
I remembered you as the swords were slashing

ولقد ذكرتك والصوارم قطعت

1. I remembered you as the swords were slashing
My wrists with oppressive blows

١. وَلَقَد ذَكَرتُكَ وَالصّوارمُ قَطّعَت
مِنّي الوَريدَ بِضَربِ عاتٍ ظالمِ

2. I kissed them for in their gleam
They resembled the radiant light of your smile

٢. قَبلتها إِذ أَشبَهَت في بَرقِها
وَجَمالِ وَجهك بَرقَ فيكَ الباسِمِ