1. And in an olive grove I dwelt beneath its shade
With a band for whom beneath the firmament glory and wisdom abide
١. وَرَوضَةِ زَيتونٍ أَقمتُ بِظلّها
بِجَمعٍ لَهم دونَ الوَرى العزُّ وَالعَقلُ
2. And the boughs inclined towards them in affection
And inclined affectionately as a lioness when she suckles her cubs
٢. وَقَد مالَتِ الأَغصانُ تَحنو عَليهمُ
وَحَنَّت حَنانَ الأُسدِ إِذ يَرضَعُ الشبلُ
3. And it is no wonder that they inclined towards them in their belief
That they are the source of the light from which the boughs originally sprang
٣. وَلا بِدْعَ إِن مالَت إِلَيهم لظنِّها
وَهم هم ضِياءٌ أَنّها لهمُ أصلُ