
The crescent moon appeared still a babe of night

إن الهلال بدا وهو ابن ليلته

1. The crescent moon appeared still a babe of night
And ripped the veil of dusk to shreds

١. إِنّ الهِلالَ بَدا وَهو اِبنُ لَيلَتِه
وَمَزَّق الغرب عَن حُلَّةَ الحجبِ

2. As though the West sought gems to buy
And sailed forth in a golden barge

٢. كَأَنّما الغرب يَبغي يَشتري دُرراً
فَجاءَ يَشحَنها في زَورَقِ الذّهبِ