1. The provision of the righteous knower merged,
And acceptance of destiny is the way of the forbearing.
١. اِلتَقى زاد العارفِ المُستقيمِ
وَالرّضا بِالقَضاءِ شَأنُ الحليمِ
2. So why the shortcoming in attaining benefit,
And death lies in wait for every great one.
٢. فَعَلامَ القصورُ عَنْ دَرْكِ نَفعٍ
وَالمَنايا تَغتالُ كُلَّ عَظيمِ
3. Oh Ali, son of the minister who
Ruled Syria in the straight path.
٣. ها عليُّ اِبن الوزيرِ الَّذي قَد
مَلكَ الشَّامَ بِالطَّريقِ القَويمِ
4. The hand of fate took him as a martyr,
So he responded to fate with resignation.
٤. أَخذَته يَدُ القضاءِ شَهيداً
فَأَجابَ القَضاءُ بِالتسليمِ
5. And I had said to acceptance, where do you wish
Since you began, passing like a soft breeze.
٥. وَلَقد قُلت لِلرّضا أَينَ تَبغي
مُذْ تَبدّى يَمُرّ مِثلَ النَّسيمِ
6. It said, record the date of Ali's grave,
May God honor his face with bliss.
٦. قالَ أَرِّخ أَروم قَبرَ عليٍّ
كَرَّم اللَّهُ وَجهَه بِالنَّعيمِ