
The heights were not denied your blessed arrival

إن المعالي لا حرمت حلولها

1. The heights were not denied your blessed arrival
A tower with your fortune when you came to be honored

١. إِنّ المَعالِيَ لا حُرِمتَ حُلولَها
بُرجٌ بِسَعدِكَ إِذ حللتَ تَشرّفا

2. Serving you, O lion of glories, it drew from you
Beauty, pride, and purity

٢. خَدمَتكَ يا شِبلَ الأماجِد فَاِكتَسَتْ
مِنكَ المَحاسنَ والمفاخرَ والصّفا

3. And through you it rose above the throne of leadership
Above the galaxy, rising and overlooking

٣. وَبِكَ اِستَوت مِن فَوقِ عَرشِ سِيادَةٍ
فَوقَ المَجرَّةِ قَد أَطلَّ وَأَشرَفا

4. It chose you out of love and selected you for itself
Until I saw you as the chosen one of the heights

٤. صافَتكَ وُدّاً وَاِصطَفَتكَ لِنَفسِها
حتّى رَأَيتُكَ لِلمَعالي مُصطفى