1. A year has dressed us in robes of joy,
And drawn behind it trails of rapture.
١. وَعامٍ كَسانا ثِيابَ السُّرور
وجَرَّ علَينا ذُيولَ الطَّرَبْ
2. When we cast off the frost of sorrows,
And therein shed the ways of distress.
٢. وَلَمّا خَلَعْنا بُرودَ الهُموم
وفيه أزَلْنا رُسومَ الكرَبْ
3. In it the stars of fortune have shone,
And the star of misfortunes has set its decline.
٣. بِهِ أَنجُم السّعْدِ قَد أَشْرَقَتْ
ونَجْمُ النّحوساتِ أرِّخْ غَرَبْ