
My life was wasted in love and my youth

قد ضاع عمري في الهوى وصبابتي

1. My life was wasted in love and my youth
My strength is gone, and death is near

١. قَد ضاعَ عُمري في الهَوى وَصَبابَتي
وَقوايَ ضاعَت وَالحِمامُ لَقَد دَنا

2. The beloved knows that I, from his glance
And bearing and reproach, my back is bent

٢. وَدَرى الحَبيبُ بِأَنّني مِن لَحظِهِ
وَقِوامِهِ وَعِذارِهِ ظَهري اِنحَنى