
Is it a glance that has been darkened with kohl, or a sword?

ألحظ ما تكحل أم حسام

1. Is it a glance that has been darkened with kohl, or a sword?
Is it a branch that has swayed, or a figure?

١. أَلَحْظٌ ما تَكَحَّلَ أَم حُسامُ
وَغُصنٌ ما تَمايَلَ أَم قوامُ

2. Is it a cheek that has blushed, or a rose?
Is it saliva that has sweetened, or wine?

٢. وَخدٌّ ما تَضَرَّجَ أَم وُرودٌ
وَريقٌ ما تَحالَى أَم مُدامُ

3. Is it a lightning that has glittered in the darkness,
Or a radiance that shone upon gloom - or a smile?

٣. وَبَرقٌ ما تَلامَعَ في الدّياجي
وَصالَ عَلى الظَّلامِ أَمِ اِبتسامُ

4. Is it a mouth that we have seen, or rubies?
Is it a pearl that we have heard, or speech?

٤. وَثَغرٌ ما رَأَينا أَم لآلٍ
وَدرٌّ ما سَمِعنا أَم كَلامُ

5. Is it a dawn that has appeared, or the light of a cheek?
Is it a face that has shone, or a full moon?

٥. وَصُبحٌ ما بَدا أَم نورُ جيدٍ
وَوَجهٌ بانَ أَمْ بَدرٌ تَمامُ

6. I have not been ignorant as it was evident, but
Rapture distracted me from verifying it.

٦. وَلَم أَجهَلْهُ إِذ قَد بانَ لَكِنْ
لَهاني عَن تَحقّقهِ الهِيامُ

7. The light of beauty was waving in it,
And that is water with which ailments are healed.

٧. يَلوحُ وَسارَ ماءُ الحُسنِ فيهِ
وَذا ماءٌ بِهِ تَشفى السَّقامُ

8. How much fire have I extinguished from my heart,
By which the embers flared up in my heart!

٨. فَكَم أَطفأتُ مِن قَلبي لَهيباً
بِهِ فَاِشتَدَّ في قَلبي الضِّرامُ

9. I increased the passion for it, beyond vowing
And it increased upon union within me, passion.

٩. وَزِدتُ عَلى النَّوى فيهِ غَراماً
وَزادَ عَلى الوِصالِ بيَ الغَرامُ

10. And the days of vowing are undoubtedly an epoch,
And the days of union are delirium.

١٠. وَأَيّامُ النَّوى لا شكَّ دَهرٌ
وَأَيّامُ الوِصالِ هيَ اِحتِلامُ

11. And there is from love no day of deliverance,
Nor upon love, does blame avail anything.

١١. وَلَيسَ مِنَ الهَوَى يَوماً خَلاصٌ
وَلَيسَ عَلى الهَوى يُجدي الملامُ

12. Does blame avail, while lovers are deaf,
Then mute, then blind, wherever they became impassioned?

١٢. أَيُجدي اللَّومُ وَالعُشّاقُ صُمٌّ
وَبُكمٌ ثمَّ عُميٌ حَيثُ هاموا

13. And my beloved is not a youth,
Nor am I one whom a youth has possessed.

١٣. وَإِنّي لَيسَ مَعشوقي غُلاماً
وَلَستُ بِمَن تَمَلَّكه غلامُ

14. Nor am I one whom passions have possessed,
Nor a frame that wavers, nor a figure.

١٤. وَلَستُ بِمَن تملَّكُه الغَواني
وَلا قَدٌّ يَميد ولا قوامُ

15. Nor a face that illuminates thereby darkness,
Even if the covering were not drawn from it.

١٥. ولا وَجهٌ يُضيء بِهِ ظَلام
وَلَو لَم يَنكَشِف عَنهُ اللّثامُ

16. And my beloved is the perfection of the world,
And other than his love is, to me, forbidden.

١٦. وَمَعشوقي مِنَ الدّنيا كَمالٌ
وَغَيرُ هَواهُ في ظنِّي حَرامُ

17. And I have a soul that refuses humiliation,
And without my humbling myself, death is miserable.

١٧. وَلي نَفسٌ عَلى الإِذلالِ تَأبى
وَدونَ تَذلُّلي المَوتُ الزؤامُ

18. It inclines toward noble deeds and lofty goals,
And none but the generous have inclined to this.

١٨. تَميلُ إِلى المَكارِمِ وَالمَعالي
وَما مالَت لِذا إِلّا الكرامُ

19. Nor does the soul of a noble one accept disgrace,
Nor accept it, except the ignoble.

١٩. وَلا يَرضى الهَوانَ شَريفُ نَفسٍ
وَلا يَرضى بِهِ إِلّا اللئامُ

20. It desires that it tread upon the Pleiades,
And that it be served by the greatest sultans.

٢٠. تَودُّ بِأَنّها تَطأُ الثّريّا
وَيَخدِمُها السّلاطينُ العظامُ

21. And that it take, above the orbit of the sun, a house,
And be erected above the highest pillars.

٢١. وَتَأخذُ فَوقَ هامِ الشَّمسِ داراً
وَفَوقَ دَعائِمِ العليا تقامُ

22. And that it be furnished with good fortune and glory,
And clothed with perfection, and not deprived.

٢٢. وَتَفرِشُ بِالسّعود وَكلّ مَجدٍ
وتُكسى بِالكمالِ ولا تُضامُ

23. And that it reside in bliss, in clarity,
While happiness remains with it, everlasting.

٢٣. وَتسكنُ بِالسّرورِ عَلى صَفاءٍ
وَيَبقى بِالهَناءِ لَها الدّوامُ