1. The nightingale warbled upon the branches
To relieve us of the anguish of worries
١. بُلبلُ الدّوحِ عَلَيهِ صَدَحا
وَلِمَتنِ الغمِّ منّا شَرَحا
2. The boughs of the wild plum leaned at dawn
When the arms of the breeze waved them about
٢. وَغُصونُ البانِ مالَت بُكرَةً
مِن ذِراعِ الرّيحِ لَمّا سَرَحا
3. The zephyr of flowers diffused its fragrance
Like the perfume of musk when it blows
٣. وَنَسيمُ الزّهرِ أَبدَى عَرفهُ
كَذَكِيِّ الطّيبِ لَمّا نَفَحا
4. The rainclouds drew their veils over themselves
Truly exposing the ardours of love
٤. وَاِستِتارَ الغيدِ في بُرقُعِها
لِأُهيل العِشقِ حقّاً فَضَحا
5. A gazelle, whose buttocks were taut
Lay in wait to hunt any easy prey
٥. وَغَزالٍ هُدبُه مُنتَصِبٌ
شَرَكاً يَصطادُ مَنْ قَد سَنَحا
6. The wine loosened the knot from his smile
And the moles on his cheek unlocked my heart
٦. جَرَّ عَقلي الميمَ مِن مَبسَمِهِ
وَبِنونِ الصّدغِ قَلبي فَتَحا
7. Intoxicated by his alluring glance
As if I had taken a drink from his cup
٧. ثَمِلٌ أَسكَرَني مُقلتهُ
فَكَأنّي نِلتُ مِنها قَدَحا
8. No one but his smoothness turned the cup
The sun of the horizon whose light had shone
٨. ما أَدارَ الكَأسَ إِلّا خِلتُها
شَمسَ أُفقٍ نورُها قَد وَضُحا
9. If a wakeful man smells it he freshens up
And the insipid, when they taste it, recover
٩. عَرفُها إِن شَمَّهُ الصّاحي اِنتَشى
وَبِها النّشوانُ إِذْ ذاقَ صَحا
10. No gloomy man touched it, his mind unsound
Except from it he straightened up and healed
١٠. ما تَعاطاها كَئيبٌ عَقلُهُ
فاسِدٌ إِلّا وَمِنها اِصطَلَحا
11. The relief came to me from his relief
When he gave drink to one clinging and daybreak to one gloomy
١١. قَد حَلا لي الراحُ مِن راحَتِهِ
إِذ سَقى مُغتَبِقاً مُصطَبِحا
12. I spend the night craving his love
And challenging my own passion to be chaste
١٢. بِتُّ أَهوى في هَواهُ الرُّقَبا
وَأُعادي في غَرامي النُّصَحا
13. If green appears in his garb
Then the red of roses adorns it
١٣. إِن بَدا في الحلَّةِ الخَضرا فَفي
حُمرَةِ الوردِ المُحيَّا اِتّشَحا
14. A wild plum branch bends its stem
And sways as it walks in delight
١٤. غُصنُ بانٍ بانَ يثني عِطفَهُ
وَتَثَنَّى وَهوَ يَمشي مَرَحا
15. The eyelids of a fawn envelope treasures
Of cheek roses when they part
١٥. غُنجُ هاروتَ جَفنَيهِ لكَنزِ
وُرودِ الخَدِّ مِنهُ فَتَحا
16. The breeze in it was as incense to it
Since the sorceress cast a spell and opened on him
١٦. ريحُ فيهِ كانَ بَخوراً لَهُ
مُذْ تَلا السّحرَ عَلَيهِ اِنفَتَحا
17. The moles approved themselves as guards over it
When they saw this matter agreeable to it
١٧. وَاِرتَضى الخالَ عَلَيهِ حارِساً
إِذ لِذا الأَمرِ رَآهُ صَلُحا
18. Over it they put up a screen of sweet idols
Whose scent blew from their perfume
١٨. وَعَلَيهِ مَدَّ سُوراً حَسَناً
مِن عِذارٍ عِطرُهُ قَد نَفَحا
19. Teeth like kohl lined its sleepy eyes
And with the swords of charm its glances bled
١٩. وَسِنٌ كَحّلَ جَفنَيهِ الكَرى
وَبِسَيفِ السُّهدِ طَرفي اِنجَرَحا
20. Since it saw my tears as blood that flowed
It realised my eyes for it had gained
٢٠. مُذْ رَأى دَمعي دِماءً قَد دَرى
أَنَّ جَفني لِلكَرى قَد رَبحا
21. A flirtatious charmer fooled me with his flirtation
And falsely claimed in blaming that he gave good advice
٢١. وَعَذولٍ غَشَّني في عَذْلِهِ
وَاِدَّعى في لَوْمِهِ أَن نَصَحا
22. I do not complain of his act except to one
To whom the reins of reconciliation pulled
٢٢. لَستُ أَشكو فِعلَهُ إِلّا لِمنْ
نَحوَهُ جَرَّتْ مَطايا الصّلَحا
23. The eloquent, valiant one, whose verse
Rendered the eloquent speechless in his presence
٢٣. الفَصيحُ الشّهمُ ذو النَّظمِ الَّذي
خَرسَت نُطْقاً لَدَيهِ الفُصَحا
24. Ahmad the righteous, such righteous one who
Counts gaining praise finer than gifts
٢٤. أَحمَدُ البرُّ كَذا البَرُّ الَّذي
عَدَّ كَسبَ المَدحِ أَسنى مِنَحا
25. A guiding sun whose lights have shone
And how much in it the darkness of ignorance it erased
٢٥. شَمسُ هَدْيٍ أَشرَقَت أَنوارُهُ
وَلَكم فيها دُجى الجَهلِ مَحا
26. A lion, if it bared its might
And the beasts saw it bare its fangs from it
٢٦. أَسدٌ لَو لاحَ يُبدي سَطوةً
وَرآها اللَّيثُ مِنها جَمَحا
27. Deep in knowledge except that he
In the oceans of merit truly swam
٢٧. غارِقٌ في العِلمِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
في بُحورِ الفَضلِ حَقّاً سَبَحا
28. With high towers in which
The moon of the horizon never glanced
٢٨. ذو بُروجٍ عالِياتٍ ما بِها
طَرفُ بَدرِ الأفْقِ يَوماً لَمَحا
29. Magnanimous, if poverty entered
This abode, in it he would be magnanimous
٢٩. سَمِحٌ في يَدِهِ لَو دَخَلت
هَذِهِ الدّارُ لَفيها سمَحا
30. If we disdained his gifts due to plenty
Then we desire him to offer
٣٠. إِنْ أَنِفنا بَذلَهُ مِن كَثرَةٍ
فَلَنا الرّغبةُ فيهِ اِقتَرَحا
31. In it for glory is glory whenever
The fortunate gazed upon it
٣١. فيهِ لِلمَجدِ مَجدٌ مِثلَما
يَسعَدُ السّعدُ بِهِ إِن لَمَحا
32. If merit were up to him we would erect
Since we saw toward him the snares set up
٣٢. فلَوِ الفضلُ لَدَيهِ نَصَبت
مُذْ رَأَينا نَحوَهُ الفَخَّ نَحا
33. If I knew a tenth of his traits
I could not encompass a tenth of the one I praise
٣٣. لَو عَلِمتُ العشرَ مِن أَوصافِهِ
لَم أُحِط في عَشرِهِ مُمتَدِحا
34. O generous one who with ease purchased through
Giving, the praise I gave
٣٤. يا كَريماً مِنهُ مثالي تشتَري
بِيَسارٍ راحَتاهُ المِدَحا
35. O forbearing one who hopes for his pardon
And the unjust one pardoned his lapse
٣٥. يا حَليماً باتَ يُرجى عَفوُهُ
وَصَفوحاً عَنهُ مُسيءٌ صَفَحا
36. I present to you an untouched pearl
That if it appeared at daylight its smoothness the sun of dawn
٣٦. إِنّني أُهديكَ بِكراً لو بَدَت
في الدّياجي خِلتَها شَمسَ ضُحى
37. If we recited it to the blind, he would see
Or to the mute, his speech would at once be eloquent
٣٧. لَو تَلَوناها عَلى الأَعمى رَأى
أَو عَلى الأَبكمِ حالاً فصُحا
38. Or if we read it to one deaf
His hearing would appear opened up
٣٨. أَو قَرَأناها عَلى ذي صَممٍ
لَتَبدّى سَمعُهُ مُنفَتِحا
39. My thoughts ushered it in as a bride
For its adornment remain happily residing
٣٩. زَفَّها فِكري عَروساً تَنجَلي
لِحلاها كُن مُقيماً فَرِحا
40. And live in happiness and honour as long as
The nightingale warbled upon the branches
٤٠. وَاِبقَ وَاِسلَم بِالهَنا وَالعِزِّ ما
بُلبلُ الدَّوحِ عَلَيهِ صَدَحا