
The full moon rose and the darkness fled away,

طلع البدر والظلام تولى

1. The full moon rose and the darkness fled away,
And the stars in the sky slowly faded away.

١. طَلَعَ البدرُ وَالظّلامُ تولّى
وعلى أنجمِ السماءِ تولّى

2. Each star fell from the sky in surrender,
Becoming small and fading into nothingness.

٢. وَهَوى مِنهُ ساقِطاً كُلُّ نَجمٍ
إِذ تَلاشى تَصاغُراً وَاِضمَحَلّا

3. Our Beirut was illuminated and became radiant,
Adorning itself with its light elegantly.

٣. وَأَضاءَت بَيروتُنا وَاِستَنارَت
وَتَبدَّت بِنورِهِ تَتَحلّى

4. Whoever saw it other than thriving, rejoiced,
For they saw the full moon residing in it.

٤. مَن رَآها غَيرَ الثريّا فَهَلّا
أَبصَرَ البدرَ حَيثُ فيها حَلّا

5. It danced happily with joy,
Becoming content with what it had wished for.

٥. رَقَصت فَرحَةً بِه وَسُرورَاً
وَغَدَت بِالّذي تَمَنَّت تَمَلَّى

6. And it seemed to recite the Surah of Gratitude,
When it sensed the reciting of the Surah of Light.

٦. وَبَدَت تَتلو سورَةَ الحَمدِ شُكراً
إِذ أَحسَّت بِسورَةِ النورِ تُتْلى

7. It welcomed it with delight and said,
Welcome, welcome, welcome my friend.

٧. قابَلَتْهُ عَلى السّرورِ فَقالَت
مَرحَباً مَرحَباً وأهلاً وسهلا

8. Welcome O pillar of glory, eye of the loyalists,
Noblest of people, then most judicious.

٨. مَرحَباً بِالهُمامِ عينِ المَوالي
أَشرَفِ النّاسِ مَحْتِداً ثمّ أَصلا

9. The peak of might, essence of glory, bow down,
And most perfect of people in insight and intellect.

٩. ذُروةُ العزِّ جَوهَرُ المَجدِ فَخراً
وَأَكمَلُ النّاسِ فِطنةً ثمّ عَقلا

10. All glory is beneath his glory,
If it rose, it would not reach his feet.

١٠. كُلُّ عَلياء فَهْيَ دونَ عُلاهُ
لَو عَلَتْ لا تَطولُ مِنهُنَّ رِجلا

11. He is the servant of the Master and the noble Master,
Who saw a master like the servant of the Master?

١١. فَهوَ عَبدُ المَولى وَمولى شَريفٌ
مَن رَأى سَيِّداً كَعَبدِ المَولى

12. So ask the sea, does it match his knowledge?
And ask the clouds, do they parallel his virtue?

١٢. فَاِسأَلِ البحرَ هَل يُدانيهِ عِلماً
وَاِسأَلِ السُّحْبَ هل تُحاكيهِ فَضْلا

13. The daughter of Khadr, imagining led her astray.
So accept her without any command,

١٣. هاكَ أَيّها السّمَيْدَعُ فَضلاً
بِنتَ خِدْرٍ لَها التخيّلُ أَملى

14. For acceptance from you is more proper and appropriate.
And live the lifetime without constriction,

١٤. فَاِلْقَها بِالقَبولِ مِن غَيرِ أَمرٍ
حَيثُ فيكَ القَبولُ أَحرى وَأَولى

15. For the bride of bliss is unveiled before you.

١٥. وَعِشِ الدّهرَ لا تُضامُ بِضَيْمٍ
وَعَروسُ الهَناءِ عِندَكَ تُجلى