
Gaze at the horizon's stars in the night as they move,

تأمل نجوم الأفق ليلا وإذ تسري

1. Gaze at the horizon's stars in the night as they move,
Bringing joy to the heart and expansiveness to the chest,

١. تَأَمَّلْ نُجومَ الأفقِ لَيلاً وَإِذ تسري
تَنالُ سُرورَ القَلبِ وَالشّرح للصدرِ

2. And witness the beauty of the moon rising in the night,
For the radiance of its beauty is in the rising of the full moon.

٢. وَشاهِد جَمالَ البدرِ في اللّيل طالعاً
فَإِنَّ سَنِيَّ الحُسنِ في طَلعَةِ البدرِ

3. Look closely at the flowers of the sky, for they
Blossom in the wings of night towards the rise of dawn.

٣. وَحَدِّق إِلى زُهرِ السّماءِ فَإِنّها
بِجنحِ الدّجى تَزهو إِلى مَطلعِ الفَجرِ

4. They are but the full moon gathered together,
And not a star among them but the bright celestial one.

٤. وَما هِيَ إِلّا البدرُ حَيثُ تَجمّعت
وَما كَوكب مِنها سِوى الكوكب الدّرّي

5. So let him who says the flowers of the sky are not the moon,
Leave him be, for the full moon is none other than the flower.

٥. فَمَن قالَ زُهر الأفق لَيسَت بِبَدرهِ
فَدَعهُ فَإنّ البدرَ لَيسَ سِوى الزُّهرِ

6. A brother of knowledge, a protector of virtue, a servant of wisdom,
With which insight surges like an ocean and virtue like a sea,

٦. أَخو العِلم صِنو الفَضل خدن مَعارفٍ
يَموجُ بِهِ العرفانُ وَالفضل كالبحرِ

7. With the beauty of perfect grace and awe-inspiring beauty,
With the goodness of excellent manners flowing above it,

٧. بِحُسنِ كَمالٍ في جَمالٍ بِهيبةٍ
بِحُسنِ طِباعٍ فَوقه لُطفها يجري

8. With the softness of fine morals and established glory,
The lineage adorned with the mantle of pride,

٨. بِرقّةِ آدابٍ بِمَجد مُوطّدٍ
بِسُؤدد أَصلٍ زانَه حلية الفخرِ

9. In a garb of brilliant traits shining praiseworthy,
With the goodness of attributes accompanying the loftiness of worth,

٩. بِحلّة أَوصافٍ تَجلّ حميدة
بِحُسنِ خِصالٍ صاحبت رفعة القدرِ

10. In a robe of piety whose newness does not fade,
Woven with sincerity in secret and openly,

١٠. بِثَوب تَقيّ لَيس يَبلى جَديدهُ
وَحيكَ مِنَ الإِخلاصِ في السرِّ وَالجهرِ

11. He has perfumed the predawn hours with the scent of his affection,
And filled the circles of remembrance with the fragrance of praise,

١١. وَقَد طيَّبَ الأَسحارَ في عِطر وَدّه
وَعَطَّرَ في أَذكارِهِ حَلَقَ الذّكرِ

12. He is the esteemed, the magnificent, the brilliant, brother of the wise,
Dispelling the veil of confusion from the beauty of thought,

١٢. هُوَ الفاضِل الفَخم اللّبيبُ أَخو الذّكا
يُزيحُ قِناعَ الخدرِ عَن غادَةِ الفكرِ

13. He is the perfect, the exceptional, whose perfection
Surpasses the perfection of the full moon on the night of the full moon.

١٣. هُوَ الكامِلُ الفذُّ الّذي في كَمالِهِ
يَفوقُ كَمالَ البدرِ في لَيلةِ البدرِ

14. Muhammad, forever praised in time, is our way,
He is the intrepid, fulfilling one, and my intimate, the chaste.

١٤. مُحمّدٌ المَحمود في الدّهرِ دَيدنا
هُوَ الجَهبذُ اليافيّ وَالخلوَتي البكري

15. Eloquent in speech, excelling in the wonders of rhetoric,
With which the very best of eloquence is confounded,

١٥. بَليغُ بَيانٍ في بَديعِ بَلاغةٍ
بِها تاهَ ما يَحوي البيان مِنَ السّحرِ

16. Were the clouds to hear the jewels of his words,
They would remain blind and deaf to prose and verse,

١٦. فَلَو شامَ سَحبان جواهرَ لَفظهِ
لَظَلَّ أَخَا عِيٍّ عَنِ النّظمِ وَالنّثرِ

17. And remain reciting those jewels respectfully,
The Surah of Praise and Gratitude.

١٧. وَدامَ عَلى تِلكَ الجَواهِرِ تالِياً
بِحُسنِ اِحتِرامٍ سورَةَ الحَمدِ وَالشّكرِ

18. To him belongs self-respect, courageous, refined,
Who has made the world his carpet and himself its unique master.

١٨. لَهُ اللَّه مِن شَهمٍ همامِ مهذّبٍ
غَدا رَجلَ الدّنيا غَدا واحِدَ الدّهرِ

19. So O Master, whose reputation is pure,
And who has contained goodness of conduct and secrets,

١٩. فَيا أَيّها المَولى الّذي طابَ صيتهُ
وَمَن قَد حَوى طيبَ السّريرةِ وَالسرِّ

20. And assumed among the exalted the place of its head,
And between the hearts of the people the place of the breast,

٢٠. وَحَلَّ مِنَ العَلياءِ مَوضِعَ رأسِها
وَبَين صُدور النّاس في مَوضِعِ الصدرِ

21. To you I have gifted a fresh, brilliant pearl,
And a prime selection from among the prime, not to mention the finest,

٢١. إِلَيكَ لَقَد أَهديت غَيداءَ غادَة
وَبِكراً مِنَ الأَبكارِ ناهيكَ مِن بكرِ

22. A unique string of pearls, woven strands,
I have discounted the value of this precious jewel.

٢٢. فَريدَةُ عقدٍ وَهيَ عقدُ نَظيمة
لَقَد أَرخَصت قدرَ الثّمينِ مِنَ الدرِّ

23. Bewildered in thought, and thought bewildered by it,
Revealing itself only to you in its bewilderment,

٢٣. مُخدّرة في الفِكرِ وَالفكرُ خِدرها
وَما ظَهَرَت إِلّا عَلَيك مِنَ الخدرِ

24. So accept it with acceptance, O brother of dew,
For that is in utmost need of acceptance.

٢٤. فَأَقبِل عَلَيها بِالقَبولِ أَخا النّدى
فَتِلكَ إِلى الإِقبالِ في غايَةِ الفقرِ

25. And for one like you, acceptance is a matter of dignity,
For you see acceptance as a trait of the noble.

٢٥. وَفي مثلك الإِقبال يا حرُّ شيمةٌ
وَأَنتَ تَرى الإِقبالَ مِن شِيَمِ الحرِّ

26. Remain in God's protection as long as a star shines,
And above the branch of the garden the moon glows.

٢٦. وَدُم في حِفاظِ اللَّهِ ما لاحَ كَوكَبٌ
وَما فَوقَ غُصنِ الرّوضِ قَد صدحَ القمري

27. With the tongue of fragrance, she expressed her praise
With the scent of the flower wafting over the garden of the Lord,

٢٧. وَما بِلسانِ الطيبِ أَبدَت ثَناءها
بِعطر عَلى رَوضِ الرّبى نفحةَ الزّهرِ

28. And not the opening, the opening of God, reciting,
Gaze at the horizon's stars in the night as they move.

٢٨. وَما الفَتحُ فَتحُ اللَّه أَنشد قائلاً
تَأمّلْ نُجومَ الأفقِ لَيلاً وإذْ تسري