
Death's strokes sever lifespans,

المنايا قواطع الآجال

1. Death's strokes sever lifespans,
Why then be deluded by hopes?

١. المَنايا قَواطِعُ الآجالِ
فلماذا الغُرور بالآمالِ

2. Should not the wise be guided by thought
Of the flux of time and circumstance?

٢. أَفَلا يَهتَدي اللّبيبُ بفكرٍ
في اِنتِقالِ الزّمانِ والأحوالِ

3. Should he not see with the eye of insight
The events of days and nights?

٣. ثمّ هلّا يرَى بعينِ اِعتبارٍ
حادثاتِ الأيّام ثمَّ اللَّيالي

4. The world is but an abode of passing,
Its state inclined to decline.

٤. لَيسَتِ الدّنيا غَيرَ دارِ فَناءٍ
أَمرُها صائِرٌ لِحالِ الزّوالِ

5. In every age, illusion multiplies in it,
Greed lodged in men's breasts.

٥. زادَ فيها الغُرور في كلّ وَقتٍ
طمَعٌ كائنٌ بصدرِ الرجالِ

6. Deceived herein is the ignorant one,
And to me it is the deceiver of fools.

٦. غرَّ فيها من تبدّى جَهولاً
وهي عندي غَرّارةُ الجُهّالِ

7. It is not worth a gnat's wing
To the elevated soul.

٧. لا تُساوي مِنَ البَعوضِ جَناحاً
لَيسَ أَدنى مِنها لَدى المُتَعالي

8. How many a king lies beneath dust
Whom gems and finery could not save!

٨. كَم مَليكٍ فَوقَ الترابِ طَريحٍ
ما فَدَتهُ جَواهِرٌ ولآلي

9. How many a mighty one disappeared beneath the soil
Like the moon at the rising of the new crescent!

٩. كَم عَظيمٍ تَحتَ الثّرى قَد تَوارى
مِثلَ شَمسٍ لَدى طلوعِ الهِلالِ

10. How many people shone like suns
Then set into the darkness of sunset!

١٠. كَم أُناسٍ مِثلَ الشّموسِ أَضاؤوا
وهَوَوْا للمغيبِ وقتَ الزّوالِ

11. Death's hand spares no noble one;
It cares not whom it seizes.

١١. لَيسَ تُبقي يَدُ المَنايا شَريفاً
لا تُبالي بِأَخذِهِ لا تُبالي

12. No event here escapes it,
For all lifespans are in its grasp.

١٢. لَيسَ مِنها لِحادثٍ مِن نَجاةٍ
إذ بكفَّيْها سائرُ الآجالِ

13. At every moment its claws are embedded
In catching the eminent and the lowly.

١٣. كُلُّ وَقتٍ أَظفارُها مُنْشَباتٌ
لِاِفتِراسِ الأَشرافِ وَالأَنذالِ

14. Would that it grant the generous time,
What harm in that respite?

١٤. لَيتَها تُمهِلُ الكِرامَ زَماناً
أَيُّ ضُرٍّ بِذلِك الإِمهالِ

15. Would that it had given more time to the paragon of an age,
Unique among the ideal.

١٥. لَيتَها أَمهَلت فَريدَ زَمانٍ
كانَ فيهِ مِمَّن عَرا عَن مِثالِ

16. He was an ocean of knowledge, a perceptive sage,
Accomplished, perfect, handsome's compatriot.

١٦. فَهوَ بَحرُ العُلومِ حَبرٌ لَبيبٌ
فاضِلٌ كامِلٌ حَليفُ جَمالِ

17. The poet of Ghazza, scion of nobles,
Ever loyal to kings.

١٧. الأَديبُ الغزّيُّ نَسْلُ كِرامٍ
حَيثُ كانوا عَلى المُلوكِ مَوالي

18. Since he attained the height of faith's perfection,
Faith said: you are my perfection.

١٨. مُذْ تَرَقَّى في الدّينِ أَعلى كَمالٍ
فَلَهُ الدّينُ قالَ أَنتَ كَمالي

19. So Perfection named him Pride out of esteem
And clothed him in awe and majesty.

١٩. وَلِذا سمّاهُ الكمالُ اِفتِخاراً
وكسَاهُ بهَيْبةٍ وجَلالِ

20. When death's caller summoned him, he sped
To journey hard and fast.

٢٠. مُذ دَعاهُ داعي المَنايا وَلَبّى
بادرَ السّيرَ غِبَّ شَدِّ الرّحالِ

21. He turned toward the Gardens a martyr,
Struck down by its plague with arrows.

٢١. وَتَولَّى إِلى الجِنانِ شَهيداً
إِذْ رَماهُ طاعونُهُ بِالنّبالِ

22. The right hand of a piercing assailant pierced him,
While a left, had it struck, would have pierced.

٢٢. قُطِعَتْ يُمنى طاعِنٍ طَعَنَتْه
وَشِمالٌ لَو طَعنه بِالشّمالِ

23. Would that something could ransom him from death's bond!
I would be among those who ransom him, whatever the price.

٢٣. لَيتَ شَيئاً يَفديهِ مِن أَسْرِ مَوتٍ
كُنتُ مِمَّن يَفديهِ في كُلِّ غالِ

24. Among his family were suns, full moons,
Then a star high in the climax of grandeur.

٢٤. كانَ مِن أَهلِهِ شموسٌ وبَدرٌ
ثمَّ نَجمٌ حَلّوا بُروجَ المَعالي

25. They turned away, but their memory remains with us,
It does not fade with the passage of nights.

٢٥. قَد تَولَّوا وَذِكرُهم دامَ فينا
لَيسَ يَفنى عَلى مَمرِّ اللَّيالي

26. They wept for him and he for them,
And they preferred conjunction with perfection.

٢٦. وَعَليهِ غاروا وَغارَ عَلَيهم
وَاِستحبّوا اِقتِرانَهم بِالكَمالِ

27. May he be pleased with the generous one,
In unceasing succession forever!

٢٧. فَعَليهِ مِنَ الكريمِ رِضاهُ
يَتَوالى دَوماً بِغَيرِ اِنفِصالِ