
By God! Why this procrastination without effort

ู„ูƒ ุงู„ู„ู‡ ู…ุง ู‡ุฐุง ุงู„ุชูˆุงู†ูŠ ุจู„ุง ุฌุฏ

1. By God! Why this procrastination without effort
Towards the highest goal, to the point of purpose?

ูก. ู„ูŽูƒูŽ ุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ู ู…ุง ู‡ูŽุฐุง ุงู„ุชู‘ูˆุงู†ูŠ ุจูู„ุง ุฌูŽุฏู‘ู
ุฅูู„ู‰ ุงู„ู…ูŽุทู„ูŽุจู ุงู„ุฃูŽุณู†ู‰ ุฅูู„ู‰ ุบุงูŠูŽุฉู ุงู„ู‚ูŽุตุฏู

2. So spur the steeds of purpose to race at full gallop
And drive them with the whip of longing to utmost exertion

ูข. ููŽุญูŽุซู‘ูŽ ู…ูŽุทุงูŠุง ุงู„ู‚ูŽุตุฏู ุชูŽุถุฑูุจู’ ูƒุจุฏู‡ุง
ูˆูŽุณูู‚ู’ู‡ุง ุจูุณูŽูˆุทู ุงู„ุดู‘ูˆู‚ู ููŠ ุบุงูŠูŽุฉู ุงู„ุฌูู‡ุฏู

3. And show them determined resolve in setting forth
For the man of resolve shows only resolve in his habits

ูฃ. ูˆูŽุฌูŽุฏู‘ูŽ ุนูŽู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ุงู„ุณู‘ูŠุฑ ุชูŽู‡ูˆู‰ ุฅูู„ู‰ ุงู„ู…ูู†ู‰
ููŽุฐูŽูˆ ุงู„ุนูŽุฒู…ู ู…ูู† ุนุงุฏุงุชูู‡ู ุงู„ุฌุฏ ุจูุงู„ุฌุฏู‘ู

4. Towards the protected precinct of glorious โ€˜Akka
Lofty in honour and glory

ูค. ู„ูู†ูŽุญูˆู ุญูู…ู‰ ุนูƒุงุฑ ุนุงู„ูŠุฉ ุงู„ุฐู‘ูุฑู‰
ู…ูุดูŠู‘ุฏุฉ ุงู„ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ุจูุงู„ุนูุฒู‘ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู…ุฌุฏู

5. For those are the towers of glory in all time
At the apex of nobility, above the dawn of fortune

ูฅ. ููŽุชูู„ูƒูŽ ุจูุฑูˆุฌู ุงู„ุนุฒู‘ู ููŠ ุงู„ุฏู‘ูŽู‡ุฑู ูƒู„ู‘ู‡ู
ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุดู‘ุฑูู ุงู„ุฃูŽุนู„ู‰ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ู…ูŽุทู„ูŽุนู ุงู„ุณู‘ุนุฏู

6. Those are the mansions of intimacyโ€”indeed, a garden
Adorned, or rather, the Garden of Eternity

ูฆ. ูˆูŽุชูู„ูƒูŽ ุฏููŠุงุฑู ุงู„ุฃูู†ุณู ุจูŽู„ ู‡ููŠูŽ ุฌู†ู‘ุฉูŒ
ุฒูŽู‡ูŽุช ููŽุญูŽูƒูŽุชู‡ุง ุฃูŽูˆ ุญูŽูƒูŽุช ุฌูŽู†ู‘ุฉ ุงู„ุฎู„ุฏู

7. Those are the mansions of beauty, their meadows ablaze
And soaring as high as beauty can soar in the cheeks

ูง. ูˆูŽุชูู„ูƒูŽ ุฏููŠุงุฑู ุงู„ุญูุณู†ู ุชูŽุฒู‡ูˆ ุฑูุจูˆุนู‡ุง
ูˆูŽุชูŽุณู…ูˆ ุณูู…ูˆู‘ูŽ ุงู„ุญูุณู†ู ููŠ ูˆูŽุฌู†ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุฎุฏู‘ู

8. Gardens wherein kindness is cultivated to grow
And this planting yielded for munificence and largesse

ูจ. ุฑููŠุงุถูŒ ุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ู…ูŽุนุฑูˆูู ุฃูŽุถุญู‰ ุบูุฑุงุณูŽู‡ุง
ููŽุฃูŽุซู…ูŽุฑูŽ ู‡ูŽุฐุง ุงู„ุบุฑุณู ู„ูู„ุฌูˆุฏู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฑูุฏู

9. Watered from the wellspring of glory sans peer
So this planting was sweeter than honey to taste

ูฉ. ูˆูŽุฃูุณู‚ููŠูŽ ู…ุงุกูŽ ุงู„ู…ูŽุฌุฏู ู…ูู† ู…ูŽู†ุจูŽุนู ุงู„ุนูู„ู‰
ููŽูƒุงู†ูŽ ุจูู‡ู ุฐุง ุงู„ุบุฑุณ ุฃูŽุญู„ู‰ ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุดู‘ู‡ุฏู

10. And brought forth branches of bounty and amity
Swaying with gratitude, praise, and laudation

ูกู . ูˆูŽุฃูŽู†ุจูŽุชูŽ ุฃูŽุบุตุงู†ูŽ ุงู„ู…ูŽูƒุงุฑูู…ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู†ู‘ุฏู‰
ุชูŽู‡ุฒู‘ู ุจูุฃูŽูŠุฏูŠ ุงู„ุดู‘ููƒุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ู…ุฏุญู ูˆูŽุงู„ุญูŽู…ุฏู

11. Abodes of moons, dawning places of stars
Dawns of lights that inspire guidance aright

ูกูก. ู…ูŽู†ุงุฒูู„ู ุฃูŽู‚ู…ุงุฑู ู…ูŽุทุงู„ูุนู ุฃูŽู†ุฌูู…ู
ู…ูŽุดุงุฑูู‚ู ุฃูŽู†ูˆุงุฑู ุชูŽุฏู„ู‘ู ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุฑู‘ุดุฏู

12. Constellations of suns in a heaven of planets
Their splendour illuming the zenith beyond all measure

ูกูข. ุจูุฑูˆุฌู ุดู…ูˆุณู ููŠ ุณูŽู…ุงุกู ูƒูŽูˆุงูƒูุจู
ุฃูŽุถุงุกูŽุช ุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ุนู„ูŠุง ุถูŠุงุกู‹ ุจูู„ุง ุญุฏู‘ู

13. The stars of the horizons longed, โ€œWould that we were the sky!โ€
But can longing for the impossible yield anything of worth?

ูกูฃ. ููŽูˆูŽุฏู‘ูŽุช ู†ูุฌูˆู…ู ุงู„ุฃููู‚ู ู„ูŽูˆ ุฃูŽู†ู‘ู‡ุง ุงู„ุณู‘ู…ุง
ูˆูŽู‡ูŽู„ ูƒุงู†ูŽ ูˆุฏู‘ู ุงู„ู…ูุณุชูŽุญูŠู„ุงุชู ุจูุงู„ู…ูุฌุฏูŠ

14. Mansions of glory, valiant lions
To the plight of calamities and lions a barrier

ูกูค. ู…ูŽูˆุงุทูู†ู ุฃูŽู…ุฌุงุฏู ูƒูุฑุงู… ุฃูŽูƒุงุณูุฑ
ูˆูŽุบุงุจ ูˆูŽุบูŠู„ ู„ูู„ุถู‘ูŠุงุบูู…ู ูˆุงู„ุฃูุณุฏู

15. Swayed by innocent passions are all paragons
Parallels to โ€˜Azza's resolve and grit there are none

ูกูฅ. ู‡ูŽูˆูŽูˆุง ุจูุงู„ู‡ูŽูˆู‰ ุงู„ุนูุฐุฑูŠ ูƒู„ู‘ ููŽุถูŠู„ูŽุฉู
ูˆูŽู„ูŽู… ูŠูŽู‡ุชูŽูˆูˆุง ุฃูŽู…ุซุงูŽู„ ุนูŽุฒู‘ูŽุฉูŽ ุฃูŽูˆ ุฏูŽุนุฏู

16. For apart from virtues in their eyes is no beauty
Frivolities and vanities they never allowed

ูกูฆ. ููŽู„ุง ุญูุณู†ูŽ ููŠ ุบูŽูŠุฑู ุงู„ููŽุถุงุฆูู„ู ุนูู†ุฏูŽู‡ูู…
ููŽู‡ูู… ู„ูŽู… ูŠูŽู‚ูˆู„ูˆุง ุจูุงู„ุบูŽูˆุงู†ูŠ ูˆูŽู„ุง ุงู„ู…ุฑุฏู

17. A goal for aspirations, the Kaaba for one who seeks
To unburden the heart and succeed in one's aim

ูกูง. ูˆูŽู‚ุจู„ูŽุฉู ุขู…ุงู„ู ูˆูŽูƒูŽุนุจูŽุฉู ู‚ุงุตูุฏู
ูŠูŽุนูˆุฏู ุจูุฌุจุฑู ุงู„ู‚ูŽู„ุจู ู„ูู„ููŽูˆุฒู ุจูุงู„ู‚ูŽุตุฏู

18. So pleasant your breezes in โ€˜Akkรก scented, O zephyr
Never once did breezes blow so sweetly in Nejd

ูกูจ. ููŽูŠุง ุทูŠุจูŽ ุนูŽูƒู‘ุงุฑู ุชูŽุณูŠุฑู ุจูู‡ู ุงู„ุตู‘ุจุง
ูˆูŽููŠ ู…ูุซู„ูู‡ู ู„ูŽู… ุชูŽุณุฑู ูŠูŽูˆู…ุงู‹ ุตูŽุจุง ู†ูŽุฌุฏู

19. And if one seeking glory should stray from your precinct
Your breath, no doubt, shall guide him aright to your arms

ูกูฉ. ู„ูŽุฆูู† ุถูŽู„ู‘ูŽ ุนูŽู†ู‡ุง ู…ูŽู† ูŠูุฑูŠุฏ ูƒูุฑุงู…ู‡ุง
ููŽู†ูŽูุญููƒูŽ ู„ุง ุฑูŽูŠุจ ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ู„ูŽู‡ู ูŠู‡ุฏูŠ

20. So towards it direct yourself, strive with determined soul
And march the march of longing with full intensity

ูขู . ุชูŽูˆูŽุฌู‘ูŽู‡ ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ูˆูŽุงูุฌู‡ูŽุฏ ุงู„ู†ู‘ูุณูŽ ุณุงุนููŠุงู‹
ูˆูŽุณูุฑ ุณูŽูŠุฑูŽ ู…ูุดุชุงู‚ู ูŠูŽุฌุฏู‘ู ุนูŽู„ู‰ ูˆูŽุฌุฏู

21. Head to its towers with driving and striving
For in โ€˜Akkรก it's peerless, unique like a brilliant moon

ูขูก. ูˆูŽุณูุฑ ุนุงู…ูุฏุงู‹ ุจูุงู„ุณู‘ูŠุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ุณู‘ุนูŠ ุจูุฑุฌูŽู‡ุง
ููŽุฐูŽู„ูƒูŽ ููŠ ุนูƒู‘ุงุฑ ูƒูŽุงู„ุนูŽู„ู…ู ุงู„ููŽุฑุฏู

22. โ€˜Akkรก is the pupil of the eye for all climes
Its people adorned with beauty and glory

ูขูข. ููŽุนูŽูƒู‘ุงุฑ ุนูŽูŠู†ูŒ ู„ูู„ุจูู„ุงุฏู ูˆูŽุจุฑุฌูู‡ุง
ููŽุฅูู†ุณุงู†ูู‡ุง ุงู„ู…ูŽูƒุญูˆู„ ุจูุงู„ุญูุณู†ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู…ูŽุฌุฏู

23. By it 'Akkรก prides herself o'er both horizons
Rightfully claiming this prideโ€”let her raise her banners!

ูขูฃ. ุชูŽุชูŠู‡ู ุจูู‡ู ุนูƒู‘ุงุฑ ููŽุฎุฑุงู‹ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุณู‘ู…ุง
ูˆูŽุญู‚ู‘ูŽ ู„ูŽู‡ุง ููŠู‡ ุงู„ููŽุฎุงุฑู ูˆุฃู† ุชูุจุฏูŠ

24. Though the constellation Leo once claimed 'Akkรก's pride
Her link with Leo diminished; she drove him away

ูขูค. ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ูƒุงู†ูŽ ุจูุงู„ุฌูŽูˆุฒุงุกู ููŽุฎุฑ ุณูŽู…ุงุฆูู‡ุง
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ูƒุงู†ูŽุชู ุงู„ุฌูŽูˆุฒุงุกู ุชูŽุฎู„ูˆ ุนูŽู†ู ุงู„ู†ุฏู‘ู

25. There arose within her a sun of high station and glory
And luminary of perfection gleamed from the dawn of joy

ูขูฅ. ูˆูŽุฅูุฐ ูƒุงู†ูŽ ู‡ูŽุฐุง ุงู„ุจุฑุฌู ู‚ูŽุฏ ู‚ูŽู„ู‘ูŽ ููŽุฎุฑู‡ุง
ุจูุฌูŽูˆุฒุงุฆูู‡ุง ูˆูŽุงู„ุฎุท ุจูุงู„ุฑุฏู‘ู ูˆูŽุงู„ุทู‘ุฑุฏู

26. Born to a most noble line, of eminent descent
Surpassing all genealogies through both father and ancestors

ูขูฆ. ุจูู‡ู ุดูŽู…ุณู ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ูˆูŽุนูุฒู‘ู ูˆูŽุณูุคุฏุฏู
ูˆูŽุจูŽุฏุฑู ูƒูŽู…ุงู„ู ู„ุงุญูŽ ู…ูู† ุฌูŽุจู‡ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุณู‘ุนุฏู

27. Suckled with the milk of bounty and sincerity
Cradled in the bosom of glory from childhood's days

ูขูง. ุชูŽูˆูŽู„ู‘ูŽุฏูŽ ู…ูู† ู…ูŽุฌุฏู ุจูุฃูŽูƒุฑู…ู ู…ุญุชูŽุฏู
ุชูŽุณุงู…ู‰ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุฃูŽู†ุณุงุจู ุจูุงู„ุฃูŽุจู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฌุฏู‘ู

28. Adorned with fair character from the moment of his cradle
And since that time with righteous conduct arrayed

ูขูจ. ุชูŽุบูŽุฐู‘ูŽู‰ ุจูุฃูŽู„ุจุงู†ู ุงู„ู…ูŽูƒุงุฑูู…ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู†ู‘ุฏู‰
ุชูŽุฑูŽุจู‘ู‰ ุจูุญุถู†ู ุงู„ุนูุฒู‘ู ู…ูู† ุฒูŽู…ูŽู†ู ุงู„ู…ูŽู‡ุฏู

29. Clothed in the raiment of forbearance from the days of youth
Magnificent indeed was the mantle he thus arrayed

ูขูฉ. ุชูŽุญูŽู„ู‘ูŽู‰ ุจูุญูุณู†ู ุงู„ุฎู„ู‚ู ู…ูู† ุญูŠู†ู ู…ูŽู‡ุฏูู‡ู
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฒูŠู† ุจูุงู„ุขุฏุงุจู ู…ูู† ุฐูŽู„ูƒูŽ ุงู„ุนูŽู‡ุฏู

30. Embodying kindness, discretion, and refinement
Of excellent temper, benefaction always at hand

ูฃู . ุชูŽุฑูŽุฏู‘ู‰ ุจูุจูุฑุฏ ุงู„ุญู„ู…ู ู…ูู† ุฒูŽู…ูŽู†ู ุงู„ุตู‘ูุจุง
ููŽูƒุงู†ูŽ ู„ูŽู‡ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ ู…ูู† ุฃูŽูุฎูŽุฑู ุงู„ุจูุฑุฏู

31. From these beauteous qualities he attained a essence
Through this composition: a peerless, unique gem

ูฃูก. ุชูŽุฌูŽุณู‘ู…ูŽ ู…ูู† ู„ูุทูู ูˆูŽุฐูŽูˆู‚ู ูˆูŽุฑู‚ู‘ุฉ
ุจูุทูŽุจุนู ูˆูŽู…ูŽุนุฑูˆูู ูˆูŽุฎูŽูŠุฑู ู„ูŽู‡ู ูŠูุณุฏูŠ

32. Encased he in robes of perfection untainted
By defects and impurities, betrayal or malice

ูฃูข. ุชูŽุฑูŽูƒู‘ุจ ู…ูู† ู‡ูŽุฐูŠ ุงู„ู…ูŽุญุงุณูู†ู ุฌูŽูˆู‡ุฑุงู‹
ููŽุณู…ู‘ูŠูŽ ุจูุงู„ุชู‘ุฑูƒูŠุจู ุจูุงู„ุฌูŽูˆู‡ูŽุฑู ุงู„ูุฑุฏู

33. The beauty of consummate glory and majesty
Their recourse in times of crisis and critical need

ูฃูฃ. ุชูŽุฏูŽุฑู‘ูŽุนูŽ ููŠ ุซูŽูˆุจู ุงู„ูƒูŽู…ุงู„ู ู…ุทู‡ู‘ุฑุงู‹
ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ู†ู‘ู‚ุตู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฃูŽุฏู†ุงุณู ูƒูŽุงู„ุบูŽุฏุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ุญู‚ุฏู

34. Soul of the eye of the noble, their shining light
Their breast overflowing with bounty and righteousness

ูฃูค. ุฌูŽู…ุงู„ู ูƒูŽู…ุงู„ู ุงู„ู…ุงุฌูุฏูŠู†ูŽ ูˆูŽุนูุฒู‘ูู‡ู…
ูˆูŽู…ูŽุฑุฌูุนูู‡ู… ููŠ ุญุงู„ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุญู„ู‘ ูˆูŽุงู„ุนูŽู‚ุฏู

35. When glories are threaded on the string of Sรบdรบd
He is, by God, assuredly the knot of that bond

ูฃูฅ. ูˆูŽุฅูู†ุณุงู†ู ุนูŽูŠู†ู ุงู„ุฃูŽูƒุฑูŽู…ูŠู†ูŽ ูˆูŽู†ูˆุฑู‡ุง
ูˆูŽุตูŽุฏุฑู‡ู… ุงู„ู…ูŽูˆููˆุฑู ุจูุงู„ุฎูŽูŠุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฑู‘ุดุฏู

36. โ€˜Alรญ in name, โ€˜Alรญ in attributes and lineage
In glory, fortune, ascendancy, and ancestry

ูฃูฆ. ุฅูุฐุง ุงูู†ุชูŽุธูŽู… ุงู„ุฃูŽู…ุฌุงุฏู ููŠ ุณู„ูƒู ุณูุคุฏุฏู
ููŽุฐูŽุง ุจูŽูŠู†ูŽู‡ูู… ูˆูŽุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ ูˆุงุณูุทูŽุฉู ุงู„ุนู‚ุฏู

37. Of noble soul, while it disdains oppression
In earnest or jest, with burning sincerity

ูฃูง. ุนูŽู„ููŠู‘ ุงู„ุณู‘ุฌุงูŠุง ูˆูŽุงู„ู…ูŽุฒุงูŠุง ู…ูŽุนูŽ ุงู„ุฐู‘ุฑู‰
ูˆูŽุงู„ุงูุณู…ู ุนูŽู„ูŠู‘ู ุงู„ุฌุงู‡ู ูˆูŽุงู„ุจุฎุชู ูˆุงู„ุฌูŽุฏู‘ู

38. Most fortunate of the blest, son of the happy
A Shadรญd sire overawing both friend and foe

ูฃูจ. ุนูŽุฒูŠุฒู ูƒูŽุฑูŠู… ุงู„ู†ู‘ูุณู ูˆูŽู‡ูŠูŽ ุฃูŽุจูŠู‘ูŽุฉ
ุนูŽู†ู ุงู„ุถู‘ูŠู…ู ุชูŽุฃุจุงู‡ู ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ู‡ูŽุฒู„ู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฌูุฏู‘ู

39. Awe-inspiringโ€”but for his forbearance, a mere youth
Could, by his wrath, be laid low and buried in the grave

ูฃูฉ. ู‡ููˆูŽ ุงู„ุฃูŽุณุนูŽุฏู ุงู„ู…ูŽุณุนูˆุฏู ูˆูŽุงูุจู†ูŒ ู„ูุฃูŽุณุนูŽุฏู
ุจู†ูŠู‘ ุดูŽุฏูŠุฏ ู…ูุฑุนูุจ ุงู„ุฃูุณุฏู ูˆูŽุงู„ุถุฏู‘ู

40. A prince before whom both mighty lions and lambs
Are humble servants, this cannot be denied

ูคู . ู…ู‡ูŠุจูŒ ููŽู„ูˆู„ุง ุญูู„ู…ูู‡ ูŠูุฏุฑููƒู ุงู„ููŽุชู‰
ุจูุฅูุบุถุงุจูู‡ู ูƒุงู†ูŽ ุงู„ูุชู‰ ุญูŽู„ู‘ูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ู„ู‘ุญุฏู

41. His bannered tent on high completely veiled
As glories rise from beneath this banner's shade

ูคูก. ุฃูŽู…ูŠุฑูŒ ู„ูŽู‡ู ุงู„ุขุณุงุฏู ุซู…ู‘ ุงู„ุนุธุงู…ู ู‚ูŽุฏ
ุชูŽุจูŽุฏู‘ูŽูˆู’ุง ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ุฎุฏู‘ุงู… ู„ุง ุดูƒู‘ ูˆูŽุงู„ุฌู†ุฏู

42. His whiteness flutters over every host
Bearing the tokens of triumph and Sura of Praise

ูคูข. ุบูŽุฏุง ุจูŽู†ุฏูู‡ู ุงู„ู…ูŽุถุฑูˆุจู ููŠ ู‚ูุจู‘ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุนูู„ู‰
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ู‚ุงู…ูŽุชู ุงู„ุฃูŽู…ุฌุงุฏู ู…ูู† ุชูŽุญุชู ุฐุง ุงู„ุจูŽู†ุฏู

43. Terror of foes, lion in strife and fray
Guarding the nest of the noble with sword and lance

ูคูฃ. ูˆูŽุฑุงูŠูŽุชูู‡ู ุงู„ุจูŠุถุงุกู ููŠ ูƒูู„ู‘ู ู…ูŽูˆูƒูุจู
ุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ูุชุญู ูŠูŽุชู„ูˆ ุงู„ู†ู‘ุตุฑูŽ ููŠ ุณูˆุฑูŽุฉู ุงู„ุญูŽู…ุฏู

44. With unsheathed blade he charges forth to defend the elite
Trainรฉd is he in boldness with each cut and thrust

ูคูค. ู‡ูุฒูŽุจุฑู ุงู„ุดู‘ุฑู‰ ู„ูŽูŠุซู ุงู„ูƒูŽุฑูŠู‡ูŽุฉู ูˆูŽุงู„ูˆูŽุบู‰
ุญูŽู…ู‰ ุจูŽูŠุถูŽุฉ ุงู„ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ุจูุงู„ุฑู‘ู…ุญู ูˆูŽุงู„ู‡ูู†ุฏูŠ

45. If his lance he brandished against the enemy
Its point would reach them even from afar

ูคูฅ. ุฅูู„ู‰ ู†ูŽุฌุฏูŽุฉู ุงู„ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ูŠูŽุณุทูˆ ุจูุตุงุฑูู…ู
ุชูŽุนูŽูˆู‘ูŽุฏูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ุขุณุงุฏู ู„ู„ู‚ูŽุทู‘ู ูˆุงู„ู‚ูŽุฏู‘ู

46. If against the faces of foes his sword he wielded
In dread they would perish, be it sheathed or drawn

ูคูฆ. ู„ูŽุฆูู† ู…ูŽุฏู‘ูŽ ู„ูู„ุฃูŽุนุฏุงุกู ุจูุงู„ุทู‘ุนู†ู ุฑูู…ุญูŽู‡ู
ูˆูŽู„ูŽูˆ ุจูŽุนูุฏููˆุง ู†ููŠู„ูˆุง ู„ูŽุฏู‰ ุฐูŽู„ูƒูŽ ุงู„ู…ูŽุฏู‘ู

47. How often the foes supposed themselves a massive force
While in their eyes no trace of seeing could be found

ูคูง. ูˆูŽู„ูŽูˆ ู‡ูŽุฒู‘ูŽ ููŠ ูˆูŽุฌู‡ู ุงู„ุนุฏุงุฉู ุญูุณุงู…ูŽู‡ู
ู„ูŽุฐุงุจูˆุง ุจูู‡ู ุฑูุนุจุงู‹ ูˆูŽู„ูŽูˆ ูƒุงู†ูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ุบู…ุฏู

48. How often alone he stood in tumult and battle
As fearsome in combat as a tearing lion

ูคูจ. ููŽูƒูŽู… ุดุงู…ูŽู‡ู ุงู„ุฃูŽุนุฏุงุกู ุฌูŽูŠุดุงู‹ ุนูŽุฑู…ุฑูŽู…ุงู‹
ูˆูŽู„ูŽูŠุณูŽุช ุนููŠูˆู†ู ุงู„ู‚ูŽูˆู…ู ุจูุงู„ุฃูŽุนูŠูู†ู ุงู„ุฑู‘ูู…ุฏู

49. What countless thousands deemed as nought
And one in a thousand deemed as a multitude!

ูคูฉ. ูˆูŽูƒูŽู… ุตูŽูู‘ูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ู‡ูŽูŠุฌุงุกู ูˆูŽุงู„ุญูŽุฑุจู ูˆูŽุญุฏู‡ู
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุตุงู„ูŽ ููŠ ุงู„ู‡ูŽูŠุฌุงุกู ูƒูŽุงู„ุฃูŽุณุฏู ุงู„ูˆุฑุฏู

50. Had he fared forth on a mettlesome steed
With long spear grasped in his fist

ูฅู . ููŽูƒูŽู… ู…ูู† ุฃูู„ูˆูู ู„ุง ุชูุนูŽุฏู‘ู ุจููˆุงุญูุฏู
ูˆูŽูƒูŽู… ูˆุงุญูุฏู ุจูุงู„ุฃูŽู„ูู ูŠุญุณุจู ููŠ ุงู„ุนุฏู‘ู

51. And raised in their midst his lance's point
Unloosing his torrent of wrath with forceful speed

ูฅูก. ูˆูŽู„ูŽูˆ ูƒูŽุฑู‘ูŽ ููŠู‡ุง ููŽูˆู‚ูŽ ุธูŽู‡ุฑู ู…ูุทู‡ู‘ูŽู…ู
ูŠูŽุทูˆู„ู ุงู„ุซุฑูŠู‘ุง ููŠู‡ู ุจูุงู„ูƒูู‘ู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฒู‘ู†ุฏู

52. From fear of him the foe held back pierced
By terror, and turned to flee on their lean steeds

ูฅูข. ูˆูŽุตูŽุนุฏ ููŠู‡ุง ุฑูู…ุญูŽู‡ู ู†ูŽุญูˆูŽ ุตูู‘ู‡ูู…
ูˆูŽุฌูŽุฑู‘ูŽุฏูŽ ููŠู‡ุง ุนูŽุถุจู‡ู ุงู„ู…ุงุถููŠูŽ ุงู„ุญุฏู‘ู

53. And with his blade he gashed their breasts
And cleaved through the napes of their necks with his Indian sword

ูฅูฃ. ู„ูุดู…ุชู ุงู„ุนูุฏู‰ ู…ูู†ู‡ู ู…ูŽุฎุงูุงู‹ ุชูŽุฃูŽุฎู‘ุฑูˆุง
ูˆูŽูˆูŽู„ู‘ูŽูˆุง ููุฑุงุฑุงู‹ ุจูุงู„ู…ูุทู‡ู‘ู…ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุฌุฑุฏู

54. Onto their hearts' strings he threaded a necklace
Unlike spears, most splendid indeed is the threading of his sword

ูฅูค. ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฎูŽุทู‘ูŽ ุจูุงู„ุฎุทู‘ูŠ ุฃูŽูˆุฑุงู‚ูŽ ุตูŽุฏุฑูู‡ูู…
ูˆูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฎูŽุทู‘ูŽ ููŠ ุฑู‚ู‘ ุงู„ู…ูŽู†ุงุญูุฑู ุจูุงู„ู‡ูู†ุฏูŠ

55. His largesse flows unremitting, like the sea
Whether extended or withheld, from him it flows

ูฅูฅ. ูˆูŽู†ูŽุธู‘ูŽู…ูŽ ุจูุงู„ุฎูŽุทู‘ููŠู‘ู ุนู‚ุฏุงู‹ ู‚ูู„ูˆุจู‡ู…
ูˆูŽู„ุง ุณู…ุทูŽ ู…ูุซู„ูŽ ุงู„ุฑู‘ู…ุญู ููŠ ุงู„ู†ู‘ุธู…ู ู„ูู„ุนูŽู‚ุฏู

56. A generous prince โ€”had he gifted sovereignty
Its acceptance he would surely make possible

ูฅูฆ. ุนูŽู„ู‰ ู†ูŽุณูŽู‚ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ ูŠูŽุฌุฑูŠ ุนูŽุทุงุคูู‡ู
ููŽูƒุงู„ุจุญุฑู ู…ุง ุฃูŽุณุฏู‰ ูˆูŽูƒุงู„ุจุญุฑู ู…ุง ูŠูุณุฏูŠ

57. The truly generous offer their gift sincerely
While the miserly cannot freely offer their gift

ูฅูง. ุฌูŽูˆุงุฏูŒ ููŽู„ูŽูˆ ุฃูŽู‡ุฏู‰ ุงู„ุฏู‘ู†ู‰ ู„ูุงูŽุณุชูŽู‚ูŽู„ู‘ูŽู‡ุง
ูˆูŽู…ูŽู† ุธู†ู‘ู‡ ุงู„ุชู‘ู‚ุตูŠุฑ ู„ูู„ุนูุฐุฑู ู‚ูŽุฏ ูŠุจุฏูŠ

58. Doors to seekers crowd with visitors galore
Riding hopes of munificence and charity

ูฅูจ. ูˆูŽุฅูู† ุงู„ุฌูˆุงุฏ ุงู„ู…ูุณุชู‚ู„ู‘ู ุนูŽุทุงุกู‡ู
ูˆูŽุฐูˆ ุงู„ุจุฎู„ู ู…ูŽู† ู„ุง ูŠูŽุณุชูŽู‚ูู„ู‘ ู„ู…ุง ูŠูู‡ุฏูŠ

59. And from him they savoured the wine of this gift so pure
A most delectable watering-place gushing and fresh

ูฅูฉ. ู„ูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ุฃูŽู…ู‘ูŽู‡ ุงู„ุนุงููˆู†ูŽ ู…ูู† ูƒู„ู‘ู ุฌุงู†ูุจู
ุฑููƒูˆุจุงู‹ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุขู…ุงู„ู ู„ูู„ุฌูˆุฏู ูˆุงู„ุฑู‘ููุฏู

60. By his people throng 'Akkรก's ways and alleys
Choked liked the markets of Egypt beyond measure

ูฆู . ูˆูŽู…ูู†ู‡ู ุงูุณุชูŽุทุงุจูˆุง ู…ูŽู†ู‡ูŽู„ูŽ ุงู„ุฌูˆุฏู ู…ูŽูˆุฑูุฏุงู‹
ุฃูŽู…ุง ู…ูŽู†ู‡ู„ู ุงู„ุฅูุญุณุงู†ู ู…ูุณุชูŽุนุฐูŽุจ ุงู„ูˆูุฑุฏู

61. So O thou gallant one, before whose door
The exalted stand like servants meek

ูฆูก. ููŽุนูŽูƒู‘ุงุฑู ุจูุงู„ุนุงููŠู†ู ุฃูŽุถุญูŽุช ุฏูุฑูˆุจู‡ุง
ุชูŽุบูุตู‘ู ุจูู‡ูู… ู…ู„ุฃู‰ ู„ูู…ูุฒุฏูŽุญู… ุงู„ูˆูุฏู

62. You built the sublime with lofty pillars strong
With righteousness and excellence beyond all reckoning

ูฆูข. ูƒูŽุฃูŽุณูˆุงู‚ู ู…ูุตุฑ ุจูุงูุฒุฏูุญุงู…ู ูˆูŽุบุตู‘ุฉู
ุจูู‡ุง ุชูุถุฑูŽุจู ุงู„ุฃูŽู…ุซุงู„ู ุจุงู„ูุบูŽุฉู ุงู„ุญูŽุฏู‘ู

63. And you laid this foundation firm with glory and honour
That none might change its course toward collapse and decay

ูฆูฃ. ููŽูŠุง ุฃูŽูŠู‘ู‡ุง ุงู„ุดู‘ู‡ู…ู ุงู„ู‘ุฐูŠ ุนู†ุฏูŽ ุจุงุจูู‡ู
ู„ูŽู‚ูŽุฏ ู‚ุงู…ูŽุชู ุงู„ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ุชูŽุฎุฏู… ูƒูŽุงู„ุนูŽุจุฏู

64. So may God protect you from every affliction
Delicate, strong, slender, and finely dressed

ูฆูค. ุจูŽู†ูŠุช ุงู„ู…ูŽุนุงู„ูŠ ุจูุงู„ุนูŽูˆุงู„ูŠ ูˆูŽุจูุงู„ู†ู‘ุฏู‰
ูˆูŽููŠ ุญูุณู†ู ุฃูŽุฎู„ุงู‚ู ุชูŽุฒูŠุฏู ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ุนูŽุฏู‘ู

65. A rare beauty, daughter of wisdom, peerless
Of comely visage, a heart-bewitching charmer

ูฆูฅ. ูˆูŽูƒูู†ุชู ุจูุนุฒู‘ู ุงู„ู†ู‘ูุณู ู…ูŽุน ุบุงูŠูŽุฉู ุงู„ุชู‘ู‚ู‰
ุชุคุณู‘ุณู ุฐุง ุงู„ุจู†ูŠุงู†ูŽ ุจูุงู„ุนูุฒู‘ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู…ูŽุฌุฏู

66. From her flow waters of eloquence clear
And she pours forth from the essence of rhet'ric's art

ูฆูฆ. ูˆูŽู…ูŽู† ูŠูŽุจู†ูู‡ุง ููŠ ุบูŽูŠุฑู ู…ุง ู‚ูŽุฏ ุจูŽู†ูŠุชู‡ุง
ูŠูŽุคูˆู„ู ุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ุจู†ูŠุงู† ู„ูู„ู‡ูŽุฏู…ู ูˆูŽุงู„ู‡ุฏู‘ู

67. With her wizardry of expression she scales the heights
Reaching steps unattained by common or elite

ูฆูง. ููŽู‡ุงูƒูŽ ุญูŽู…ุงูƒูŽ ุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ู ู…ูู† ูƒู„ู‘ู ุนุงู‡ูŽุฉู
ู…ูุฎุฏู‘ูŽุฑุฉ ู‡ูŽูŠูุงุก ู…ูŽู…ุดูˆู‚ูŽุฉ ุงู„ู‚ูŽุฏู‘ู

68. To you she came bearing wonders to dazzle the minds
Her train trailing in amazement, her veil cast aside

ูฆูจ. ููŽุฑูŠุฏูŽุฉ ุญูุณู†ู ุจูู†ุชูŽ ูููƒุฑู ูŠูŽุชูŠู…ูŽุฉู
ุฌูŽู…ูŠู„ุฉ ูˆูŽุฌู‡ู ูˆูŽู‡ูŠูŽ ูƒุงุนูุจุฉู ุงู„ู†ู‘ู‡ุฏู

69. Scented by the perfume of your praise
Thereof, by God, more fragrant than musk or perfume

ูฆูฉ. ูŠูŽุณูŠู„ู ุจูู‡ุง ู…ุงุกู ุงู„ุจูŽู„ุงุบูŽุฉู ุตุงูููŠุงู‹
ูˆูŽูŠูŽู†ุณุงุจู ู…ูู† ุฏูุฑู‘ู ุงู„ุจุฏูŠุนู ุนู„ู‰ ู…ูŽู‡ุฏู

70. So treat her with favour and pleasure, my lord
And guard her, O patron of kind acts, from hurt or rebuff

ูงู . ูŠูู…ุงุฒูุฌูู‡ ุณูุญุฑ ุงู„ุจูŽูŠุงู†ู ู‚ูŽุฏู ุงูุฑุชูŽู‚ู‰
ู…ูŽุฑุงุชูุจูŽ ู„ูŽู… ุชุฏุฑูƒ ุนูŽู„ู‰ ุงู„ู‚ูุฑุจู ูˆูŽุงู„ุจุนุฏู

71. Lofty acceptance is your nature and wont
Refusal and rejection your excellent ways abhor

ูงูก. ุฃูŽุชูŽุชูƒูŽ ุชูŽู‡ุฒู‘ ุงู„ูƒุดุญูŽ ุนูŽุฌุจุงู‹ ูˆูŽู…ูุฎุฑุงู‹
ูˆูŽุชูŽุณุญูŽุจู ุฐูŽูŠู„ูŽ ุงู„ุชู‘ููŠู‡ู ูƒุงุดููุฉ ุงู„ุฎูŽุฏู‘ู

72. May you remain under God's protection, well-shielded
Observed by the eye of grace, fortune, and joy

ูงูข. ู…ูุนุทู‘ุฑุฉ ู…ูู† ุนุทุฑู ู…ูŽุฏุญููƒ ู†ุงููุญุงู‹
ููŽูƒุงู†ูŽ ุจูู‡ุง ุฃูŽุดุฐู‰ ู…ูู†ูŽ ุงู„ู…ูุณูƒู ูˆูŽุงู„ู†ุฏู‘ู

73. In a salubrious body and blissful existence
In a life of ease and plenty may you ever abide

ูงูฃ. ููŽุฃูŽุญุณูู†ู’ ุฅูู„ูŽูŠู‡ุง ุจูุงู„ู‚ูŽุจูˆู„ู ูˆูŽุจูุงู„ุฑู‘ุถู‰
ูˆูŽุตูู†ู’ู‡ุง ุฃูŽุจุง ุงู„ู…ูŽุนุฑูˆูู ู…ูู† ุฎูŽุฌู„ูŽุฉู ุงู„ุตุฏู‘ู

74. As long as the spring birds trill in the gardens
Displaying in all seasons beauty and grace

ูงูค. ููŽุดูŠู…ูŽุชููƒูŽ ุงู„ุนูŽู„ูŠุงุกู ู…ูู† ุฏูŽุฃุจูู‡ุง ุงู„ุฑู‘ุถู‰
ูˆูŽุนุงุฏูŽุชููƒ ุงู„ุญูŽุณู†ุงุกู ุชูŽู†ุจูˆ ุนูŽู†ู ุงู„ุฑุฏู‘ู

75. Let not the earnest in pursuit of their aim
By God! Say, โ€œWhy should striving abate?โ€

ูงูฅ. ูˆูŽุฏูู…ุชูŽ ุจูุนูŽูŠู†ู ุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ ู…ูŽูƒู„ูˆุกูŽ ุญููุธูู‡ู
ูˆูŽู…ูŽู„ุญูˆุธูŽ ุนูŠู†ู ุงู„ูŠู…ู†ู ูˆูŽุงู„ุฎูŠุฑู ูˆูŽุงู„ุณู‘ุนุฏู

ูงูฆ. ุจูุตูุญู‘ูŽุฉู ุฌูุณู…ู ููŠ ู…ูŽุณูŽุฑู‘ูŽุฉู ู…ูู‡ุฌูŽุฉู
ุจูุนูŽูŠุดู ู‡ูŽู†ููŠู‘ู ู†ุงุนูู…ู ุฑูŽุบุฏู

ูงูง. ู…ูŽุฏู‰ ุงู„ุฏู‘ู‡ุฑู ู…ุง ุบูŽู†ู‘ูŽู‰ ุงู„ุฑู‘ุจูŠุนูŽ ุนู†ุงุฏูู„ูŒ
ููŽุฃูŽุจุฏูŠู†ูŽ ุญูุณู†ูŽ ุงู„ุตู‘ุฏุญู ููŠ ุฒูŽู…ูŽู†ู ุงู„ูˆุฑุฏู

ูงูจ. ูˆูŽู…ุง ู‚ุงู„ูŽ ุฐูˆ ุฌูุฏู‘ู ูŠุญุซู‘ู ุจูุฌุฏู‘ู‡ู
ู„ูŽูƒูŽ ุงู„ู„ู‘ูŽู‡ ู…ุง ู‡ูŽุฐุง ุงู„ุชู‘ูˆุงู†ูŠ ุจูู„ุง ุฌุฏู‘ู