
The deer's musk-scent, though pure, cannot make

لا يلجئن غزال المسك ذو حور

1. The deer's musk-scent, though pure, cannot make
A cheek whose clear complexion is its own adornment,

١. لا يُلجِئَنَّ غَزالَ المِسك ذو حَوَرٍ
نَقِيُّ خدٍّ بِهِ لِلحسنِ أَنوارُ

2. And many a one who's flung on musk to hide his face
Betrays by his two cheeks the artifice of his endeavour

٢. فَرُبّما قَد رَمى بِالمسكِ وَجنَته
فَمِنهُ يَظهر في خَدّيْهِ آثارُ