
O sun of glory, by which glory is made eternal,

يا شمس مجد بها للمجد تأبيد

1. O sun of glory, by which glory is made eternal,
And for the eminent, perpetuation and support.

١. يا شَمسَ مَجدٍ بِها للمَجدِ تَأبيدُ
وَلِلمَفاخِرِ تَخليدٌ وَتأييدُ

2. Its light is glory, its rising place sublimity,
Its zodiac is honor, which no building can transcend.

٢. وَضَوؤُها المَجدُ وَالعلياءُ مَطلعُها
وَبُرجها العزُّ لا يَعدوه تشييدُ

3. Rejoice, my heart, with delight, you who are promised
Good fortune from your Lord, and with it contentment.

٣. أَبشِر عَليَّ الذُّرى جَذلان ذا فرحٍ
فَأَنتَ بِالسّعدِ مِن مَولاكَ موعودُ

4. Rejoice at a son born of the exalted,
Upon him the shade of loftiness and glory is cast.

٤. أَبشِر بِنَجلٍ مِنَ العَلياءِ مولدهُ
عَلَيهِ ظلُّ العُلى وَالمَجد مَمدودُ

5. He came after despair of fertility, and
His birth has brought about a feast and renewal.

٥. أَتى عَلى عَطشٍ بَعدَ الإِياسِ وَقَد
وافى بِمَولدهِ عيدٌ وَتَعييدُ

6. The infant of noble traits is still suckling,
Nurtured in glory, and in him glory is blessed.

٦. يَربو رَضيع المَعالي غَير مُنفَطِمٍ
مَحضون مَجدٍ وَفيهِ المَجد مسعودُ

7. In a cradle of honor the exalted are his servants,
And in it survive sublimity, pride, and generosity.

٧. في مَهدِ عِزٍّ لَهُ العَلياءُ خادِمة
وَفيهِ تَحيا العُلى وَالغرّ والجودُ

8. And in the constellation of sublimity and honor he recorded him,
With excellence, good fortune - this full moon is born.

٨. وَفي ثُريّا العُلى وَالعزّ أَرّخه
بِالجدّ بِالسّعدِ هَذا البدرُ مَولودُ

9. May he live happily for long in prosperity,
His reputation through time praised and lauded.

٩. يَحيا سَعيداً طَويلَ العُمر في نِعَمٍ
وَصيتهُ الدّهرَ مَمدوحٌ وَمَحمودُ

10. Blessed of name, auspicious his horoscope,
And felicity attached to his face with good.

١٠. مُبارَكُ الإِسمِ مَيمون نَقيبتهُ
وَاليمنُ في وَجهِهِ بِالخَيرِ مَعقودُ

11. He is endowed with a happy fate unlike any other,
And through him the treasures of time are split open.

١١. يُحبى بِحَظٍّ سَعيدٍ لا مِثالَ لَهُ
وَمِنه تفلقُ في الدّهرِ الجلاميدُ

12. You see him earnest, earnest in his earnestness, he grazes
In pleasant living, and no sorrow troubles him.

١٢. تَراه جدّاً وَجَدّ الجَدِّ يَرتَعُ في
رَغيدِ عَيشٍ وَلا يَعروهُ تَنكيدُ

13. Thanks be to God, bountiful, who provided him,
And through him occasions for joy became renewed.

١٣. وَالحَمدُ للَّهِ ذي الآلاءِ جادَ بِهِ
وَفيهِ قَد صارَ لِلأَفراحِ تَجديدُ

14. This is a sublime blessing, and it is right for it
That we repay it with gratitude and praise.

١٤. وَهَذهِ نِعمَةٌ جَلّت وَحقَّ لَها
شُكرٌ عَلَينا نُواليهِ وَتَحميدُ

15. So congratulate yourself on the sweetest joy in coming to it,
Since joy is the destination of a situation, and of one brought.

١٥. فَاِهنأ بِهِ وارِداً أَحلى الهَنا فَرحاً
إِنّ الهَنا مَورد حال وَمورودُ

16. Pleasant of eye and gladdened of heart through him,
While your counterpart, time, is dejected and suppressed.

١٦. قَرير عَينٍ وَمسرور الفُؤادِ بِهِ
وَضِدّك الدّهر مَقهومٌ وَمضهودُ

17. You will remain for all time in prosperity and wellness,
As long as a bird alights on branches and warbles.

١٧. لا زِلتُما الدّهرَ في خَيرٍ وَعافيةٍ
ما قامَ طَيرٌ عَلى الأَغصانِ غرّيدُ

18. As long as a star appears, the breeze of morn blows,
A branch in the garden sways, bent with it.

١٨. ما بانَ نَجمٌ وَما هبّت نَسيمُ صبا
ما اِهتَزَّ غُصن بِها في الرّوضِ أملودُ

19. As long as good fortune recites a poem congratulating you,
O sun of glory, by which glory is made eternal.

١٩. ما الفَتحُ أَنشَدَ جَذلاناً يُهنّئُكم
يا شَمس مَجدٍ بِها لِلمَجدِ تأبيدُ