شَمس الوِزارَةِ مَفخر الوُزراءِ مَن
فيهِ الوزارَةُ نالَتِ التّفخيما

32. And the sun from it gains its illumination
Full moon of the sky, and not something imaginary

٣٢. وَالشَّمس مِنها يَستَفيدُ ضَياءهُ
بَدرُ السماءِ وَلَيسَ ذا مَوهوما

33. May it last forever in power and grandeur robed
Rather, will remain for eternity of time enduring

٣٣. داما بِعِزٍّ بِالسّعودِ مُسربل
بَل لا يَزالُ مَدى الزّمانِ مُقيما

34. No lightning flashed, no nightingale sang
No breeze in the gentle garden became sweet

٣٤. ما لاحَ بَرقٌ ما تَغَنّى بُلبُلٌ
ما اِستَعذَبَ الرّوض الأَريض نَسيما

35. No flowers bloom in the gardens, no zephyr
From it has divulged his secret concealed

٣٥. ما الزَّهرُ يَزهو في الرِّياضِ وَما الصَّبا
مِنهُ أَذاعَت سِرّهُ المَكتوما

36. No caller has called and no praiser praised well
In his scattered and composed eulogy

٣٦. ما قَد دَعا داعٍ وَأَحسَنَ مادِحٌ
في مَدحِهِ المَنثور وَالمَنظوما

37. No conquest has said to one who wanted nobility
To the garden, hasten, you will be granted honor

٣٧. ما الفَتحُ قالَ لِمَن أَراد كَرامَةً
للروض بادِرْ تُمنَحِ التّكريما