
He has clothed himself in the blueness of garments, yet nothing shows

لقد اكتسى زرق الثياب فلم يبن

1. He has clothed himself in the blueness of garments, yet nothing shows
Except his face to the beholder's eye;

١. لَقَدِ اِكتَسى زُرقَ الثِيابِ فَلَم يَبِنْ
إِلّا مُحيّاهُ لِطَرْفِ الرائي

2. As though the gazelle's neck-ring shed its lustre,
When the dawn gleams fair with its azure light.

٢. فَكَأنّهُ قرصُ الغَزالَةِ أَسفَرت
وَقتَ الضّحى بِسَمائِها الزّرقاءِ