1. This is a martyr in his grave
The rain of Divine Mercy waters him
١. ذا شَهيدٌ لِثَراهُ
وابلُ الرّضوان يَسقي
2. And a protector of the Messenger
Who came to us with the religion of truth
٢. وَسَميٌّ لِرَسولٍ
جاءَنا في دينِ حقِّ
3. From the tribe of Aytani are those
Perfect in merit, foremost
٣. مِن بَني العيتاني مَنْ هُم
لِكَمالِه أَهل سَبقِ
4. He took refuge in Allah the Exalted
From intense heat that left naught
٤. لاذَ بِاللَّهِ تَعالى
مِن لَظى لَم تَك تُبقي
5. Settle where you wish and date
Take refuge in the abode of truth
٥. حلَّ مِن حيثُ وأرِّخ
لاذ في مقعدِ صِدقِ