1. Direct your resolve with determination and gather the reins
From the steeds of resolve, choose the finest horse
١. وَجّهِ العَزمَ بِجدٍّ وَاِلجُما
مِن جِيادِ العَزمِ أَسنى فَرسِ
2. Then set out towards Damascus and gain spoils
Seize the opportunity to travel at nightfall
٢. ثُمَّ سِرْ نَحوَ دِمشقٍ وَاِغنما
فُرصَةَ السَّيرِ بِوقتِ الغلسِ
3. A splendid city surpassing any ideal
It encompasses pleasant air and springs
٣. بَلدَةٌ فَيحاء جَلَّت عَن مِثالْ
قَد حَوَت لُطفَ هَواءٍ وَمَعينْ
4. A melodious garden adorned with beauty
Appearing as a delight to beholders
٤. رَوضة غَنّاء تُكسى بِالجَمالْ
فَتَبدَّت قُرَّة لِلناظِرين
5. A paradise which the tongue of witness said
Enter it in peace and safety
٥. جَنّة مِنها لِسانُ الحالِ قالْ
اِدخُلوها بِسلامٍ آمِنين
6. Its face is truly beautiful and refined
Remaining clothed in the garb of intimacy
٦. وَجهُها بِالحُسنِ حقّاً وُسِما
وَبِثوبِ الأنسِ دامَت تكتسي
7. Its lips smile beautifully bringing joy
First to the soul, then to the selves
٧. ثَغرُها بِالبشرِ حُسناً بسما
لاِبتِهاجِ الرّوحِ ثمّ الأَنفسِ
8. God built it as a home of happiness
Towering above all other cities
٨. قَد بَناها اللَّه داراً لِلسُّرورْ
فَاِزدَهَت تَسمو عَلى كلِّ البِلادْ
9. Its rivers flow beneath its palaces
Appearing to scorn all pillars
٩. وَجَرت أَنهارُها تَحتَ القُصور
وَتَبَدَّت تَزدَري ذات العِمادْ
10. Within it are the stars of virtue and mansions
And the suns of knowledge give guidance
١٠. وَنُجوم الفَضلِ فيها وَالبدور
وَشُموس العِلمِ تَبدو بِالرّشادْ
11. To the people of merit it has towers and high regard
Its sky is unmatched by the heavens
١١. وَلأَهلِ الفَضلِ بُرج وَسَما
لا تُضاهيها سَماء الخنَّسِ
12. O God, protect it from all violation
And water it with the most sacred nectar
١٢. يا رَعى اللَّه حِماها مِن حِمى
وَسَقاها بِالمُلثّ الأَقدسِ
13. Enter it with the best etiquette
And show the most splendid appearance for visiting
١٣. فَإِلَيها اِدخل بِحُسنِ الأدَبِ
وَابْدُ لِلتّوفيدِ أَجلى مظهرِ
14. Visit in it every messenger and prophet
Like John the Majestic, the Revered, the Hidden
١٤. زُرْ بِها كلَّ رَسولٍ وَنَبي
مِثلَ يَحيى الماجِدِ الفَخمِ السري
15. And saint, especially Son of the Arabs
My master, the Pole, and my greatest Shaykh
١٥. وَوَلِيٍّ سيّما اِبن العَربي
سَيّدي القطب وَشَيخي الأكبرِ
16. The Knower of the times, so generous and noble
And the Imam Hatimi Al-Andalusi
١٦. عارِف الدّهرِ الّذي قَد كرُما
وَالإِمام الحاتِمي الأَندَلُسي
17. Whom Exalted God has so honored
With sciences unattainable to the passionate
١٧. مَنْ لَهُ اللَّه تَعالى أَكرَما
بِعلومٍ لَم تُنل بِالهَوَسِ
18. He is the Reviver of Religion, Sun of the Knowers
Inheritor of the Elect, Taha the Chosen One
١٨. ذاكَ مُحيي الدّين شَمسُ العارفينْ
وارِث المُختارِ طهَ المُصطفى
19. The singular sage, the unique one of all worlds
With spiritual purity, so pure of soul
١٩. عَلمُ الأَفرادِ فَرد العالَمينْ
بِالصّفا صُوفيَ حتّى أَنْ صَفا
20. Qutb, the salvation of the world and all within it
And by him in this life, truly described
٢٠. قُطب غَوثٍ في الوَرى وَالعالَمِين
وَبِهِ في الدّهرِ حقّاً وُصِفا
21. An ocean of mystic knowledge, he has shown wisdom
It is like the finest pearl, of greatest value
٢١. بَحرُ عِرفانٍ أَرانا حِكَما
هِيَ كالدّرِّ الثّمينِ الأَنفسِ
22. How many necklaces of pearls we have composed from it
Obtained from the Presence of Holiness
٢٢. كَم لَنا مِنها عُقوداً نظما
نالَها مِن حَضراتِ القدسِ
23. Like the openings that have become famous
And so the master of wisdom has exclaimed
٢٣. كَالفُتوحاتِ الّتي قَد شهرَت
وَكَذا صاح فُصوص الحِكمِ
24. Knowledge of divine inspiration has appeared
Through manifestation of my Lord, the All-Wise
٢٤. وَعَنِ العِلم اللّدنُّي ظَهَرَت
بِتَجلّي اللَّه ربّي الحَكمِ
25. And from the divine effusion it has emanated
From the gifts of Allah, Granter of Bounties
٢٥. وَمِن الفَيضِ الإِلهي صَدَرت
مِن هِباتِ اللَّه مُولِي النِّعمِ
26. What well-composed books He has perfected
Since the Creator has built them with expertise
٢٦. يا لَها مِن كتب قَد أحكما
إِذ بِناها بالبديعِ الكيِّسِ
27. Such is the compilation of a noble soul
Of excellent character and lofty spirit
٢٧. تِلكَ تَأليفُ إِمامٍ قُدِّما
طيّب النّفْسِ وَعالي النفسِ
28. How many treasures within for the secret's manifestation
Which seem not to open for the delusional minds
٢٨. كَم بِها لِلسرِّ صاحي مِن كُنوزْ
لِذَوي الأَوهامِ لَيسَت تُفتحُ
29. How many symbols of mystic knowledge exist
Which become clear for the gnostics
٢٩. كَم لِعلمِ الكَشفِ فيها مِن رُموزْ
لأُولي العِرفانِ قَد تَتّضِحُ
30. They were not permitted except for their intended
None but them could succeed in understanding
٣٠. لَم تَكُن إِلّا لأهليها تَجوزْ
لَم يَكُن فيها سِواهُم يُفلِحُ
31. If one seeks to comprehend without aptitude or wisdom
He could not attain them, only the valley of the blind
٣١. مَن يَرُمْ إِدراكها أَن يَعلَما
وَهوَ ذو الجَهلِ غَدا بِالأهوسِ
32. He did not cross in his time, he did not perceive
Visit it, O Saad, who has visited it
٣٢. لَم يَنَلها وَسِوى وادي العمى
لَم يَجُزْ في دَهرِهِ لَم يَجُسِ
33. And at its courtyard dismounted
And show etiquette that you may see its lights
٣٣. زُرْهُ يا سَعد الّذي قَد زارَهُ
وَلَدى ساحَتِهِ حَطَّ الرّحالْ
34. Appearing from the heavens of effusion with beauty
And draw from its light intimate secrets
٣٤. وَتَأَدّب كَي تَرى أَنوارَهُ
مِن سَماءِ الفَيضِ تَبدو بِالجَمالْ
35. And seek empowerment from it in perfection
And ask from it, at the side of that sanctuary
٣٥. وَاِقتَبِس مِن نورِهِ أَسرارهُ
وَاِطلبِ الإِمدادَ مِنهُ بِالكَمالْ
36. And through it, for effusion from it, seek
Call out and rejoice that you have been granted
٣٦. وَاِرْجُهُ مِنهُ لَدى ذاكَ الحِمى
وَبِهِ لِلفَيضِ مِنه اِلتمسِ
37. That which you have aspired from it, do not despair
For it is the generosity of Hatimi, so noble
٣٧. صاحِ وَاِستَبشر بِأَن تَحظى بِما
رُمتَهُ مِنهُ ولا تَستَيئسِ
38. And it is more delightful than its fragrant scent
Everlasting in kindness, most generous
٣٨. فَهوَ كَرْم حَاتمي الكرَمِ
وَهوَ أَنسى مَنْ أَبوهُ زائِدهْ
39. Its way is to never disappoint one who comes
An ocean of mystic knowledge, overflowing with wisdom
٣٩. ديمَة المَعروفِ أَسخى الدّيمِ
شَأنُهُ أَنْ لم يُخيب قاصِده
40. Whoever comes to it, gains benefit from it
Whoever comes to its shore gathers pearls
٤٠. بَحرُ عِرفانٍ مفيض الحِكَم
مَن أَتاهُ نالَ مِنهُ الفائِدَه
41. Returning with ease, comfort and delight
Filled with its bounty, not lacking what he intended
٤١. مَن أَتى ساحِلَهُ خدنَ ظَما
عادَ بِالريِّ الهنيِّ السلسِ
42. My master, my shaykh, my pillar of strength
O teacher, you are my refuge
٤٢. مالِئاً بُردَيهِ مِنهُ نِعما
بِالّذي في فِكرِهِ لم يَهْجُسِ
43. I am now afflicted with the most intense distress
In you I take refuge, as it has come upon me
٤٣. سَيّدي شَيخي مَلاذي عُمدَتي
أَيّها الأُستاذُ أَنتَ المَلجأ
44. How much anxiety it has made obligatory for me
Its thoughts appear trampling me down
٤٤. قَد دَهَتني الآنَ أَدهى شدّة
لَكَ مِنها إِذ دَهَتني أَلجأُ
45. Save me today from what threatens me
I am about to break from it, in desperate need
٤٥. فَلَكَم لي أَوجَبَت مِن كربَة
خيلُها لي قَد تَبَدّت تَطأُ
46. One who has relied on you, my master, will not be disappointed
And in the armor of security, he is clothed
٤٦. فَأَغِثني اليومَ ممّا دَهما
أَنا مِنهُ آيل للفَطَسِ
47. And upon you, may God rain His pleasure
Always pouring forth in harmony
٤٧. لَم يَخِب مَنْ سيّدي فيكَ اِحتَمى
وَبِدِرعِ الأَمنِ أَضحى يَكتَسي
48. And may He extend to you the hand of His bounty
Everlasting, never to be severed
٤٨. وَعَليك اللَّه مِن رضوانِهِ
صَبَّ غَيثاً دائماً ينسجمُ
49. For the duration of time, for eternity
As long as rain pours from the clouds
٤٩. وَلَهُ والَت يَدا إِحسانِهِ
وَتَوالى عَنكَ لا يَنفَصِمُ
50. Ibn Fathallah has concluded a poem
Which contains joy for the souls
٥٠. مُدَّة الدّهرِ مَدى أَزمانِهِ
ما مِنَ السّحبِ تَفيض الديمُ
51. Neither has lightning shone nor has the sun from the sky
Grazed the narcissus eyes more beautifully
٥١. ما اِبنُ فَتحِ اللَّهِ نَظماً ختما
بِالّذي فيهِ سُرور الأَنفس
٥٢. ما بَدا البَرقُ وَما شَمسُ السّما
قَد رَعَت منها عُيون النّرجِس