
I swear by the eyes, the best oath,

قسما بالعيون خير يمين

1. I swear by the eyes, the best oath,
My right hand I have never extended to other than him.

١. قَسَماً بِالعُيونِ خَيرَ يمينِ
ما إِلى غَيرِهِ فَرَشتُ يَميني

2. None but him have I loved among the beautiful,
My eyes have seen him, the most beautiful.

٢. ما سِواهُ عَشِقت بَينَ مِلاحِ
مِن مَليحٍ لَقَد رَأَتهُ عُيوني

3. Whoever saw the sun and the stars near it
And then loved the star, was certainly mad.

٣. مَن رَأى الشّمسَ وَالنّجومُ لَدَيها
فَاِهتَوى النّجمُ كانَ خِدنَ جُنونِ

4. It is the way of those sane in love by nature
To love the most beautiful, not the inferior.

٤. شَأنُ أَهلِ الهَوى السليمينَ طَبعاً
عِشقُ أَسنى الجَمالِ دونَ الدونِ

5. The most beautiful and best thing
Is by nature pleasing to all religions.

٥. إِنّ أَسنى الجَمالِ وَالحُسنِ شَيءٌ
مُستَطابٌ بِالطّبعِ في كلِّ دينِ

6. O critic of my love, do not blame me,
For blaming my love hurts me.

٦. يا عَذولي عَلى الهَوى لا تَلُمني
إِنَّ لَومي عَلى الهَوى يُؤذيني

7. What heart has ever been devoid of love and passion
For a beauty, at any time?

٧. أَيُّ قَلبٍ مِنَ الهَوى وَغَرامٍ
بِجَمالٍ لَقَد خَلا أَيُّ حينِ

8. Do not try to dissuade me from this,
For that is the real ugliness in this attempt at betterment.

٨. لا تحسِّنْ ليَ السُّلوَّ بِلَوم
إِنّما القبحُ ضِمنَ ذا التّحسينِ

9. How can I be blamed for loving the full moon?
You are certainly one who loves him, for sure.

٩. كَيفَ لَومي عَلى غَرامي بِبَدرٍ
أَنتَ مِمّن يَهواهُ حَسب اليقينِ

10. All people agree he is uniquely beautiful,
So they loved him, like Qays the madman.

١٠. أَجمَعُ النّاسُ أَنّهُ الفردُ حُسناً
فَاِهتَوَوْه كَقيسٍ المَجنونِ

11. He possessed all beauty and refinement,
What beauty compares to his hidden beauty?

١١. مَلكَ الحُسنَ وَالحِسانَ جَميعاً
أَيُّ حُسنٍ كَحُسنِهِ المَكنونِ

12. How, when even the sun was one of his slave girls
Since the world was created, at the start of creation?

١٢. كَيفَ وَالشّمسُ مِن جَواريهِ كانَت
مُذ تَبَدَّتْ مِن عالَمِ التكوينِ

13. If one with insight saw him and his beauty,
The sun would set, embarrassed, for years.

١٣. لَو رَأَته وَحسنُهُ ذو اِنكِشافٍ
لَتَردَّت بِالكسفِ طول السّنينِ

14. He sways with a figure like a spear,
Its bending stabs lions with softness.

١٤. يَتَثَنّى بِقامَةٍ مِثلَ رُمحٍ
يَطعَنُ الأُسدَ ميلُها بِاللينِ

15. With eyelids the dawn itself hides from,
What magic compares to the magic of his eyelids?

١٥. ذو جُفونٍ تكفّأَ السّحرُ مِنها
أَيُّ سحرٍ مثال سِحرِ الجفونِ

16. Melting the body, stealing the soul with passion,
Taking away the mind, he is madness itself.

١٦. ينحِلُ الجسمَ يَسلبُ القلبَ وَجْداً
يُذهِبُ العَقلَ فَهوَ أَصلُ الجُنونِ

17. There is no recovery for one who is afflicted by him,
What remedy can cure me?

١٧. لَيسَ مِنهُ لِمَن أَصابَ شِفاءٌ
أَيّ شَيءٍ مِنَ الرُّقى يَشفيني

18. With glances they conquer even when sick,
No sword compares to their sharp sword.

١٨. ذو لِحاظٍ يَسطو بِها وَهيَ مَرضى
لَيسَ سَيفٌ كَسَيفِها المَسنونِ

19. Whenever she glanced angrily at a lion,
The lion of the den escaped her.

١٩. ما اِنتَضاها بِطرفَةٍ نَحوَ لَيثٍ
وَنَجا مِنها اللّيثُ لَيثُ العَرينِ

20. With coquetry, eyeshadow and kohl,
She intoxicates them to kill the passionate.

٢٠. بِاِحوِرارٍ وَشَكلةٍ وَاِكتِحالٍ
قَد سَقاها لِقَتل أَهلِ الشّؤونِ

21. There is nothing that can protect her lover,
Since I know nothing can protect me from her.

٢١. لَيسَ مِنها لِعاشِقٍ ما يَقيهِ
إِذ يَقيني لا شَيءَ مِنها يَقيني

22. O my friend, make the wine flow toward me
Among the meadows and trees, among the branches.

٢٢. يا نَديمي أَدِرْ عَلَيَّ سُلافاً
في الرُّبى وَالرّياضِ بَينَ الغصونِ

23. It is the memory of the beloved, so it is life,
So keep it flowing, perhaps it will revive me.

٢٣. هِيَ ذِكرى الحبيبِ فَهيَ حَياةٌ
فَأَدِمْها لَعَلّها تُحييني

24. And excel in what you recite,
For the spirit's delight is in excelling in recitation.

٢٤. وَتَفَنَّنْ فيما لَهُ أَنتَ تَتلو
فَاِلتِذاذُ الأَرواحِ بِالتّفنينِ

25. And recite it eloquently, sensibly, faithfully,
The sensible one does not betray.

٢٥. وَاِتْلُها مُفصِحاً لَبيباً أَميناً
لا تَخُنْ فَاللّبيبُ غَيرُ خَؤونِ

26. Whoever betrays in this is not sensible,
For the unwise one is not faithful.

٢٦. مَن يَخُنْ فيها فَهوَ غَير لَبيبٍ
إِنَّ غَيرَ اللّبيبِ غَيرُ أَمينِ

27. The unique one of the time, essence of glory, from him
Calendars and evaluations have reached their limit.

٢٧. مفردُ الوقتِ جَوهَرُ المَجدِ عَنهُ
قَد تَناهى التّقويمُ كالتّثمينِ

28. Like the Kaaba of excellence, he is the pillar of my faith,
Every blessing stems from my auspicious pillar.

٢٨. كَعبَةُ الفَضلِ وَهوَ ركني اليَماني
كُلُّ يُمنٍ بِرُكنِيَ المَيمونِ

29. Scholar of the time, unmatched, unique,
A master, encompassing all the arts.

٢٩. عالِمُ العَصرِ بارِعٌ أوحَديٌّ
جَهبَذٌ جامِعٌ جَميع الفنونِ

30. Unmarried, perfect, devout, pure,
Has attained, with knowledge, the utmost success.

٣٠. عازِبٌ كامِلٌ تَقِيٌّ نَقِيٌّ
نالَ بِالعرفِ غايَةَ التَّمكينِ

31. And in his fight against the self, won victory,
So the Master granted him a clear opening.

٣١. وَحَوى في جِهادِهِ النّفسَ نَصراً
فَحَباهُ المَولى بِفَتحٍ مُبينِ

32. So describe for him every perfection,
In the way of correction and betterment.

٣٢. فَاِروِ عَنهُ حَديثَ كُلِّ كَمالٍ
مِن طَريقِ التّصحيحِ وَالتّحسينِ

33. He is peerless and this is no wonder,
Does not even the sun lack a rival?

٣٣. عَن نَظيرٍ خَلا وَلَيسَ عَجيباً
أَفَلا الشّمسُ قَد خَلَت عَن خدينِ

34. A lord who has achieved happiness with achievements,
Prosperity has befriended him, and it is the best company.

٣٤. سَيّدٌ حازَ سؤدَداً بِمَعالٍ
حَلَّها السّعدُ وَهوَ خَيرُ قَرينِ

35. Glorious, whose glory has no equal,
I have said, even by imagining and guessing.

٣٥. ماجِدٌ مجدُه عديمُ مثالٍ
قلتُ حَتّى بِالوهمِ وَالتّخمينِ

36. Fine Arabizer, eloquent, articulate,
With solid, elegant speech.

٣٦. مُعرِبٌ بارِعٌ فَصيحٌ بَليغٌ
بِبَديعٍ مِنَ الكلامِ رَصينِ

37. A cleaving poet, and if he is competed with,
Can the sailing ship race the winds?

٣٧. شاعِرٌ مُفلِقٌ وَما إِن يجارَى
أَيُجاري الرّياحَ سَيرُ السّفينِ

38. Whoever sees himself competing with him one day,
His mind remains like that of an infant.

٣٨. مَن رَأى أَنّه يُجاريهِ يَوماً
لَم يَزَل عَقلُهُ كَعَقلِ الجنينِ

39. If he wants to produce a strange rhyme,
He composes it effortlessly.

٣٩. إِن يَرُمْ ما من القَوافي غَريباً
يَلْفَهُ في يَراعهِ وَالنونِ

40. In rhymes as he wishes and accepts,
His command prevails without support.

٤٠. في القَوافي كَما يَشاءُ وَيَرضى
أَمرُهُ نافِذٌ بِغَيرِ معينِ

41. And if rhymes obey his command,
How strange, the acceptance of the trusted one's command!

٤١. وَالقَوافي لِأَمرِهِ إِنْ أَطاعَت
أَعَجيبٌ قبولُ أَمرِ الأَمينِ

42. And he is noble, of high worth and status,
Sublime, among the people of distinction.

٤٢. وَوَجيهٌ رَفيعُ قَدرٍ وَشَأنٍ
وَجَليلٌ ما بَينَ أَهلِ الشّؤونِ

43. Honored by his God, not disgraced,
God's honoree, none can dishonor him.

٤٣. مُكرَمٌ مِن إِلههِ لا مُهانٌ
مُكرَم اللَّهِ ما لَهُ مِن مُهينِ

44. And generous, handsome, with a radiant face,
Always in the state of giving, bright of forehead.

٤٤. وَكَريمٌ وَسيمُ وَجهٍ تَراهُ
حالَةَ البذلِ مُستنيرَ الجَبينِ

45. He is the sea of generosity, how, when he has become
One who grants pearls while not stingy himself?

٤٥. هُوَ بَحرُ السّخاءِ كَيفَ وَأَضحى
يَمنَحُ الدُّرَّ وَهوَ غَيرُ ضَنينِ

46. He is unlike Ma'n and Hatim in reality,
Or imagined, in this matter.

٤٦. لَيسَ مَعنٌ وَحاتمٌ بِمشبِهَيهِ
بِحَقيقٍ في الأَمرِ أَو مَظنونِ

47. He is a poet who gives and bestows
From a mine of his hidden treasure.

٤٧. إِنّهُ شاعِرٌ يَجودُ وَيُعطي
من لآلٍ بِكَنزِهِ المَخزونِ

48. The most generous of people is a poet, and they
Wherever they gave, with the hidden gem.

٤٨. أَجوَدُ النّاسِ في الدّنى شاعِرٌ وَهُم
حَيثُ جادوا بِالجَوهَرِ المَكنونِ

49. They granted the praised, through it, an arrangement
Arranged like a necklace of valuable pearls.

٤٩. مَنَحوا المَمدوحينَ فيهِ نَظيماً
نَظمَ عِقدٍ مِن خَيرِ دُرٍّ ثمينِ

50. So He blessed them likewise with generosity,
God bless, or with something disgraceful.

٥٠. فَحَبوهم نَظيرَ ذَلِكَ جوداً
بارَكَ اللَّهُ أَو بِشَيءٍ مهينِ

51. I wish I knew which of the two is more generous,
So answer me, advocate of explanation.

٥١. لَيتَ شِعري أَيُّ الفَريقَينِ أَسخى
فأَجِبني مُصاحِبَ التّبيينِ

52. O noble one, here is a virgin she-camel, swift,
The daughter of my thoughts, in robes of decoration.

٥٢. أَيّها الشّهمُ هاكَ بِكراً رَداحاً
بِنتَ فِكرٍ بِحُلّةِ التزيينِ

53. I have protected her from all but you in the bridal chamber of my thoughts,
The daughters of thoughts are the best protected.

٥٣. صُنتُها عَن سِواكَ في خِدرِ فِكري
وَبَناتُ الأَفكارِ أَسنى مصونِ

54. So accept her, and be with her the best pleased,
And take up her book with your right hand.

٥٤. فَاِقْبَلَنْها وَكُنْ بِها خيرَ راضٍ
وَتَناوَل كِتابَها بِاليمينِ

55. And live forever in power, in delight
That lasts, not sorrowful.

٥٥. وَدُمِ الدَّهرَ وِاِسلَمَنّ بِعزٍّ
ذا سُرورٍ يَدومُ غَيرَ حزينِ

56. The gentle breeze has never sung
To make the branches dance.

٥٦. ما تَغَنَّتْ لَدى المَسيرِ نَسيمٌ
فَأَمالَت لِلرّقصِ قَدَّ الغصونِ

57. Only the beloved servants of the Subtle One swore love,
I swear by the eyes, the best oath.

٥٧. ما عُبيد اللّطيفِ أَقسم حبّاً
قَسَماً بِالعُيونِ خَير يَمينِ