1. My heart overflowed with passion
For the love of the most beautiful gazelle
١. إِنّ قَلبي بِغَرامي طَفَحا
في هَوى الظّبيِ الأَغنِّ الأحسنِ
2. None can match the radiance of sun and moon
With such brilliant beauty so fair
٢. مَنْ لِحُسنِ الشّمسِ وَالبدرِ مَحا
بِجَمالٍ بارعٍ مُستَحسَنِ
3. It captivated minds with magic of eyes
And shot lovers with arrows of languor
٣. سَلَبَ الأَلبابَ في سِحرِ العُيونْ
وَرَمَى الأَحشا بِسَهمِ الدعجِ
4. Making crazed those passion's disease seized
Who relished its havoc with fervor
٤. وَرَمى العشّاقَ في داءِ الجُنون
وَاِستَطابوا فَتكَهُ في المُهَجِ
5. Content to face death by glance's swords
As livers like candles did smolder
٥. وَرَضُوا القَتلَ بِأَسيافِ الجُفون
مِنهُ تَفرِي الكبد مِثلَ الودجِ
6. Each soul freely offered in loving accord
While for its love was each cheap vendor
٦. كُلّهم بِالرّوحِ منهُ سَمَحا
وَاِغتَدى في عِشقِهِ عَنها غني
7. Consumed with desire, all reason it scorched
Ablaze with rapture and fire of yearning
٧. وَلَها في عِشقِه قَد طرحا
في لَظى الوَجدِ وَنارِ الشّجنِ
8. My critic, cease blaming, no need to be harsh
You've never tasted love's longings that burn
٨. يا عَذولي كُفَّ لَومي وَاِتّئِدْ
أَنتَ غَمْرٌ لَم تَذُق طَعمَ الغَرامْ
9. If for an instant you felt its sweet touch
You'd know to blame lovers is crime most stern
٩. إِنْ تَذُقْهُ لَحظَةً كُنتَ تَجِدْ
أَنّ لَومَ الصبِّ في العِشقِ حَرامْ
10. So strive my friend, be earnest and keen
To feel love's frenzy and be ever its keen
١٠. فَلَهُ بادِر بِجدٍّ وَاِجتَهد
وَكُنِ الصبَّ غَراماً وَهُيام
11. Oh what sorrow for he who spurned this love
And was pierced by the darts of its fate
١١. يا لَحا اللَّه عَذولاً قَد لَحا
وَرَماهُ بِسِهامِ المِحَنِ
12. Among the living he faded away
Like a ghost without trace or slate
١٢. وَمِنَ الأَحياءِ في الدَّهرِ اِنمَحى
اِسمُهُ رَسماً كَأَن لَم يَكُنِ
13. I am a youth smitten with passion's swell
My heart and body melted in its spell
١٣. أَنا صَبٌّ بِالتّصابي وَالهَوى
ذابَ مِنهُ القَلبُ وَالجِسمُ اِنتَحَل
14. I'm consumed with anguish for desire's flame
And though to union I haven't drew nigh
١٤. وَاِنشَوى وَجداً عَلى جَمرِ الجَوى
وَإِلى الوَصلِ فَما إِن قَد وَصل
15. My soul has wandered to realms of the vain
Robed in illness and infirmity's guise
١٥. وَإِلَى الأَقفارِ أَلقاهُ النّوى
وَكَساهُ ثَوب سقمٍ وَعلَل
16. Behold him now, a specter that looms
Gaunt form wasted like one dead and tomb-bound
١٦. فَاِنظُروهُ فَتَروهُ شَبحاً
خِدن بُعد مِثل مَيت قَد فنِي
17. Or a crescent whose slender curve looms
If his clothes fell, no flesh would be found
١٧. أَو هِلالٍ قَلَّ شَخص لَمَحا
لَو نَضى أَثوابَهُ لَم يبنِ
18. Oh my burning desire for this gazelle
Most gentle and beautiful of them all
١٨. يا وُلوعي في هَوى هَذا الغَزالْ
وَهوَ الظّبيُ الأَخَنُّ الأَوطَفُ
19. His cheeks, glory and beauty endow
None can compare to such beauty at all
١٩. وَردُ خَدَّيهِ بَهاءٌ وَجَمال
غَيرهُ بِالحُسنِ ما إِن يوصَفُ
20. His mouth contains wine and pure honey
He is sweet nectar most luscious and bright
٢٠. ثَغرهُ يَحوي جُماناً وَزلال
فَهوَ شَهدٌ وَرَحيقٌ قَرقفُ
21. If he gave me one draft of his lips
I'd stay drunk for the rest of my life
٢١. لَو سَقاني مِن لَماهُ قَدحاً
دُمتُ سَكراناً بكلِّ الزَّمنِ
22. Dancing with joy, the whole world I would thrill
Refreshing the soul and plumping the build
٢٢. يَملأُ الكَونَ بِرقصٍ فَرَحاً
مُنعش الرّوحِ وَرطب البدنِ
23. Does he have an equal, with day's beaming light?
He is a moon without peer in this world
٢٣. أَلَهُ مِثلٌ وَذا شَمسُ النّهار
وَهوَ بَدرٌ ما لَهُ الدّهرَ نَظيرْ
24. By his halo of charm that steals hearts
He is musk, silk and incense when unfurled
٢٤. بِأَبي هالَته آس العِذار
وَتَأَمّل فَهوَ مِسكٌ وَحَرير
25. Above his cheek by his temple I wish
My lips could become, by that fireside to relish
٢٥. فَوقَ نارِ الخدِّ عِندَ الصّدغِ دار
لَيتَني ثَغراً لِذي النّارِ أَصير
26. To dwell in the glow of the sun at dawn
On that beautiful, perfect cheek's expanse
٢٦. قاطِناً في الضّوءِ مِن شَمسِ الضّحى
في مُحيّاهُ الجميل الحَسنِ
27. And gain through the ages this boon
To press lips to that rosy cheek's glance
٢٧. وَأَنالُ الدّهرَ هَذي المنحا
وَلِوَردِ الخدّ دَوماً أَجتني
28. My people, how harshly to me you've behaved
Though I'm the love-struck and passionate knave
٢٨. يا لَقَومي في هَواهُ من جفاهْ
وَأَنا الصبّ الشجيُّ المولعُ
29. For his love did my reason take flight
Tell me, what is it I should do?
٢٩. طارَ عَقلي بِغَرامي في هَواهُ
أَخبِروني ما الّذي قَد أَصنَعُ
30. Ask him for a union and meeting's delight
For in that prospect my hopes now imbue
٣٠. وَاِسأَلوهُ وَصلَهُ لي وَلِقاه
فَبِوَصلي وَلقاهُ أَطمَعُ
31. How often by me was he shyly perceived
As roses on his cheek were sweetly conceived
٣١. فَلَكم قَد شامَني مِنّي اِستَحى
وَبَدا في خَدّهِ الورد الجَني
32. For my love of him, ever will I pine
Devoted through all of time's advance
٣٢. فَعَلى حبّي لَهُ لَن أَبرَحا
عاكِفاً في الدّهرِ ما إِن أَنثَني
33. My people, for one who has seized my heart's reigns
Like he has, captor of souls and of kings
٣٣. يا لَقَومي في هَوى مَن مَلكتْ
مِثلَ قَلبي في الهَوى صِيْد المُلوكْ
34. How many passionate youths has he slain
Of this there can be no doubting
٣٤. وَلَكمْ صَب بِوجدٍ أهلكت
لَيسَ في هَذا اِرتِيابٌ وَشُكوك
35. A beauty whose rays shone upon me
All minds were enslaved by its blinding luminosity
٣٥. شَمسُ حُسنٍ حينَ فيهِ دلكت
سَبَتِ الأَلبابَ في ذاكَ الدّلوك
36. With a sway and a stride floating on air
Scornful of the bending bough's lean
٣٦. تُثني عِطفاً وَتَمشي مَرَحا
تَزدَري بِالميل مَيل الغُصُنِ
37. Happy the lad for his love when laid bare
And for him was by rapture sustained
٣٧. سَعدُ صبّ في هَواها اِفتَضحا
وَبِها قَد دامَ بِالمفتتنِ
38. Radiant princess of the lithe form
Daughter of Khadir, in necklace and veil
٣٨. غادَةٌ غَيداء ذاتُ الهيفِ
بِنتُ خِدرٍ ذاتُ عقدٍ وَوِشاحْ
39. Whoever felt passion for that gazelle
Amongst flocks was by love curtailed
٣٩. مِن حَلا فيها غَراماً شَغَفي
وَبِذاكَ الظّبي مِن بَينِ المِلاحْ
40. The fairest of folk are the noble ones' bail
Such words are approved and prevail
٤٠. قُلت أَهلَ الحُسنِ أَهل الشّرفِ
مِثلُ قَولي صالِحٌ أَهلَ الصّلاحْ
41. All minds sharpest he did hail
Standing out by his wit so avail
٤١. مَن إِلَيهِ كلُّ حِذقٍ قَد نَحا
فَتَبَدّى بِالذّكي الفطِنِ
42. No has disputed with good cause to assail
He is just, no valid plaint to unveil
٤٢. مَن بِحِذقٍ وَذَكاءٍ رَجَحا
أَذكياءَ العَصرِ أَهلَ الفطنِ
43. What he stated correct, we will not curtail
By the experts of creed it will not fail
٤٣. الأَديب اللّوذَعيّ الفاضلُ
فَضلهُ في الدّهرِ ما إِن يجحدُ
44. God bless him, the orator vociferous
The astute whom astutes hold as glorious
٤٤. الأَريبُ الأَلمَعِيّ الكاملُ
مَن بِحُسنٍ وَكَمالٍ يحمَدُ
45. The eloquent, unique phrases so wondrous
Each smooth, lovely, and curious meaning
٤٥. مَن لَهُ بِالفضلِ حتّى الجاهلُ
كلُّ ذي فَضلٍ ذَكيٍّ يشهدُ
46. The sage, accomplished, who brought into light
Strange manners of rhyme and insights so bright
٤٦. ما بِهذا شاهِد قَد جرحا
فَهوَ عَدلٌ ما بِهِ مِن مطعنِ
47. He refined poetry, wonderfully exhibitive
With consistent, refined, and cohesive narrative
٤٧. فَهوَ مَقبولٌ عَلى ما صُحِّحا
عِندَ أَهلِ الفِقهِ وَالشّرعِ السّني
48. Like finest eulogies, affirmative
Of goodness, virtues impressively descriptive
٤٨. يا لَهُ اللَّه خَطيباً مصقعا
وَلَبيباً قَد سَما كلّ لَبيبْ
49. My friend of noble temper, understanding so keen
Brother of kindness, morals pristine
٤٩. وَبَليغاً في القَريضِ اِختَرَعا
كلّ مَعنى سَلس حلوٍ عَجيبْ
50. My learned friend, genuine and serene
Brother of words most delightful and sheen
٥٠. وَذَكيّاً بارِعاً قَد أبدعا
في القَوافي كلّ أُسلوبٍ غَريبْ
51. You were gracious to gift me these verses seen
Unmatched by finest Arabian lute strings
٥١. هَذَّب الشِّعرَ وَأَبدى المِلَحا
بِاِنسِجامٍ مُستَطابٍ مُتقَنِ
52. These skillful lines were praised by eloquence deans
Amongst eloquent folk of pleasant miens
٥٢. مُحكماً مِثلَ النّسيب المِدَحا
مِثلَ مَدحِ الزّهرِ حسن الفننِ
53. You honored me by this gift so pristine
Crowning me with these generous deeds
٥٣. يا سَليمَ الطّبعِ ذا الفَهمِ الدّقيقْ
وَأَخا اللّطفِ وَحسنَ الأدبِ
54. Remain the sea of gems, your gifts ever glean
Be to the age bountiful of your artisan's ream
٥٤. يا حَرِيّاً بِكَمالٍ وَحَقيق
وَأَخا اللّفظِ البديعِ الأعذبِ
55. Bringing joy, comfort, prosperity's beam
With life pleasant, mostly blissful dream
٥٥. جُدتَ إِذْ أَهديتَني النّظمَ الرّقيق
لَم تَطُلهُ بُلغاءُ العَربِ
56. A star for glory, rising with fate's esteem
Rising fortunes at time most supreme
٥٦. بِالبديعِ اِمتَدَحَته الفُصَحا
مِن ذَوي الأَلسنِ أَهل اللسنِ
57. No meadow lark trilled at the thickets' seam
With melodies floating atop the tree screens
٥٧. وَبِهِ قَد كنت لي مُمتَدحا
وَبِهِ طَوَّقْتَنِي بِالمننِ
58. Nor has dawn's glow poured out its gleam
Visible, apparent to all eyes keen
٥٨. دُمتَ بَحرَ الدّرّ تَهديهِ لَنا
وَتَجودُ الدّهرَ مِنهُ بِالفَريد
59. God bless and bestow special peace
Upon your chosen Mustafa, the best emissary
٥٩. مُنعّم البالِ سُروراً وَهَنا
ناعِماً في الدَّهرِ بِالعَيشِ الرّغيد
60. Who all prophets led on night journey
To Holiest Place, to ascent most hallowed
٦٠. كَوكَباً لِلمَجدِ يَعلوهُ السّنا
طالِعاً بِالسّعدِ في الوَقتِ السّعيد
61. And upon his companions, the approvals
And his family, so noble and laudable
٦١. ما هِزارٌ في الرّوابي صَدَحا
بِبَديعِ الصّدحِ فَوقَ الأَغصنِ
62. As ears were filled with pleasant word streams
And son of opening, my Lord do for me deem
٦٢. ما ضِياءُ الفَجرِ شَرقاً فَضحا
وَعَياناً قَد بَدا لِلأَعيُنِ
63. With acceptance and seal beautifully supreme
٦٣. صَلِّ يا ربِّ وَخَصِّصْ بِالسّلام
مُصطَفاك المُجتبى خَيرَ رَسولْ
٦٤. مَن لِرُسلِ اللَّه قَد كانَ الإِمام
لَيلَةَ الإِسراءِ في لَيلِ الوُصول
٦٥. حَضرَةَ القُدسِ إِلى أَسنى مَقام
وَعَلى أَصحابِهِ أَهل القَبول
٦٦. وَعَلى الآلِ الكِرامِ الصُّلحا
ما مَلا الأَسماعَ قَرعُ الألسنِ
٦٧. وَابن فَتحِ اللَّهِ رَبّي فَاِمنَحا
بِقَبول وَخِتام حَسنِ