1. I'm amazed you told my flaw, O eloquent friend,
To that virtuous, brilliant one, brother of glory.
١. تَعجّبتُ أَن أَعلمتَ يا صاحِبَ الحجى
بعيبيَ ذا الفضلِ اللبيبَ أخا المجدِ
2. So I grew afraid though I did not steal, far from it!
For he is the brave soldier of sweet rhetoric.
٢. فَخِفتُ وَلَم أَسرقْ حاشا لأنَّه
هو البَطلُ الجنديّ ذو المَنطِقِ الشَّهدِي
3. And suppose I had stolen that book, as you claim,
You are a concealer who does not expose faults.
٣. وَهَب أَنّني ذاكَ الكتابَ اِختَلستُهُ
فَإِنّكَ سَتّارٌ وَلِلعَيبِ لا تُبدي
4. And you know that among the flock I'm the lowliest,
No wonder I fear the soldier who is so mighty.
٤. وَتعلمُ أنّي في الرّعايا حَقيرَهم
ولا عَجبٌ أَنّي أَخافُ مِنَ الجُندي