
You were granted good tidings with goodness and seriousness

منحت بشير الخير بالخير والجد

1. You were granted good tidings with goodness and seriousness
And you attained happy years with effort and seriousness

١. مُنِحتَ بَشيرَ الخيرِ بِالخَيرِ والجَدِّ
وَنِلتَ سَنيَّ السّعدِ بِالسّعيِ وَالجدِّ

2. May God reward you, as you came as a harbinger
Bringing us good tidings from the appearance of glory

٢. لَكَ اللَّه مِن ساعٍ أَتَيت مُبشّراً
تُبَشّرُنا بِالخَيرِ عَن مظهرِ المَجدِ

3. Thus you quenched one who had been intensely hostile
And belittled, as you gave us good tidings, the eyes of the adversary

٣. فَأَكمدت مَن قَد كانَ خِدنَ عَداوَةٍ
وَأَصغَرت إِذ بَشّرتَنا أَعيُنَ الضدِّ

4. And you made every one of our eyes gently flowing
And moistened the burning liver of each liver

٤. وَصَيَّرت مِنّا كُلَّ عَينٍ قَريرة
وَرَطَّبت مِنّا كبد مُحتَرِقِ الكبدِ

5. And delighted each heart and mind among us
That almost collapsed into ruin were it not for you

٥. وَفَرَّحتَ مِنّا كلَّ قَلبٍ وَمُهجَةٍ
لَها أَوشَكَ التكديرُ لَولاكَ أَن يردي

6. And the light of joy shone
As if the horizons dawned with light as it appears

٦. وَسار بِنا نورُ السّرورِ وَقَد بَدا
كَأَنّا بُدورُ الأُفقِ لِلنّورِ إِذ تُبدي

7. And we flew joyfully, that cannot be fully described
And we aspired to reach the full moon despite the distance

٧. وَطِرنا حُبوراً لا يُحاطُ بِوَصفِهِ
وَخِلنا نَطولُ البدرَ مَع غايَةِ البعدِ

8. And you made the feet of the universe dance from every side
And joys flowed from those legs

٨. وَرَقّصت قَدَّ الكَونِ مِن كلِّ جانِب
وَقَد سالَتِ الأَفراحُ مِن ذَلكَ القدِّ

9. Indeed, it is the right of the universes to dance their dances
When the star of bliss shone in their folds

٩. أَما حقَّ لِلأَكوانِ رقص قُدودِها
وَقَد ضاءَ في أَكنافِها كَوكَبُ السّعدِ

10. And it is our duty to thank what you brought us
And to my Lord, more thanks along with the utmost praise

١٠. وَحُقَّ عَلينا شُكرُ ما فيه جئتَنَا
لِربّي مَزيد الشّكرِ مَع أَبلَغِ الحمدِ

11. And you gave us good tidings, you gave good tidings with the good and our Lord
With what the servant of God attained, the epitome of aim

١١. وَبَشَّرتنا بشّرتَ بِالخَيرِ وَالهَنا
بِما نالَ عَبدُ اللَّه مِن غايَةِ القصدِ

12. That he became in this country its minister
And its ruler, free of ambiguity and adversary

١٢. بِأَن صارَ في هَذي البِلاد وَزيرها
وَوالِيَها الخالي عَنِ الشِّبهِ والنِّدّ

13. And that he became in the position of ministry a pearl
Yet by God, it is the clasp of the necklace

١٣. وَأَن صارَ في عِقدِ الوِزارَةِ دُرّةً
وَلَكِنّها وَاللَّهِ وَاسِطَة العِقدِ

14. The ministers of time became in him gems
And nothing in them compares except the unmatched gem

١٤. غَدَت وُزَراء الدّهرِ فيهِ جَواهِراً
وَما خِلتهُ فيهِم سِوى الجَوهَرِ الفردِ

15. The father of justice, the sea of wisdom, the tender of mercies
The brother of gentleness, then kindness to the free and slave

١٥. أَبو العَدلِ بَحرُ الحِلمِ يَمُّ مراحمٍ
أَخو اللّين ثمَّ الرّفق بِالحرِّ والعبدِ

16. The father of rule with wisdom in the beauty of governance
Upon the manner of God's Law, his judgments he elucidates

١٦. أَبو الحكمِ بِالتّدبيرِ في حُسنِ حِكمَةٍ
عَلى طَبْقِ شَرعِ اللَّه أَحكامهُ يُبدي

17. Humble in piety and fear of the Creator of the sky
So in matters of people, he inclines to asceticism

١٧. خَدين التّقى وَالخوفِ مِن خالِق السّما
فَفيما بِأَيدي النّاس يَنحو إِلى الزُّهدِ

18. Firm in intelligence and opinion, the lord of insight
With the light of God, he looks to righteousness

١٨. حَديد الذّكا وَالرّأي ربّ فَراسةٍ
بِنورِ إِلهِ الخلقِ يَنظرُ لِلرُّشدِ

19. He runs the subjects with praiseworthy politics
Supported by justice, generosity, and subsidy

١٩. يَسوسُ الرّعايا في حَميدِ سِياسَةٍ
يُؤَيِّدها بِالعَدلِ وَالجودِ وَالرّفدِ

20. Of lofty and glorious lineage in the womb of the glorious
The lofty were his cradle, of elevated birth

٢٠. بُنيّ العُلى وَالمَجدِ في حجر سؤددٍ
لَهُ كانَتِ العَلياءُ مرتفع المَهدِ

21. And his youth was raised by the virgins of the heights in their full moons
What pride raised him, even the virgin with swollen breast

٢١. وَرَبّتْهُ أَبكار المَعالي بدَرِّها
وَيا فَخرَها رَبَّتْه كاعبة النّهدِ

22. He is the most glorious son of the glorious eminent
Exalted in manners, the star of honour and glory

٢٢. هوَ الأَمجَدُ اِبن الماجِدِ المُعتلي السّهى
عَليّ السّجايا كَوكبُ العزِّ وَالمجدِ

23. His nobility suffices, unmatched by any nobility, for
From him shone this full moon on the forehead of bliss

٢٣. كَفى شَرَفاً لَم يَحكِهِ شرفٌ بِأَن
بَدا مِنهُ هَذا البدرُ في جَبهَةِ السّعدِ

24. He surpassed his father, so he is brighter in lineage
And most beautiful in attributes that are protected from limit

٢٤. فَفاقَ أَباهُ فَهوَ أَضْوَأُ سؤدداً
وَأَجملُ أَوصافاً تُصانُ عَنِ الحدِّ

25. He is the roaring lion, he attacks and none like him
Exists among the predators and lions

٢٥. هُوَ الأَسدُ الرّئبالُ يَسطو وَمِثلهُ
عَديمُ وجودٍ في الضّياغِمِ وَالأسدِ

26. He equals all the lions even if they gathered
He would destroy them if he wished with spear and sword

٢٦. يُكافِئ كُلَّ الأُسد إِن لَو تَجَمَّعوا
فَيُفنيهِمُ إِنْ شاءَ بِالرُّمحِ وَالهِندي

27. The most faithful of friends, none can equal him
And that is in the thousands, it is counted in number

٢٧. أَروى الوَفا قَد تكافئ مِثلهُ
وَذلكَ بِالآلافِ يُحسبُ في العدِّ

28. He thrusts the huge sword in half with one strike
You see it split in two from that thrust

٢٨. يَقدُّ الهِزَبرَ الضّخمَ طولاً بِضَربةٍ
فَتُبصِرُه نِصفَينِ مِن ذَلكَ القدِّ

29. When he rises, towering over a meadow riding
The sword's height surpasses that of the meadow

٢٩. إِذا قامَ يَعلو طِرفَه الوردَ راكباً
فَإِن الهِزبرَ الورد يَعلو عَلى الوردِ

30. And when he gallops above it, you see the sword rider
On the wind like lightning crackling like thunder

٣٠. وَإِن فَوقهُ يَعدو تَرى الطِّرف عادياً
عَلى الرّيحِ مثل البَرقِ يَصهلُ كالرَّعدِ

31. If he intended to seize a star from the belly of the sky
The star would lengthen from that gut

٣١. فَلَو رامَ أَخذَ النّجمِ مِن كَبد السّما
عَلَيهِ لَطالَ النّجمُ مِن ذَلكَ الكبدِ

32. Grave and revered in the eyes and on the battlefield
For his awe, the lions flee into the distance

٣٢. وَقور مَهيب في العُيونِ وَفي الحَشا
لِهَيبَتِهِ تَعنو الأُسودُ على بعدِ

33. His mere mention shakes his enemy's abode
And it falls or nears destruction and collapse

٣٣. تَزَلزل مِن ذِكراه دارَ عَدوِّهِ
فَتسقط أَو تَدنو مِنَ الهَدمِ وَالهدِّ

34. And the black lions fear him in the thickets
Fear almost drives them mad into confusion

٣٤. وَتَخشاهُ في الآجامِ ذِكراً أُسودُها
فَيوشِكُ أَن يُفضي بِها الرّعب لِلفَقدِ

35. Indeed, the lofty summits obeyed his command
If he prohibited them, they stopped, and if he stirred them, they collapsed

٣٥. لَقَد طاعَتِ السّمرُ العَوالي لِأَمرِهِ
فَإِنْ يَنهَهَا كفَّتْ وَإِنْ حثّها تُردي

36. And the swords yielded to him from every cutting edge
Souls have flowed from him at the blade

٣٦. وَدَانَت لَهُ الأَسيافُ مِن كلِّ باتِر
لَقَد سالَتِ الأَرواحُ منهُ عَلى الحَدِّ

37. If he carried one of them as a sword
People's swords would flow in fear from the scabbard

٣٧. فَلَو أَنّه مِنها تَقَلَّدَ صارِماً
لَسالَت سُيوفُ النّاسِ رُعباً مِن الغمدِ

38. A generous man from whose palm sea generosity overflows
Leaving those he loves at the epitome of generosity

٣٨. جَوادٌ يَفيضُ الجودُ مِن بَحرِ كفِّهِ
فَيَجعَلُ مَن يَحبوهُ في غايَةِ الجَدِّ

39. By God, that palm never tires of giving
By God what it gave and by God what it will give

٣٩. فَللّهِ تِلك الكفّ لا تَسأَمُ العَطا
وَللَّهِ ما أَسدَت وَللَّهِ ما تُسدي

40. By God, that gallantry from an aspirant
To the lofty position from the days of the cradle

٤٠. وَللَّهِ ذاكَ الشّهم مِن مُتَأهّل
إِلى الرّتبَةِ القَعساءِ مِن زَمَنِ المَهدِ

41. And for the sublime position which he has now attained
Despite the noses of enviers and enemies

٤١. وَلِلمَنصِبِ السّامي الَّذي الآنَ نالَهُ
عَلى رَغمِ آنافِ الحَواسِدِ وَالضدِّ

42. Upon it, the state bestowed blessings with grace
Magnificent in supporters, victorious in soldiers

٤٢. عَلَيهِ بِهِ مَنَّت مِنَ اللّطفِ دَولة
مُفَخّمة الأَنصارِ مَنصورة الجُندِ

43. With erected pillars, of high ambition
And perfected building, in peace and contract

٤٣. مُشيّدة الأَركانِ عالِية الذّرى
وَمُحكَمة الإِتقانِ في الحلِّ وَالعقدِ

44. It is the radiant state, we hope for its continuance
So we pray it remains and is clad with immortality

٤٤. هِيَ الدّولة الغرّاءُ نَرجو دَوامَها
فَنَدعو بِأَن تَبقى وَتتحفَ بِالخُلدِ

45. It is the beautiful state in the prime of sublimity
Exalted above the heights in honour without peer

٤٥. هِيَ الدّولَةُ الحَسناءُ في غرَّةِ العُلى
تَسامَت عَلى العَلياءِ بِالعزِّ عَن نِدِّ

46. It is none but the sun in the states of the world
And none is like the sun in jest and earnest

٤٦. وَما هِيَ إِلّا الشّمس في دولِ الوَرى
وَلَم يَكُ مِثل الشّمسِ في الهَزلِ والجِدِّ

47. And those are the sons of Uthman, who became its kings
So whoever singly ruled, ruled a single rule

٤٧. وَتِلكَ بَنو عُثمانَ أَضحَوا مُلوكَها
فَمن ملكِ فَرد إِلى مُلك فَردِ

48. And our praised sultan is the core of their being
Adorned with the necklace of kingship, no less than a necklace

٤٨. وَسُلطاننا المَحمود إِنسان عَينِهم
تَحلّى بِعقد الملكِ ناهيكَ مِن عقدِ

49. King of the kings of the world, his rule remains
Eternally with permanence, the firmest extended

٤٩. مَليك مُلوكِ الأَرضِ لا زالَ مُلكهُ
مَدى الدّهرِ بِالتّأبيدِ أَثبت مُمتَدِّ

50. He honoured with the good thought with appropriateness
That gallant man with subsidy

٥٠. تَكَرَّمَ إِحساناً بِصائِبِ فِكرَةٍ
عَلى ذَلكَ الشّهمِ العَزيزِ إِلى الرفدِ

51. He gave him what he gave of good state
In which is honour for the nobles and subjugation for the vile

٥١. فَأَولاهُ ما أَولاهُ مِن حُسنِ دَولةٍ
بِها العِزُّ لِلأَشرافِ وَالذلُّ لِلوغدِ

52. It continues with divine support, triumph, and sublimity
And it is praised in horizons with unfurled flags

٥٢. تؤبَّدُ بِالتّوفيقِ وَالنّصرِ وَالعُلى
وَتحمدُ في الآفاقِ مَنشورة البَنْدِ

53. It spreads the shades of justice in every direction
And uproots tyranny and injustice with destruction

٥٣. تَمُدُّ ظِلالَ العَدلِ في كلِّ جانِبٍ
وَتَستَأصِلُ الإِجنافَ وَالجَورَ بِالهدِّ

54. In its white, beautiful days, free of passion
The subjects fast with sincere intention and aim

٥٤. بِأَيّامِها البيضِ الحِسانِ عَنِ الهَوى
َتَصومُ الرّعايا مُخلِصي العَزمِ وَالقَصدِ

55. So O Master whom I am his servant
To you belongs the highest honour for one such as me, a servant

٥٥. فَيا أَيّها المَولى الّذي أَنا عَبدُهُ
بِكَ الشّرف الأَعلى لِمثلِيَ ِمن عبدِ

56. And O You of noble traits, if I attempted to count them
Mere enumeration falls short of counting

٥٦. وَيا ذا الصِّفاتِ الغرِّ لَو رُمت عَدَّها
مُجرّدُ تعدادٍ عَجزتُ عَنِ العدِّ

57. And O You who if we attempt to describe
We perfume mouths with musk and aloes wood

٥٧. وَيا مَن إِذا رُمْنا نَفوهُ بِذِكرِهِ
نبخِّرُ لِلأفواهِ بِالمِسكِ والنَّدِّ

58. Congratulations on what you have been given, Jadhlān by name
From you overflows goodwill on the cheek of humanity

٥٨. تَهَنَّأ بِما أوتيتَ جَذلان باسِماً
وَمِنكَ يَسيلُ البشرُ مِن صَفحَةِ الخدِّ

59. You were blessed with it, soul and historian pleased
And this position of glory and bliss is pleasing

٥٩. وَطِبت بِهِ نَفساً وَسرّ مؤرخ
وَطابَ فَهذا مَنصبُ المَجدِ وَالسّعدِ

60. I came congratulating, may God open
I hoped for good omens from the place of praise

٦٠. وَإنّيَ فَتح اللَّه جِئت مهنّئاً
تَفاءل بِحُسن الفَتح من منزلِ الحَمدِ

61. And after my joy with what you attained, it requires
That I remember you, and with you it may avail

٦١. وَبعدَ سُروري بِالّذي نلت يقتضي
عَليّ لَكَ الذّكرى وَعِندكَ قَد تُجدي

62. Upon you is God-consciousness at every glance
And in all you conceal and all you reveal

٦٢. عَلَيكَ بِتَقوى اللَّهِ في كلِّ لَمحَةٍ
وَفي كلِّ ما تُخفي وَفي كلِّ ما تُبدي

63. And gentleness to God's creation from every being
Your patron, he who commands, and it is righteousness

٦٣. وَرفق بِخَلقِ اللَّهِ مِن كلِّ كائِنٍ
فِداكَ ملاكُ الأَمرِ وَهوَ مِنَ الرّشدِ

64. And here O brother of the heights, is an unsullied ode
Beautiful, finely sculpted in stature

٦٤. وَهاكَ أَخا العَلياءِ بِكراً خَريدةً
مُهَفّفة حَسناء مَمشوقَة القَدِّ

65. Its waters of beauty surge in the flow of its verse
And its pearls of meaning as beauty in roses

٦٥. تَموجُ مِياه الحسنِ في سمطِ نَظمِها
وَدُرّ مَعانيها كَما الحُسن في الوردِ

66. Constructed by a night the mind imaged its body
And praising you was the spirit O joy of glory

٦٦. بُنيّة لَيل صَوّر الفكر جِسمَها
وَمَدحك كانَ الروح يا بَهجَةَ المَجدِ

67. It came to your court hoping for acceptance
Hoping not to be dismissed with rejection

٦٧. أَتَتكَ إِلى الأَعتابِ تَرجو قَبولها
مُؤَمِّلةً أَن لا تعاملَ بِالطردِ

68. Remain in God's safety in excellent lineage
It serves the heights loyally as one affectionate

٦٨. وَدُم في أَمانِ اللَّهِ في حُسنِ سؤددٍ
لَهُ تَخدم العَلياء خِدمة ذي ودِّ

69. In a state of honour in perpetual bliss
Upon excellent guidance and pleasant living

٦٩. بِدَولَةِ عِزٍّ في سُرورٍ مؤبّد
عَلى حُسنِ تَوفيق وَفي العيشَةِ الرّغدِ

70. For as long as time blew a breeze and scented
With a scent like musk, aloes wood, and basil

٧٠. مَدى الدّهرِ ما هبّت نَسيم وَطيَّبت
بِطيبٍ كَطيبِ المِسكِ وَالعودِ والرّندِ

71. For as long as the warbler trilled and sang
For as long as a planet beamed and guided with its light

٧١. وَما سَجَعَت وَرقاء صَدحاً وَغَرّدت
وَما كَوكبٌ يَزهو وَفي نورِهِ يَهدي

72. And as long as I told the bearer of good news
You were granted the bearer of good news with good and seriousness

٧٢. وَما لِبَشيرِ الخَيرِ قلتُ مُخاطِباً
منحتَ بَشيرَ الخَيرِ بِالخَيرِ والجدِّ