
In love, I have tended my saplings,

أنا في المحبة قد أطبت غراسي

1. In love, I have tended my saplings,
And in it, separation has confused my senses.

١. أَنا في المَحَبَّةِ قَد أَطَبت غِراسي
وَبِها البُعادُ لَقَد أَضاعَ حَواسي

2. O you whose smoothness surpasses a goblet's daughter!
I swear by your tall, straight figure,

٢. يا مَن لَماهُ يَفوقُ بِنتَ الكاسِ
قَسَماً بِأَهيفِ قدِّك الميّاسِ

3. And the roses of your cheek, and the languishing gazelles,
And your brow, possessing beauty and splendor,

٣. وَورودِ خدِّكَ والعِذارِ الآسي
وَجَبينكَ الحاوي المَحاسِنَ وَالبها

4. And your love - when the yearning complain of it -
And your glances that hunt with them the glances,

٤. وَهَواكَ إذ عنه المتيَّم ما لها
ولِحاظِك اللّاتي تَصيدُ بِها المَها

5. And your enchanting beauty, lords of prohibition,
You are nothing but temptation for people.

٥. وَجمالِكَ الفتّانِ أَرباب النّهى
ما أَنتَ إِلّا فِتنَةٌ لِلنّاسِ

6. Leave off blaming me, O censurers, for my passion,
And the youths' ardour melts me with its love.

٦. خَلّوا العَواذِلَ في الغَرامِ تعيبُني
وَلَظى الصبابةِ في هَواهُ يذيبني

7. O you whose harshness strikes my eyelids,
I complain to you of my youth, so answer me!

٧. يا مَنْ بأسهُمِ مُقلتَيْهِ يُصيبُني
أَشكو إِلَيكَ صَبابَتي فَتُجيبُني

8. Die in love, extinguished of breath.
I am a lover whom desire has perfected its craft,

٨. مُتْ في المحبّةِ خامِدَ الأنفاسِ
أَنا مُغرَمٌ صارَ التّصابي فنَّهُ

9. And I have become a slave of the beloved and his fidelity.
Do you forbid me, O lord of the kingdom and its prince,

٩. وَغدَوتُ مَملوكَ الحبيبِ وقِنَّهُ
أَتَصدُّني يا ذا المملّك واِبنَه

10. And say: "Do you not know that
it is agony to love the sons of kings?"

١٠. وتقولُ أفَلا علمتَ بأَنَّهُ
مِن حبِّ أَولادِ المُلوكِ يُقاسي

11. How can I be saved from love's harm and its pain?
Who will guide me to the beloved and joining him?

١١. كَيفَ الخَلاصُ مِنَ العَذولِ وعَذلِهِ
مَنْ ذا يُدِلُّ على الحَبيبِ وَوَصلِهِ

12. Do you not see me estranged from my family and people
For the one I was content to be estranged for?

١٢. أَفَلا تَرى متغرِّباً عن أهلِهِ
يا مَنْ رضيتُ تغرُّبي من أجلِهِ

13. So that he might be gentle with me, my tough heart.
My heart is torn and shattered,

١٣. لِيَرِقَّ لي منهُ الفُوادُ القاسي
القَلبُ بين تقطُّعٍ وَتَفتُّتِ

14. And love is not dealing with me kindly.
O my migrator! And in separation is my demise.

١٤. وَالحبّ لَيسَ معاملاً لي بالّتي
يا هاجِري والهَجرُ فيه مَنِيَّتي

15. Be earnest in union, for long have I suffered my fragmentation,
And the separation from my homelands and people.

١٥. جُدْ بالوِصالِ فقد أطلْتُ تشتُّتي
وفِراقَ أَوطاني وَبُعدَ أُناسي