1. The cheek is a rose garden and the mole a sweet basil,
In both are fire and water, the two cheeks.
١. الخَدُّ وَردُ الرّبى والخالُ مِعْطارُ
وفي كِلا وجنتَيْهِ الماءُ والنارُ
2. Since its lid appeared through the intoxicating wound,
I believe the eyelid is bewitching.
٢. وَجَفنُهُ مُذ بَدا في الكَسْرِ يَسْحرني
فَصَحَّ عِندي أَنَّ الجفنَ سحّارُ
3. Shall I regain consciousness while its glances are watering us
And the cup smiles and the lips pour wine?
٣. فَهَلْ أفيقُ ولَحْظاهُ السُّقاةُ لَنا
وَالكَأسُ مَبسَمُهُ والثّغرُ خمّارُ
4. A gazelle appeared with cups of comfort in its hands,
From which lights shine on the universes.
٤. ساقٍ بَدا وكُؤوسُ الرّاحِ في يَدِهِ
يَلوحُ مِنها على الأَكوانِ أَنوارُ
5. And around it the boon-companions form a circle,
As if they are a halo around the full moon.
٥. وَقَد غَدَتْ حَولَهُ النُدمانُ دايِرةً
كَأَنَّهُم هالَة بِالبَدرِ قَد داروا
6. You see its beauty outshining the moon,
And with it many sights in love are blinded.
٦. تَرى مَحاسِنَهُ لِلبَدرِ كاسِفَةً
وَكَمْ بِها عَمِيَتْ في الحبِّ أَبصارُ
7. When its charms shine in the darkness,
How many moons disappear before the light of the sun?
٧. إِذا بَدَتْ غَسَقاً أنوارُ غُرَّتهِ
فكمْ يَغيبُ لضوءِ الشمسِ أقْمارُ
8. If it shows like a bending myrtle branch,
Upon it the youths and virgins swoon.
٨. وَإِن تَبَدَّى كَغُصنِ البانِ مُنعَطِفاً
تَفَتّكَتْ فيهِ شُبّانٌ وَأَبْكارُ
9. I loved it while still a crescent-shaped child,
The dawn of beauty shone from its rise.
٩. عَشِقتُه وهوَ طِفلٌ كالهِلالِ لهُ
منَ البَهاءِ بشَرقِ الحُسنِ إسفارُ
10. For it I shed my virginity and stood praising it
With a panegyric no books can contain today.
١٠. فيهِ خَلَعْتُ عِذاري وانتصَبْتُ لهُ
بِمدْحَةٍ لَم تَسَعْها اليَومَ أَسفارُ
11. Where the glances strike with the sword of the wink,
For them, from its cheeks, the scorpions are helpers.
١١. حَيثُ اللِّحاظُ بِسَيفِ الغَمزِ فاتكَةٌ
لَها العَقارِبُ مِن صُدغَيهِ أَنصارُ
12. Where the figure with the bending sways pierces me,
And before that bend how many lives ended!
١٢. حَيثُ القَوامُ بِلينِ المَيلِ يَطعَنُني
وَكَمْ تَناهَتْ لَدى ذا المَيلِ أَعْمارُ
13. Where wine flows amidst pearls,
For it the tongue is a squeezer in the cup of the lips.
١٣. حَيثُ المُدامَةُ بَينَ الدُرِّ جاريَةٌ
لَها اللِّسانُ بِكَأسِ الثّغرِ عصّارُ
14. Where the charms marked above its cheek
The softness of chastity that dazzled all people.
١٤. حَيثُ المَحاسِنُ خَطّتْ فَوقَ وجنَتِهِ
لامَ العِذارِ الّتي فيها الوَرى حاروا
15. Praise be to the brow like a crescent that appeared,
The full moon cannot shine with it.
١٥. لِلّه درُّ جَبينٍ كالهِلالِ بَدا
فلم يَلُحْ معهُ للبَدْرِ إظْهارُ
16. And to the mole whose sweet fragrance is gained
Because a rose for it on the cheek settled.
١٦. وَشامَةٍ مِنْ شَذاها الطّيبُ مُكتَسِبٌ
لِأَنَّ في خَدّهِ وَرْداً لها جارُ
17. It is as if it were a king of the Zanj sitting
Atop the throne of a cheek too splendid to house it.
١٧. كَأَنَّها مِن مُلوكِ الزّنْجِ جالِسَة
مِن فوقِ كُرسيِّ خدٍّ للبَها دارُ
18. From it wafts a scent, the breeze of its exhalation,
As the perfume spread from that line.
١٨. مِنها يَفوحُ عَبيراً عِطرُ نَفحَتِها
كَما لَقَد فاحَ مِن ذا النَّدبِ أَعطارُ
19. A line risen to the sky of honor,
And in the highest heaven the stars revolved around it.
١٩. نَدبٌ عَلا لِسماءِ العزِّ مرتَفِعاً
وَفي ثُريّا العُلى حَفَّتْهُ أَنوارُ
20. It is audacious, mounting virtues in advance,
For it glories and racetracks are wide.
٢٠. شَهمٌ لَقَد رَكِبَ المَعروفَ سابقةً
لَها المَكارِمُ وَقتَ السّبْقِ مِضمارُ
21. A sea you see surging with waves of generosity,
And the rain of its comfort pours forth.
٢١. بَحرٌ تَراهُ بِمَوجِ الفَضْلِ مُلتَطِماً
وَغَيثُ راحتِهِ بِالجودِ مِسْطارُ
22. A full moon whose rise is in the position of virtues,
For it the celestial constellations are picked.
٢٢. بَدرٌ بِمَنزِلَةِ الأفضالِ مطلَعُهُ
لَهُ بُروجُ العُلى وَالعِزِّ تَختارُ
23. It is the resolute one, in whom the times are untainted,
No remote disgrace has touched it.
٢٣. هوَ الهُمامُ الَّذي فيه الزّمانُ صَفا
فَما اِعْتَراهُ بُعَيدَ الصّفوِ إِكْدارُ
24. It is the imam whose merits are proclaimed,
And books and pages fall short of collecting them.
٢٤. هوَ الإِمامُ الَّذي جَلّتْ مَناقِبُهُ
وَضاقَ عَنْ جَمعِها كُتبٌ وَأَسْفارُ
25. It is the generous one who has made Hatim
Forgettable, no longer remembered today.
٢٥. هوَ الكَريمُ الَّذي قَد صارَ حاتَمهُ
نَسْياً فلَيسَ له ذا الآنَ إذْكارُ
26. It is he who by his benevolence has made us his subjects,
And how many slaves and freemen have surrendered to him!
٢٦. هوَ الَّذي صارَ بِالإِحْسانِ يَملِكُنا
وكَم لهُ أعْبُدٌ دانَتْ وأحْرارُ
27. His only fault is his lavish independence,
To describe it is, no doubt, excessive.
٢٧. لا عَيْبَ فيهِ سِوى اِستِقلالِهِ مِنَحاً
منْ كَفُّه وَصْفُها لا شكّ إكْثارُ
28. O lion hunter and lion of war howling,
Through him the dew's discourse is corrected
٢٨. فَيا لَهُ بَطلاً لِلأُسدِ مُقتَنِصاً
وإنّهُ أسدٌ في الحَرْبِ كرّارُ
29. And adorned by reports narrated about him.
Through him the great ones were honored after being debased,
٢٩. بهِ حديثُ النّدى قد صحّ معضلُهُ
وحسَّنَتْهُ بنقْلٍ عنهُ أخْبارُ
30. As through him many lands and cities became glorious.
Thanks to him there is a system that has become wise,
٣٠. بهِ الأكابِرُ عزّتْ بعْدَما خفضَتْ
كَما بِهِ عَزَّ أَقطارٌ وَأَمْصارُ
31. Thoughts of the intelligent wander confused by it.
And the pearls of his current eloquence conclude
٣١. لِلّهِ مِنهُ نِظامٌ قَد غَدا حِكَماً
يَتيهُ منها لِذي الأفْهامِ أفكارُ
32. In prose and poetry strewn about.
O ultimate lotus tree, O Kaaba of virtue,
٣٢. ودُرُّ منطقِهِ الحالي نَتيجَتُهُ
مِن لُؤلُؤِ اللّفظِ مَنثورٌ وَأَشعارُ
33. O garden of knowledge in which virtues are flowers.
O Ja'far of virtue, who brings Spring to life through him
٣٣. يا سِدْرَةَ المُنتهى يا كَعبَةَ الفضَلا
يا رَوضَ عِلمٍ به للفضلِ أزهارُ
34. And in whom the secrets of glory are stored.
O Ahmad, excellent in description and deed.
٣٤. يا جعفَرَ الفضلِ مَن يَحْيا الرّبيعُ به
ومَن به أُودِعت للمجدِ أسرارُ
35. For him praises amongst people are chosen.
So take care of your flock, O God of the Throne, joyfully,
٣٥. يا أحمدَ الوَصفِ والفعلِ الحَميد ومَنْ
لهُ المَحامِدُ بينَ الخَلقِ تختارُ
36. Minds and sights are confused by its beauty.
The listener passionately sways to it in ardour,
٣٦. فَخُذْ رَعاكَ إِلَهُ العَرشِ غانِيةً
في حُسنِها حارَ أَلبابٌ وَأَنظارُ
37. As if it were melodies and strings.
It came to you walking shyly in wonder,
٣٧. بِها يَهيمُ شَجاً في الشّدْوِ سامِعُها
كَأَنَّما هيَ أَنغامٌ وَأَوتارُ
38. At dawn, with screens of thought covering it.
Stretch out your palm to it and veil its shame generously,
٣٨. أتَتْكَ تَمشي عَلى اِستِحْيائِها عَجَباً
بِكراً لَها بِخِباءِ الفِكرِ أسْتارُ
39. For the likes of you are screens for shame.
And submit to the safety of God however you are sealed,
٣٩. فَاِبْسُطْ لَها الكَفَّ وَاِسْتُرْ عَيْبَها كَرَماً
فَإِنّ مِثلكُمُ للعَيبِ ستّارُ
40. With the beautiful honesty of birdsong.
٤٠. وَاِسْلَم وَدُمْ في أَمانِ اللَّهِ ما خُتِمَتْ
بِحُسْنِ صَدْحٍ مِنَ التّغريدِ أطْيارُ