1. O beauty of a garden, tomorrow it will offer you its narcissus
With the beauty of its sight and its fragrant scent
١. يا حُسنَ رَوضٍ غَدا يُهديكَ نَرجِسَهُ
مِن حُسنِ مَنظَرِهِ مِن عَرْفِهِ العَطِرِ
2. And every narcissus, no doubt you will think it
A sun that appeared in the middle of the moon
٢. وَكلّ نَرجِسَةٍ لا شَكَّ تَحسَبُها
شَمساً لَقَد ظَهَرَت في أَوسَطِ القمرِ