1. I send greetings that scorn the ages
With their beauty and unique pearls
١. أُهدي سَلاماً يَزدَري العُقودا
بِحُسنِهِ وَدرّها الفَريدا
2. And scorn the gentle breeze with its gentleness
And rise above the murmuring of spring
٢. وَيَزدَري بِلُطفِهِ النّسيما
وَيَعتَلي رَونَقه التّسنيما
3. And scorn musk with its pleasant fragrance
Whose scent permeates every path
٣. وَيَزدَري المِسكَ بِعرفهِ الذّكِي
وَنَفحِهِ يَعمّ كُلَّ مَسلَكِ
4. And the full moon is ashamed in its presence
To the aspirations of Mustafa the Imam
٤. وَيخجل البَدر لَدى التّمامِ
إِلى الهُمامِ مُصطَفى الإِمامِ
5. Who embodied the great virtues
As he did the beautiful merits
٥. مَن قَد حَوى الفَضائِلَ الجَليلَه
كَما اِحتَوى الفَواضِلَ الجَميله
6. Our Master protected him from evils
Then saved him from all maladies
٦. حَماهُ مَولانا مِنَ الأَسواءِ
ثمَّ وَقاهُ سائِرَ الأَدواءِ
7. So I send him this praise
The best of it and righteous prayer
٧. كَذاكَ أُهديهِ مِنَ الثّناءِ
أَحسَنَهُ وَصالح الدّعاءِ
8. Asking about his noble mood
And the concerns of time in his conscience
٨. مَعَ السّؤالِ عَن شَريفِ خاطِرهْ
وَعَن خُطوري الدّهرَ في ضَمائِرِهْ
9. I let him know that he is in the most noble
And auspicious time, then the gentlest
٩. أُبدي إِلَيهِ أَنّه في الأَشرَفِ
وَأَيمنِ السّاعاتِ ثمَّ الأَلطَفِ
10. His eminent letter came to me
So I honored it as is its right to honor
١٠. قَد جاءَني تَحريرهُ الفَخيمُ
فَخَّمْتُهُ إذ حقُّه التّفخيم
11. From the hand of Salih my good brother
Tarshihini, the successful attainer
١١. عَن يَد صالِحٍ أَخي الصّلاحِ
التّرشِحاني حائِز الفَلاحِ
12. And I wished I had given it utmost esteem
As I saw its beautiful prosody from it
١٢. وَغبّ أَن أَدّيته التّعظيما
رَأَيت منهُ درَّه النّظيما
13. I read it with utmost compliance
In tongue, lip, and mind
١٣. قَرَأته بِغايةِ الإِذعانِ
بِفي اللّسانِ وَفم الأذهانِ
14. So I was glad that he informed me
Of the health of the temper without sickness
١٤. فَسَرَّني مِن حيثُ لي قَد أَخبَرا
بِصَحَّةِ المِزاجِ مِن غَيرِ اِمترا
15. And the equilibrium of your gentle nature
As well as the goodness of your noble time
١٥. وَبِاِعتِدال طَبعك اللّطيفِ
كَذا بِطيبِ وَقتك الشّريفِ
16. And that I came across in conscience
And the honored, serious thought
١٦. وَأَنّني خطرتُ في الضَّميرِ
وَالخاطِر المُكرّم الخطيرِ
17. I thanked my Lord and thanked Him
For what you mentioned, O possessor of wisdom
١٧. حَمدتُ ربّي وَلَه شَكرتُ
عَلى الّذي يا ذا الحِجى ذَكَرتُ
18. And I understood all that it contained
And what was implied, O brother of glory
١٨. وَقَد فَهِمت كُلَّ ما لَهُ حَوى
وَما عَلَيهِ يا أَخا المَجدِ اِنطَوى
19. You advised me regarding the aforementioned righteous one
To respond to the famous poet's rhymes
١٩. أَوصَيتَني في الصالِحِ المَذكورِ
خِدن القَوافي الشّاعِر المَشهورِ
20. So your sublime order is incumbent upon me
And I am eager to comply with it
٢٠. فَأَمركَ السّامي عَليَّ واجبُ
وَإِنّني فيهِ اِمتِثالاً راغبُ
21. I have fulfilled it as much as I was able
And every good trait I sensed in his manners
٢١. أَدّيتهُ ما اِستَطعتُهُ مِن حَقِّهِ
وَكلّ حسنٍ شِمتُهُ في خُلقهِ
22. And I am the humble one, the negligent
And I seek forgiveness much for my shortcomings
٢٢. وَإِنّني المَخجولُ وَالمقصِّرُ
وَمِن قُصوري لَكمُ أَستَغفِرُ
23. While you are the forgiver without rebuke
Pardoning shortcomings and negligence
٢٣. وَأَنتَ ذو الصّفحِ بِلا نَكير
تَعفو عَنِ القُصورِ وَالتّقصيرِ
24. And he went on to Akkar
By the protection of my One Lord, the Coverer
٢٤. وَإِنّه سارَ إِلى عكّارِ
بِحِفظِ رَبّي الواحِدِ الستّارِ
25. This, and I hope I will not depart
From your penetrating thought, O possessor of wisdom
٢٥. هَذا وَأَرجو أَنّني لَن أَخرجا
عَن فِكرك الثاقِبِ يا خِدنِ الحجى
26. And that I will not be seen discarded
By you all by cutting off your correspondence
٢٦. وَأَنّني أَن لا أُرى مَهجوراً
مِن نَحوِكم بِقطعك التّحريرا
27. Rather, connect me to it as you have accustomed me
For that is the praiseworthy thing, O wise one
٢٧. بَل فيهِ صِلني مِثلَما عَوَّدتني
فَذَلكَ المحمودُ يا ذا الفطنِ
28. And if anything binding has been associated
Inform me, for it is a blessing
٢٨. وَإِنْ بِشيء لازم قَدِ اِقتَرنْ
عَنهُ أَشِرْ فَإِنَّهُ مِنَ المنن
29. That satisfies heads and eyes
And I am of those who are obligated to you
٢٩. يَقضى عَلى الرّؤوسِ وَالعيونِ
وَإِنّني لَكُم مِنَ الممنونِ
30. And convey greetings to the loved ones
And those who take refuge in kinship tomorrow
٣٠. وَسَلّموا لَنا عَلى الأَحبابِ
وَمَن غَدا يَلوذُ بِالجنابِ
31. And I hope that God will lengthen your life
And elevate your status in His view
٣١. وَاللَّهَ أَرجو أَن يُطيلَ عُمرَكا
وَيَرفعَ الدّهرَ لَديهِ قَدركا
32. And that He will be your helping supporter
And watchful guardian and protector
٣٢. وَأَن يَكونَ عَونك المُعينا
وَالراعِيَ الحَفيظَ وَالضّمينا
33. And so it remains as you have thrown
And greetings be where greetings belong
٣٣. وَدُم كَما قَد رُمتَ وَالسّلامُ
وَبِالسّلامِ يَحسنُ الختامُ