
Away went distress from you, and then tribulation,

ذهب البأس عنك ثم العناء

1. Away went distress from you, and then tribulation,
Since from Allah relief has come to you,

١. ذَهَبَ البَأسُ عَنكَ ثمّ العَناءُ
إِذ مِنَ اللَّهِ قَد أَتاكَ الشّفاءُ

2. So we clothed ourselves with joy after sorrows,
And from that joy we put on delight.

٢. فَاِتّشَحنا السّرورَ بَعدَ غُمومٍ
وَاِعتَلانا مِنَ السّرورِ الهَناءُ

3. The turbid changed for us into serenity,
And upon us the limpid started overflowing.

٣. وَتَبَدَّلنا بِالتكدُّرِ صَفواً
وَعَلينا أَضحى يَفيضُ الصّفاءُ

4. Whenever joy touches us, the earth rejoices with us,
And the sky with us is happy.

٤. كُلّما مَسَّنا بِالمَسَرَّةِ ماسَت
مَعَنا الأَرضُ فَرحةً وَالسّماءُ

5. So to my Gentle Lord, I convey profuse thanks,
And to Him, as it befits, abundant praise,

٥. فَلِربّي اللّطيفِ أَبلَغُ حَمدٍ
وَعَليهِ كَما يَليقُ الثّناءُ

6. Since He has graced, with your recovery, bounty,
O minister, with which ministers have reached loftiness.

٦. حَيثُ قَد مَنّ في شِفائِك فَضلاً
يا وَزيراً سَمَت بِهِ الوُزراءُ

7. That is the blessing, the like of which after Islam,
Has not narrated upon us the like of blessing.

٧. ذاكَ نُعماءُ ما حَكَتها عَلينا
بَعدَ الاِسْلامِ مِثلها نعماءُ

8. A blessing that revived the loving one, and in it
The enemies were killed by its despise.

٨. نِعمَةٌ أَحيَتِ المحبّ وَفيها
قَد أُميتَت بِغَيظِها الأَعداءُ

9. So I congratulate you on the perfection of recovery,
Whereby with your wellness, maladies have gone away.

٩. فَأُهنّيكَ في كَمالِ شِفاءٍ
حَيثُ زَالَت بِبُرئِكَ الأَدواءُ

10. And I promise you the best wishes,
Since wishes contain benefit within themselves.

١٠. وَأُوالي لَكَ الدّعاءَ بِخَيرٍ
كَيفَ وَالنّفعُ قَد حَواهُ الدّعاءُ

11. Asking from my Almighty Lord a lasting recovery for you,
And calamities to go away.

١١. سائِلاً مِن رَبّي العظيمِ شِفاءً
لَكَ دَوماً وَتَذهبَ الأسواءُ

12. Then a prolonged lifetime, of extended duration,
Which in time has no end.

١٢. ثمَّ عُمراً يَطولُ وهوَ مَديدٌ
لَيسَ يَعروهُ في الزّمانِ اِنتِهاءُ

13. With influence, happiness, and elevation,
Which time cannot speak of any elevation like it.

١٣. بِمَعالٍ وَسؤددٍ وَاِرتِقاءٍ
لَيسَ يَحكيهِ في الزّمانِ اِرتِقاءُ

14. Easy life, comfortable with tranquility,
With vigor, and no distress of weakness.

١٤. ناعِمُ العَيشِ رَغده بِاِرتِياحٍ
بِنَشاطٍ وَلا اِعتَراك عياءُ

15. No star has risen in dusk or daylight,
And shone in the horizon with light like it.

١٥. ما بَدا كَوكَبٌ دُجىً أَو نَهاراً
وَبَدا في الخافِقَينِ مِنهُ ضياءُ