1. The treasures of beauty and charm are apparent to me from you
Oh you who are unmatched in graces
١. كُنوزُ البَها والحسنِ منكَ تلوحُ لي
بذاتكَ يا مَنْ في المحاسِن يُفرَدُ
2. Your cheek is ruby and your mouth is pearl
Your teeth are pearls and your saliva, emerald
٢. فَخدُّكَ ياقوتٌ وثَغرُكَ جَوهَرٌ
وسنُّكَ دُرٌّ والعِذارُ زُمرُّدُ
3. Your words are pearls and your lips, carnelians
Your forehead is diamond and your body, onyx
٣. وَلُؤلُؤ لفظِكَ والشّفاه عَقائقٌ
وجيدُك ألماسُ وجسمُك عسجَدُ