1. My beloved's abode was watered without harm by pouring rain,
The clouds of life from four sides and long lengths.
١. سَقاها بِلا ضرٍّ بِغَيثٍ هَطولِ
سَحاب الحَيا مِن أَربُعٍ وَطلولِ
2. It watered her even if it did not ignite a fire in my inner self,
And she did not love me with the coolness of my passion.
٢. سَقاها وَلَو لَم يطف ناراً بِمُهجتي
وَلَم يَحبُني مِنهُ بِبَردِ غَليلي
3. The hands of time wove for it clothes,
The weaving of youth, stayed by the palm of acceptance.
٣. وَحاكَت لَها أَيدي الثّريّا مَلابِساً
نَسيج الصّبا سَدَّتهُ كفّ قبولِ
4. And if the state of the abode changed from what I knew it to be,
Then the passion for the abode does not change.
٤. وَإِن حالَ حالُ الدّارِ عمّا عَهِدتهُ
فَعَهدُ الجَوى بِالدّارِ غير محيلِ
5. For the abode was a companion during my nights,
And the branch of bonheur, flowing, not withering.
٥. إِذِ الدّارُ مِن لَيلايَ كانَت أَنيسةً
وَغصن النّقا ريّان غير ذبولِ
6. And the valley of intimacy was, by God, populated,
And the open country of intimacy had not been startled by departure.
٦. وَشعب اللّوى قَد كانَ واللَّه عامراً
وَرَبع اللّوى لَم يَنشَعِر بِرَحيلِ
7. My friend, passion and longing have revolted in me
With a gleaming sword of bright white.
٧. خَلِيلَيَّ فيَّ الوَجدُ ثارَ وَشاقَني
سَنا بارِقٍ بِالنيِّرينِ جليلِ
8. The lightning of its brightness appeared from it as if it were
Rays of beauty on a beautiful forehead.
٨. تَبَدَّى سنيُّ الومضِ مِنهُ كَأَنّهُ
أَشِعَّةُ حُسنٍ في جَبينٍ جَميلِ
9. So urge on the steeds of earnestness with passion and cut through
Ten miles with those steeds in the span of a mile.
٩. فَحُثَّا مَطايا الجدّ بِالوَجدِ وَاِقطَعا
فَراسِخَ عَشراً في مَسافَةِ ميلِ
10. And that mile, perhaps with those steeds,
It will rest in the shade in Damascus the shady.
١٠. وَمِيلا بِهاتيكَ المَطايا لَعَلَّها
تُقِيل بِظِلٍّ في دِمَشقَ ظليلِ
11. For in it are resplendent doves, gentle birds,
That have seized our souls and minds.
١١. فَإِنّ بِها بيضاً حِساناً عَقائلاً
أَخذَنَ بِأَرواحٍ لَنا وَعُقولِ
12. And in the green meadow is a white innocence,
And a redness of cheek, graceful and delicate.
١٢. وَفي الكلَّةِ الخضراءِ بَيضاءُ غُرَّةٍ
وَحَمراءُ خَدٍّ بِالجَمالِ أَسيلِ
13. With languid eyelids from the magic of her glance
And the waning of eyelashes with kohl.
١٣. وَمَكسورة الأَجفانِ مِن سِحرِ لَحظِها
وَوَطفاءِ أَهدابٍ بِطرف كَحيلِ
14. A free face, veiled in beauty,
A captive of beauty, little in grace.
١٤. طَليقة وَجهٍ بِالجَمالِ ملثَّم
أَسيرَة حُسنٍ في الحِسانِ قَليلِ
15. Her wrists are fettered with bracelets
And her feet are shackled with anklets.
١٥. مَعاصِمُها قَد قيِّدت بِأَساوِرٍ
وَأَرجُلها قَد قُيِّدَت بِحجولِ
16. From the Babylonians are the eyelids, and their magic
Is the arrows given to the heart of the noble one.
١٦. مِنَ البابِليّات الجُفونُ وَسِحرُها
هُوَ النّبل توحيهِ لِقلبِ نَبيلِ
17. So if she promises to shoot arrows from her eyelids,
Then her promise to shoot is not long.
١٧. فَإِن أوعَدت بِالرّميِ مِن نَبلِ جَفنِها
فَإِيعادُها بِالرّمي غَير مطولِ
18. And if she promises to kill with the sword of her glance,
Then how many are the slain you see and the killed!
١٨. وَإِن أَوعَدت بِالقَتلِ في سَيفِ لَحظِها
فَكَم مِن صَريعٍ قَد تَرى وَقَتيلِ
19. In her mouth is the wine of saliva and sweetness,
And in her intoxicating glance, the most aromatic inclusion.
١٩. وَفي ثَغرِها خَمرانِ ريقٌ وَمَلفَظ
وَفي لَحظِها المَخمور أَسنى شمولِ
20. Protected by the night patrols or white spear shafts,
They prevent the unwanted, but do not prevent welcome guests.
٢٠. مُخَدَّرَة يَحمونَ رُؤيَة حِصنِها
بِسُمرٍ عَوالٍ أَو بِبيضِ نُصولِ
21. She has the ferocity of lions in her inner self,
And the glance of a gazelle in the meadows, timid.
٢١. وَكَم مَنَعوا الغرثان وِردَ رضابِها
وَلَم يَمنَعوا الضيفانَ حُسنَ نُزولِ
22. So I said to her, for you I have wasted away in love,
Do your eyes not see my emaciation and leanness?
٢٢. مَهاة لَها فَتكُ الأُسودِ بِمُهجَتي
وَلَفتة ظَبي في الكناسِ خذولِ
23. Why do I treat a heart torn by youth?
What remedy is there for one sick from the sickness?
٢٣. فَقُلت لَها قَد ذبتُ فيكِ صَبابَةً
أَما أَبصَرت عَيناكِ فَرطَ نُحولي
24. And how can I seek healing in her delicate waist?
What lean one can be healed by one who is lean?
٢٤. إِلامَ أُداوي القَلبَ نَشقاً مِنَ الصَّبا
وَما بِعَليلٍ مِن شِفاءِ عَليلِ
25. And the night I divorced worries and estranged them
Due to the heedlessness of the critic and the error of the censurers,
٢٥. وَحَتّامَ أَستَشفي بِرقّةِ خَصرِها
وَأَيّ نَحيلٍ يَشتَفي بِنَحيلِ
26. I came to the protected precincts of my nights, the eagle a dress,
The cross of the votive place in the coolness of evening,
٢٦. وَلَيلةَ طَلَّقتُ الكَرى وَأَبَنْتُهُ
عَلى غَفلَةِ اللّاحي وَسَهو العذولِ
27. I enter the threshing floors of death without her life,
So if I come back stained, I become stained.
٢٧. طَرقتُ حِمى لَيلايَ وَالنّسر حِندِساً
صَليبَ نضارٍ في بُرودِ أَبيلِ
28. And from a charging lion, and another visitor,
And from a crouching wolf, and a howling jackal.
٢٨. أَخوضُ حِياضَ المَوتِ مِن دونِ حَيِّها
فَإِنْ جبت غيلاً صِرت مِنهُ بِغِيلِ
29. And I did not forget her words to me during my long life,
When in the sanctuary she saw me enter.
٢٩. وَمِن أَسَدٍ يَعدو وَآخرَ زائِرٍ
وَمِن ضَيغَمٍ جاثٍ وَساطٍ صَؤولِ
30. Slow down! You have given yourself up to perdition,
And now you have done the deed of the ignorant.
٣٠. وَلَم أَنسَ طولَ العُمرِ منّي مَقالَها
وَقَد أَبصَرت في الخدرِ منّي دخولي
31. And a horseman of dignity does not do the likes of this,
And for him in this there is no reaching the goal.
٣١. رُوَيدَكَ قَد أَسلَمتَ نَفسكَ لِلرّدى
وَفيها فَعَلتَ الآنَ فِعلَ جَهولِ
32. So how will it be if before killing you they overcome you
With the strongest argument and proof?
٣٢. وَفارِس عَبسٍ لَيسَ يَفعَلُ مِثلَ ذا
وَما كانَ في هَذا لَهُ مِن وصولِ
33. And they rode the racecourse of debate in discussion
And cast you into ample, prolonged research?
٣٣. فَكَيفَ إِذا مِن قَبلِ قَتلك قَد سَطَوا
عَلَيكَ بِأَقوى حجَّةٍ وَدَليلِ
34. So I said to her, gently, my dear,
Slow down, my dear, and listen to what you say.
٣٤. وَجالوا بِمِضمارِ الجِدالِ تَباحُثاً
وَأَلقَوكَ في بَحثٍ عَريضٍ طَويلِ
35. For I do not fear death, for I was a lover
By the stab of a lance or descent of a spearhead.
٣٥. فَقُلتُ لَها مَهلاً فَديتُكِ بِالحَشا
رُوَيدَكِ طيبي وَاِسمَعي ما تَقولي
36. And should I dread in research rejection and opponent
When I have a support like the eminent Imam?
٣٦. فَلَستُ أَخافُ القتلَ إِذ كُنتُ عاشِقاً
بِطَعنِ سِنانٍ أَو نِزالِ رَعيلِ
37. My brother of virtue, the sea of knowledge, the lofty place of sciences,
With few peers, rather without equal.
٣٧. وَهَل أَختَشي في البحثِ نَقضاً وَمانِعاً
وَلي سَندٌ مِثل الإِمامِ الجليلِ
38. Brother to Nu'man - and he is Muhammad -
The Imam of the branches of jurisprudence and then legal theory.
٣٨. أَخي الفَضلِ بَحرِ العلمِ طَودِ مَعارفٍ
قَليل نَظيرٍ بَل عَديمِ مَثيلِ
39. He is the worshipper ascetic, and he is the son of a worshipper
Of pure ancestry, generous origin.
٣٩. شَقيق لِنُعمان وَذاكَ محمَّد
إِمام فُروعِ الفِقهِ ثمّ الأُصولِ
40. The inquiry attained its happiness through him
And attained through him the verification, pulling the trains.
٤٠. هوَ العابِدُ النسَّاكُ وَهوَ اِبن عابد
ذُو النَّسبِ الزّاكي الكريمِ الأَصيلِ
41. So he clarified obscure problems, explaining,
And directed them rightly with a beautiful manner.
٤١. إِمام بِهِ التّحقيقُ أَدرَكَ سَعدهُ
وَنالَ بِهِ التّدقيق جَرَّ ذُيولِ
42. He prepared for inquiry from the time of youth,
And how he surpasses many a shaykh, though he is young!
٤٢. فَأَبدى خَفايا المُشكِلات مُوَضِّحاً
وَوَجَّهها حَقّاً بِوَجه جَميلِ
43. And to him bowed the hearts of prominent experts,
Nobles, elite, distinguished men.
٤٣. تَأَهَّل لِلتّحقيقِ مِن زَمَنِ الصّبا
وَكَم فاقَ مِن شَيخٍ لَهُ وَكهولِ
44. He is the scholar who reasons, the formidable one who
Has the excellence of mastery and excellence of speech.
٤٤. وَدانَت لَه فيهِ صُدور جَهابِذٍ
أَفاضِل أَعيان كِبار فُحولِ
45. So the meaning of God's Book is the theme of his imagination
As is the Sunna of the best of creation, the best Messenger.
٤٥. هُوَ العالِمُ النّحريرُ الجَهبذُ الّذي
لَهُ حُسنُ إِتقانٍ وَحسنُ مقولِ
46. Thus there is nothing except that he establishes its proof,
Whether by evidence of the intellect or transmission.
٤٦. فَمَعنى كِتاب اللّه نَصب خَيالِهِ
كَسُنَّةِ خَيرِ الخَلقِ خَيرِ رَسولِ
47. God has given him few equals, rare ones like him,
While the likes of others besides him in the world are not few.
٤٧. فَلا شَيء إِلّا قَد يُقيم دَليلَهُ
فَإِمّا بِنَصِّ العقلِ أَو بِالنقولِ
48. Outstanding in virtuous character and conduct that calls
To a beautiful welcoming and receptivity.
٤٨. لَهُ اللّهُ مِن فَردٍ قَليلٍ مِثالهُ
وَمثل سِواه الدهرَ غير قليلِ
49. Eloquent, the finest rhetoric being his habit,
And this has proven him to have eloquence that was said.
٤٩. وَجيه بِأَخلاقٍ حِسانٍ لَقَد دَعَت
إِلى حسنِ إِقبالٍ وَحسنِ قَبولِ
50. With the magic of articulation, adorned with rhetorical embellishment,
So how he captivates minds and understandings!
٥٠. بَليغ لَهُ أَسنى الفَصاحَةِ دَيدَنٌ
وَأَثبَته فيهِ بَلاغَة قيلِ
51. And he rendered the clouds of eloquence lightning
That flashes amidst the garb of confusion.
٥١. بِسِحرِ بَيانٍ بِالبَديعِ مُطلسم
فَكَم فيهِ يَسبي مِن حِجىً وَعُقولِ
52. And he journeyed beyond reach, so that if he went too far,
He would say the words are the essence of what is said.
٥٢. وَصَيَّرَ سَحبانَ البَلاغَةِ باقلاً
تَرَدّى مَعَ الإِسكاتِ ثَوب ذُهولِ
53. And the wild mares of rhyme submitted to him obediently,
So for him the difficult is not formidable.
٥٣. وَراحَ وَلا إِدراكَ حَتّى إِنِ اِغتَدي
يَقولُ بِأَنّ القَولَ عينُ المَقيلِ
54. But he chose none but their love poems,
For meanings without possessors of tents.
٥٤. وَدانَت لَهُ شوسُ القَوافي مُطيعَةً
فَلَيس لَدَيه الصّعب غير ذلولِ
55. And he mounted them, of them, lively colts
Chaste fillies without any fight.
٥٥. وَلَكِنّهُ ما اِختارَ غَيرَ هِجانها
لِخودٍ مَعان غَير ذاتِ بُعولِ
56. Lovely gazelles with beauty rare,
With a coquettish eyelash, even delicate and thin.
٥٦. وَأَركَبَها مِنها غَوانِيَ خرّداً
عَذارى عِراباً عادِمات الشكولِ
57. And he dressed them in a necklace of pearls and gems
And adorned the excellent of them after prolonged effort.
٥٧. رَعابيب غيداً بِالجَمالِ بَديعة
بِطرفٍ كَحيلٍ بَل وَإطل نحيلِ
58. Brother of the lofty rank and most glorious one who
Is served by the elite without wearying.
٥٨. وَأَلبَسها مَنظوم درٍّ وجوهرٍ
وَزَيَّن مِنها الجيدَ بَعدَ العطولِ
59. And he alighted on the steed of nobility when he straightened up
And since he straightened there is none like him.
٥٩. أَخو الرّتبةِ القَعساءِ وَالأَمجَدِ الّذي
لَهُ تَخدم العلياءُ غيرَ ملولِ
60. Father of honor, sun of glory, full moon of the eminent,
He attained the most fragrant alighting places among the eminent.
٦٠. وَقَرَّ عَلى مَتنِ المَعالي إِذِ اِستَوى
وَلَيسَ لَهُ مُنذ اِستَوى من زميلِ
61. And he who dwells in his shadow appears honored
Living for ages without humiliation.
٦١. أَبو العِزِّ شَمسُ المَجدِ بَدرُ ذَوي العلى
لَقَد نالَ في العَلياءِ أَسنى حلولِ
62. Brother of gentleness, in softness and excellence of conduct,
And he who is not hasty or impetuous.
٦٢. وَمَن جارُه يَبدو العَزيز بِظلِّهِ
يَعيشُ بِطولِ الدّهرِ غَيرَ ذَليلِ
63. Of fresh bounty, seal of generosity, his meaning,
And he who in extravagance is the best miser.
٦٣. أَخو الحلمِ في لينٍ وَحُسنِ إِناءَةٍ
وَمَن لَيسَ ذا طَيشٍ وَلا بِالعَجولِ
64. So O Master whom righteous conduct has perfumed
With a praiseworthy reputation among all people.
٦٤. خَدين النّدى حاتم الجودِ مَعنهُ
وَمَن هوَ بِالتّبذيرِ خَير بَخيلِ
65. To you, brother of etiquette, chastely an orphan comes
And you for her in life are the best friend.
٦٥. فَيا أَيّها المَولى الّذي طابَ سِيرَةً
بِصيتٍ حَميدٍ في الأَنامِ جميلِ
66. A bride, my thoughts lead her to you my Master,
And a shade that pleases you is the best in-law.
٦٦. إِلَيكَ أَخا الآدابِ بِكراً يَتيمَةً
وَأَنتَ لَها في الدّهرِ خَير خليلِ
67. So overlook, brother of benefaction, what disgraces her
And grant her, with welcoming, excellence of acceptance.
٦٧. عَروساً إِليكَ الفكرُ مولايَ زفّها
وَظلّ لَها يَرضاكَ خير حَليلِ
68. And continue, by God's safekeeping, in a good life
And blessings, favors, and long life.
٦٨. فَغُضَّ أَخا الإِحسانِ عمّا يُشينُها
وَهَبها مَع الإِقبال حُسنَ قَبولِ
69. And health of body, as long as you live and the
Dove of the hill croons at dawn and late morning.
٦٩. وَدُم بِأَمانِ اللّهِ في طيبِ عِيشَةٍ
وَخَيرٍ وَآلاءٍ وَعمرٍ طَويلِ
70. And Ibn Fathallah said, the home of my loved ones
Was watered without harm by pouring rain.
٧٠. وَصِحّةِ جِسمٍ ما حَييت وَما شَدا
حَمام الرّبى في بُكرَةٍ وَأَصيلِ
٧١. وَقالَ اِبنُ فَتحِ اللّه دارَ أَحبّتي
سُقيتِ بِلا ضرّ بِغَيثٍ هَطولِ