1. O abode of glory built on the heights
Founded on piety, unobtainable for the negligent
١. يا دارَ مَجدٍ عَلى العَلياءِ قَد بُنِيَت
وَأُسِّست بِالتّقى لا نالَها تلَفُ
2. With wisdom it built a lasting edifice
Yes, and extravagance and profligacy avoided it
٢. بِحِكمَةٍ أَلفَت تبنى مرصفةً
نَعم وجَانبَها التبذيرُ وَالسّرفُ
3. From the essence of honor they constructed bricks for it
It has gems and it is the lustrous pearl
٣. مِن جَوهَرِ العزِّ قَد صاغوا لَها لَبِناً
لَها الجَواهِرُ وَهيَ الدرّةُ الصّدفُ
4. Like the dome of the sublime sky in its loftiness
The mansions of prestige surround it protectively
٤. كَقبّةِ الفلكِ العالي بِها اِرتَفَعَت
بُروجُ جاهٍ لَها العَلياءُ تَكتَنِفُ
5. Its palaces were transported from the gardens of eternity
And from the gardens of bliss chambers were built for it
٥. قُصورُها مِن جِنانِ الخُلدِ قَد نُقِلَت
وَمِن جِنانِ الهَنا شيدَت لَها غُرَفُ
6. It is as if it were the verdant garden in full bloom
Its flowers thrive as luxury encircles it
٦. كَأَنّها الرّوضَةُ الغنّاءُ مزهرةٌ
تَميسُ أزهارُها إذ عمّها الترفُ
7. An abode in which hopes are attained completely
And in which benevolence and gifts are obtained
٧. دارٌ بِها تُدرَكُ الآمالُ كامِلةً
وَعِندَها يَحصُلُ الإِكرامُ وَالتحفُ
8. And in which lions bow down reverently
Out of intense fear they imagined they were senile
٨. وَعِندَها تَخضَعُ الآسادُ مُطرِقَةً
مِن شِدّةِ الخَوفِ خيلوا أَنّهم خَرفوا
9. Wandering around the houses proudly wherever you were
For your edifice expenditures and efforts may be praised
٩. تيهي عَلى الدورِ فَخراً حَيثُ كُنت على
مَبناكِ قَد يُحمَدُ الإِنفاقُ والكلفُ
10. You were among the houses like a full moon among mansions
For a sun of glory diffusing light over horizons
١٠. وَكُنتِ في الدورِ بَدراً خيلَ منزلةً
لِشَمسِ مَجدٍ على الآفاق ينكشفُ
11. The formidable lion prevailing alone
For him the lions in this matter defer
١١. الضّيغَمُ الأسَدُ الرّئبالُ مُنفَرِداً
لَهُ الأُسودُ بِهذا الأَمرِ تَعتَرِفُ
12. ‘Ali of high status, glory and progeny
And ambition characterized by excellent resolve
١٢. عَليُّ قَدْرٍ وَجاهٍ كاِسمِهِ وذُرىً
وَهِمّةٍ بِجَميلِ العَزمِ تَتّصِفُ
13. You have remained lofty, you have remained prosperous
For people you are the cave of hope and refuge
١٣. لا زِلتِ عالِيَةً لا زِلتِ عامِرَةً
وَأَنتِ كَهفُ الرّجا لِلنّاسِ وَالكنفُ
14. Long live your founder and his son with him
And may your good fortune last, its limit unknown
١٤. وَطالَ بانيكِ عُمراً وَاِبنُهُ معهُ
وَدامَ سَعدكِ لا يُدرى لَهُ طَرفُ
15. And may there remain in you, for the likes of me
That which delights, and remedies pains and troubles
١٥. وَدامَ فيكِ لِمِثلي ما يُسَرُّ بِهِ
وما بِهِ تُشتفى الآلامُ والدنفُ
16. And may you continue to bestow all that we hope for
Glory is in you, honor and nobility in you
١٦. وَكلُّ ما نَرتَجي أَرَّخت من مِنَحٍ
وَالمَجدُ فيكِ وَفيكِ العِزُّ والشرفُ