
Oh gazelle with the slender waist and gentle nature

يا غزالا يرق خصرا وطبعا

1. Oh gazelle with the slender waist and gentle nature
When you sway your hips and bend your frame

١. يا غَزالاً يَرِقُّ خَصراً وَطَبعاً
حينَ هَزَّ القَوامَ والأَعطافا

2. The supple branch cannot describe your graceful poise
Though it tries, how it tries, to emulate your lithe form as it sways

٢. ما حَكى الغُصنُ مِن قَوامِكَ ليناً
وَاِعتِدالاً نَعم حَكاهُ اِنعِطافا